Production of various types of instructions

Production of various types of instructions
Production of various types of instructions

Instruction is a guide or collection of rules, actions, purpose of a case, or a description of the methods and order of doing something, for example, taking a medicine. Instructions are different not only in their appearance, but also in content, respectively, and the production of instructions is carried out in different ways.

General view of instructions

According to the description or set of rules, the production of instructions can be performed in three versions.

  1. Booklet. Instructions in the form of a folded A3 or A4 sheet with two folds. In terms of content, a booklet instruction should have the maximum amount of information, so when ordering a large amount of instructions, this space may not be enough.
  2. Brochure. Manual with printed information from four to forty-eight pages, usually A5 format. The entire range of recommended actions can be described in the brochure, from the assignment of buttons, if this is an instruction for a technique, to a description of methods of working with the device or a manual for its repair.
  3. Leaflet. Production of instructions in the form of leafletsbe performed both unilaterally and bilaterally. They may contain a color type of printing, or they may be strictly black and white. Instructions in the form of leaflets are often seen on medication packages.

Manufacture instruction manual

The printers place high demands on the production of any manual. The production of operating instructions describes the procedure for use, measures for the safe use of the product and information on warranty obligations.

production of operating instructions
production of operating instructions

These documents go through several stages during production.

  • Translation of the declared text, if the operated device is made abroad.
  • The layout of the instruction is carried out by the designer in strict order in accordance with the rules for the manual, and according to a certain layout.
  • The print run is carried out as part of the order and can be done in any format and in any quantity.
  • Post-print processing allows you to bring the production of instructions to the final stage. This cuts the paper according to the specified size, paginates the material, and binds or binds the instructions with springs or staples.

Production of instructions for medicines

Manufacture of instructions for medicines is carried out in a strict form, without the content of drawings, in rare cases, the use of tables or color logos is acceptable. The guide offers a description, dosage, order of use and side effects of the drug. Font forof such instructions is selected in accordance with the size of the future size of the leaflet and should be as simple as possible in visual perception. It is acceptable to use a small value font if the manual has a large amount of text.

production of instructions for medicines
production of instructions for medicines

Instructions for medicines can be in the form of a folding form or be in the form of an "accordion". Therefore, the task of the designer when laying out the document is to correctly determine the places of the folds of the manual and, in accordance with the wishes of the client, build detailed information on the medicinal product. The prescription for medicinal products is executed on thin or newsprint white paper without textures and patterns. The color palette in the production of such leaflets is usually black, but blue or red can be used, provided that the text on the entire manual is written completely in one tone. When printing, offset printing is selected if the instruction is black and white, and digital if another color is selected.

Assembly and instructions

The production of assembly instructions is distinguished by the presence of diagrams and a listing of the sequence of actions when installing different parts of the product. These manuals may use color photographs of product details or assembly process.

production of assembly instructions
production of assembly instructions

For assembly instructions, it is preferable to select a bound type of printing, but it is also possible to use one sheet of paper divided into pages. Printing methods are performed in both color andblack and white performance. Assembly instructions are needed for any type of product where you need to correctly fold the parts together. Many products can be accompanied by such instructions: from toys to sophisticated equipment.

Production of job descriptions

The production of labor protection instructions differs by type of profession and place of work of the performer, so there is no single style in the production of such manuals. The print shop designer may advise printing the document either as a booklet or on A4 sheets stapled together.

preparation of labor protection instructions
preparation of labor protection instructions

These instructions specify the behavior of the worker in the workplace, safety measures and actions in the event of an accident or equipment failure.

Requirements for the production of instructions in the printing house

When ordering the printing of instructions in the printing house, a single block of requirements is presented. To calculate the cost of the order, you need to know the following points:

  • Number of copies or circulation.
  • Format of the future instruction.
  • Paper weight and appearance.
  • The presence of colored parts on the instructions.
  • Need for pre- or post-processing.
production of instructions
production of instructions

Layouts may be required when printing large instructions. They must be in PDF format with correctly arranged photos or illustrations. Many printers can accept information without a layout and do it themselves for an additional fee.