Cell phones

How to extend battery life on Android: ways to increase battery life and optimize power savings

How to extend battery life on Android: ways to increase battery life and optimize power savings

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to figure out how to keep the battery on Android longer and make it as painless as possible for both the gadget itself and its owner. Consider the most effective tools for the implementation of this enterprise. To begin with, we will talk about the regular capabilities of the platform, and then we will analyze third-party applications to save battery power on Android

How to hide a number on Android: methods, utilities

How to hide a number on Android: methods, utilities

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to figure out how to hide the number on Android, what steps you need to take to do this and make it as painless as possible for both the user and his smartphone. First, consider the option with standard functionality, and then - third-party programs

How to download a ringtone to a smartphone?

How to download a ringtone to a smartphone?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

You bought yourself a new phone and are wondering what ringtone to put on the call? Standard sounds are no longer in vogue, besides, you can set your favorite song or something fun as a ringtone - technology allows. This will cheer you up every time someone calls, and maybe others around you. But how to download a ringtone to your phone? Now let's figure it out

How to change the keyboard on Android: step by step instructions

How to change the keyboard on Android: step by step instructions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to figure out how to change the keyboard on android and do it as painlessly as possible for both the platform and the user himself. The methods described below are relevant for all versions of this platform

Determining the choice of a white or black iPhone

Determining the choice of a white or black iPhone

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

For very obvious reasons, users often cannot decide on the color palette of their future device. Based on this article, smartphone owners can choose one color or another, as well as consider other color options for a specific iPhone model

Why does Wi-Fi turn off on my phone? Causes and Solutions

Why does Wi-Fi turn off on my phone? Causes and Solutions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The presence of a router is no longer a luxury, but commonplace. But every user sooner or later faces a problem when Wi-Fi is turned off on the phone. Why is this happening? Is this a technical problem or just carelessness in use? The article will talk about the main types of errors and how to fix them

How to update MIUI on your phone - instructions, tips

How to update MIUI on your phone - instructions, tips

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Xiaomi has launched its new device into the competitive market. Years of support for native devices is sometimes a big plus for MIUI, especially given the collaboration with Google. Every happy owner of a Xiaomi phone will certainly want to install an updated version of the program on it

How to turn on the flash when calling on "Android" and iOS?

How to turn on the flash when calling on "Android" and iOS?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to figure out how to turn on the flash when calling on Android and iOS, and do it as painlessly as possible for both the smartphone itself and the user. Let's analyze the main regular functionality responsible for this process (if any), and third-party tools

How to disable autorun applications on Android: methods and recommendations

How to disable autorun applications on Android: methods and recommendations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

There can be many reasons for performance degradation, but the most likely and common, as a rule, is only one - the work of third-party programs in the background. That is, such applications are launched automatically at system startup and load the processor with RAM, thereby directly affecting the speed of the device

The coolest apps for Android

The coolest apps for Android

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

We present to your attention a list of the coolest applications for Android, which have distinguished themselves for their quality component, as well as high performance, along with a large number of positive reviews from users

How to make the phone louder ("Android") using the engineering code?

How to make the phone louder ("Android") using the engineering code?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Often there are cases when in a purchased iPhone or "Android" device you are pleased with fancy functions, a large amount of memory and a stylish design, but the quiet sound of your favorite songs is not at all inspiring. Then tricky and useful recommendations on how to make your phone louder in a matter of minutes will come to the rescue

Review of the mobile phone "Motorola S200"

Review of the mobile phone "Motorola S200"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The hero of today's review is a simple Motorola S200 phone. It is a legend in its own way. Surprisingly, even now, if you insert a SIM card into it, it will work. Such a quality deserves to be nostalgic today

How to set up the Internet on Megafon? Difficult is solved simply

How to set up the Internet on Megafon? Difficult is solved simply

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

This article describes how to set up the Internet on Megafon. Practical recommendations for the implementation of this procedure are given. A list of recommended software that will be useful in its implementation is indicated

What is the cheapest phone? Overview of the best models and reviews

What is the cheapest phone? Overview of the best models and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

With every year and the next update of the gadget line, the range of phone functions increases. If earlier it was used as a "dialer", now it replaces some computers. Regardless of the cost, the functionality is almost the same, so let's find out which is the cheapest phone

How to download movies to iPad? Ways

How to download movies to iPad? Ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Today we will tell you how to download a movie to iPad from the Internet. On this device, it is convenient to view not only photos, but also films or video clips. This device is controlled by the iOS operating system. The above instructions can be considered universal in many respects, since it is also suitable for other Apple developments, including the iPod and iPhone

How to enter iPhone into DFU mode, how to exit it

How to enter iPhone into DFU mode, how to exit it

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

How to enter iPhone into DFU mode with three different ways to get out of this mode. How to Connect DFU to AppleTV

Which phone is better to buy for work and leisure?

Which phone is better to buy for work and leisure?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Have you decided to buy yourself a new cell phone? But can't make up your mind? Then this article is for you

Choosing useful apps for Android

Choosing useful apps for Android

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Buying any device, we get the property of a "raw" device, which must be equipped with various programs and applications in order to fully experience its power and functionality. Consider, for example, what are the useful applications for Android

How do they find lost phones on their own and law enforcement agencies

How do they find lost phones on their own and law enforcement agencies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Losing a phone is not uncommon. Whether it's forgetfulness or a deliberate theft of property, you always need to know how to find it. How to find lost phones, and how to do it yourself, everyone who wants to warn himself should know

How to choose a cell phone for pensioners?

How to choose a cell phone for pensioners?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

To take care of their elderly parents, children often give them cell phones for communication. But if earlier these were outdated models that they themselves did not need, then today you can find a special phone for pensioners on the market, and more than one. It remains only to choose the best of them

How to hide a number on MTS?

How to hide a number on MTS?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Using a hidden number has become quite popular lately. To connect such a service, people are guided by various reasons, and now you will learn how to hide the number on MTS

What can be done from an old mobile phone: a couple of original ideas

What can be done from an old mobile phone: a couple of original ideas

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

No matter how good and high-quality any product is, over time it inevitably breaks, and often in such a way that it is impossible to restore it. And sometimes it happens that in honor of a birthday (or just for no reason) you get a novelty as a gift, and then you puzzle over what use to find an old, but quite suitable thing. Just throwing away is a pity, but storing without use is not interesting

How to cut a SIM card for an iPhone without damage

How to cut a SIM card for an iPhone without damage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you have a new phone model, for example, iPhone 5 from Apple, then it will require a SIM card of a new standard. The stripped-down micro-SIM cards used in iPhones are smaller and thinner than the standard SIM cards for regular phones. But it turns out that making such a card on your own is not so difficult. And now I will tell you how to make a SIM card for an iPhone from a regular card

What to do if the phone does not see the SIM card?

What to do if the phone does not see the SIM card?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

It often happens that the phone does not see the SIM card. For what reason is this happening? What should be done in such a situation, is it always necessary to run to a service center?

How to connect the Internet on "Megafon" yourself?

How to connect the Internet on "Megafon" yourself?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

How to connect the Internet on Megafon, many already know, but if you have such a question, then, following some instructions, you can do it yourself

IPhone from America - it's possible

IPhone from America - it's possible

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Quite often you can see questions from Internet users about whether it is possible to use an iPhone from America with us? Will a gadget purchased in the US on a contract be able to unlock and work normally? And most importantly, how to buy a phone in the US? You will learn about all this from this article

Touch phones "Nokia" - modernity and quality

Touch phones "Nokia" - modernity and quality

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Touch screen phones are very popular these days. And not in vain, because these devices are comfortable and, importantly, stylish and beautiful. They have a modern design and in most cases even more modern and powerful stuffing

Basic tips on what to call

Basic tips on what to call

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Since mobile phones have become an integral part of every person's life today, for most of their owners, the question of what to put on the call has become relevant so that it is pleasant to the ear and attracts the attention of others. Need this information? It can be found in the article

Let's try to determine which mobile Internet is better

Let's try to determine which mobile Internet is better

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The number of mobile Internet users is steadily growing. And each new user thinks about which operator to connect to, whose USB modem to buy. To be honest, the question is rather complicated, even in Moscow and the region. Although there are not so many options, it is difficult to make a choice. Let's try to figure out which mobile Internet is better

Best big screen phone: review of models and reviews of manufacturers

Best big screen phone: review of models and reviews of manufacturers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to understand this issue and identify the best push-button phones with a large screen, which are distinguished by their quality component and deserve positive consumer reviews

"Nokia 6700 Classic": review of characteristics, comparison with analogues and customer reviews

"Nokia 6700 Classic": review of characteristics, comparison with analogues and customer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Now we will describe in detail the phone "Nokia 6700 Classic", which is undoubtedly worthy of attention. The manufacturer plans to replace the 6300 model with this device. It should be noted that the functionality of our “hero” is much richer

Smartphone MTS 982T: review and owner reviews

Smartphone MTS 982T: review and owner reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Mobile phones from carriers are often very successful. Whether the MTS 982T smartphone is such, we can find out if we test it. Details below

The history of telephones: the emergence and development

The history of telephones: the emergence and development

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Telephone - a device familiar to a modern person in everyday life - has an interesting history. How were the first phones made? How were cellular communication standards developed and implemented?

The evolution of phones in photos

The evolution of phones in photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

For all those who are not alien to nostalgia and who are ready to go on a journey through time - a brief overview of the history of the development of mobile devices. The evolution of phones, key gadgets and future prospects

Philips W632 review and reviews

Philips W632 review and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The Philips W632 smartphone was released back in 2011, by the standards of mobile technology, and the manufacturer itself was initially positioned as an entry-level solution with an acceptable cost and one of the best degrees of autonomy at that time

"Le Eco" smartphone: review and model specifications

"Le Eco" smartphone: review and model specifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Let's try to figure out why there is so much noise around the brand and its gadgets and whether it is worth buying a brand new smartphone from Le Eco at all

Where can I get a reliable phone in a metal case?

Where can I get a reliable phone in a metal case?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A phone in a metal case is not such a big rarity today. The ancestor of this series of devices is the Finnish company Nokia. She was the first to release a mobile phone in this version

"Alcatel Idol 3" owner reviews

"Alcatel Idol 3" owner reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

We invite you to read the reviews of the owners of a high-quality smartphone Alcatel Onetouch Idol 3. The gadget has a relatively low price, a good screen and promising technical characteristics

Smart Sprint 4G - a smartphone from MTS: review, specifications and reviews

Smart Sprint 4G - a smartphone from MTS: review, specifications and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Not everyone can afford an expensive smartphone. And the developers went to meet users, starting to produce budget devices with support for LTE networks. The product from MTS Smart Sprint is deservedly considered one of the best budget smartphones that provide the ability to work in 4G networks. We will talk about it today

Smartphone IUNI U3: description, specifications, reviews

Smartphone IUNI U3: description, specifications, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

This article will allow you to get acquainted in detail with the advanced smartphone IUNI U3, which has a 2K display, as well as evaluate it, guided by the reviews of the owners