Creating and promoting a landing page on your own: step by step instructions

Creating and promoting a landing page on your own: step by step instructions
Creating and promoting a landing page on your own: step by step instructions

Landing Page (landing) is a site, most often consisting of one page, positioned as a high converting or selling well. A landing page can consist of several pages, but in the classical sense it is a one-page resource. This is precisely the feature of landing promotion. A one-page site is designed to influence basic human instincts, push the user to perform motivated actions: dial a number, click, place an order, buy a product at the moment.

landing page promotion
landing page promotion

Landings are an integral part of advertising campaigns for a specific product or offer with a "hot" price, and are also used to attract the target audience from contextual advertising sources "Google Adwords", "Yandex. Direct", social networks and mailing lists.

What is this?

Landing Page is an independent page that promotes:

  • distribution of a particular service or product;
  • formation of the subscription base.

When forming a landing page, you should use various impact triggers that will “warm up” the user toquick decision-making (making a purchase, entering information to receive a bonus, studying a course, watching a webinar, etc.).

landing page promotion
landing page promotion

From the user's point of view Landing Page is the page on which he gets after clicking on the image, informer, advertisement and so on. A landing page is completely different from an online store, because for the implementation of a specific product or promotion, its own page is designed using various impact triggers.

Varieties of landing page

  • Independent. This is the most common type of one-page site. Its key task is to encourage the user to purchase a product / service or take any other step recommended by the resource.
  • Microsite. This is a site (most often separate from the main one) with a maximum of 5 pages, including information about a product or service.
  • Main portal. One or more resource pages are used as a landing page.
  • Lendo site. It is a portal composed entirely of independent landing pages.

Ways to create a Landing Page

Landing can be done in several ways:

Free generators and templates. To date, the Internet presents a huge number of different designers and templates, with which you can easily create any landing page. The most famous landing page creation and promotion service is LPgenerator. This wayideal for organizations that are on a budget but have design and marketing experts on staff

creation and promotion of a landing page
creation and promotion of a landing page
  • Help from professionals. The task of creating and SEO promotion of a landing page can be delegated. For example, order content from a copywriter, design from a designer, and integration with the engine from a software developer. At the same time, the company must have a marketer capable of monitoring the project at all its stages. The advantages of this method include, first of all, low cost and excellent results, since each stage will be performed by a professional. The disadvantages include the high risk of incorrect selection of experts.
  • Specialized agencies. This method of creating a landing page involves contacting an organization that will take on all the tasks: studying competitors, selecting a concept, compiling an advertising campaign, settling all integration tasks and implementing the project. The customer will only need to fill out a development brief, and the organization will create and promote the landing on a turnkey basis. The advantages of cooperation with the agency include efficiency and time savings, while the disadvantages are the relatively high cost.
  • Staff who will be responsible for the design and promotion of the landing page. This is a very costly, but at the same time effective way. Our own team of copywriter, designer, software developer and marketer will be able to fully implement and promote the project.

Can I design a Landing Page myself

It is quite possible to create a landing page on your own, for this you need to have some knowledge in the field of web development, analytics and design. However, if there are no such skills, then you can resort to the help of special services (they were mentioned above), which offer ready-made templates, where all that remains is to enter the text and set up hosting and domain.

ceo landing page promotion
ceo landing page promotion

Creating a landing page on your own can save time and money. You can find sources on the Internet with templates on various topics, with a set of quick installation guides and software that allows you to make corrections.

Is it possible to make a landing page for free

As interest in the landing page grows day by day, the creators also do not stand still, offering users fresh ideas and tools based on templates. List of free resources:

  • You can create a landing page on the website after a simple registration process.
  • Using Adobe Photoshop software.
  • Use the KompoZer constructor.

The last option is best suited for those who have only minimal skills in this area and do not want to waste time learning complex programming systems. In addition, you can take advantage of the free trial period of the popular and wPPage constructors.

Landing Optimization

Landing development is only part of success, it is important to get it rightoptimize. One-page resources have one, but quite a significant drawback - they are very difficult to detect by search engines. Full-fledged sites have unique headers, a coherent structure with information about the volume of pages, competent linking and more.

landing page promotion independently step by step instructions
landing page promotion independently step by step instructions

The one-page structure does not allow performing high-quality internal optimization in the usual sense, that is, "sharpening" an Internet resource for search engine queries. This problem was solved by Google's layout using JavaScript and the PushState method.

What do you need for this?

To optimize your landing page, do the following:

  • Split the landing into several blocks.
  • Each of them must have its own original indicator, text, name, title and URL.

In other words, the blocks should have the same properties that any individual page of a full-fledged portal has. In this case, the robot will regard the landing page as somewhat unique. Visitors are unlikely to catch this moment, only the most vigilant will notice that in the process of scrolling, the URL and title change in the line. But here it should be understood that in order to carry out these actions, certain knowledge in the field of SEO and layout with JavaScript will be required.

SEO landing page promotion

How to make the created page popular? Landing page promotion in search engines or SEO on your own is a completely doable task, despite the fact that it often happenshear that search engines treat single page sites badly. In fact, it's not quite like that. If the page meets certain conditions and contains the maximum amount of information about the product / service being sold, then you can achieve excellent results in landing page SEO promotion.

landing page seo promotion
landing page seo promotion

Of course, as in any field, there are several "buts". First of all, much will be determined by the competitiveness of the chosen subject. If a promoted product was selected for trading using a landing page, for which there are already a large number of online stores and websites, then even huge budgets will not be able to help promote the landing page.

What should I do?

But these are all features, and if we move on to the landing page promotion strategy, then here everything can be described point by point. So, let's look at the step-by-step instructions for promoting the landing on your own:

  • The basis of a successful Landing Page is content. That is, the product description should contain certain information for the user: details, photos, video review, reviews, and more.
  • Promotion of the landing page with the help of link mass. To upgrade a one-page site, you will need a link mass, which can be purchased on other resources. The number of links will depend on the competitiveness of the product being sold, as well as on the region, the number of competitors in the market, and other things. A great way to make yourself known, as well as get a link mass from other resources, is to place onthem an overview of your item. There are special tools and services for this. Another option (more time-consuming, but at the same time interesting) is to independently search for websites of similar subjects and contact the administrators directly with a wish to place your information on them. Of course, this is done for a fee. In the review, you need to insert several links to the site. If the selected resources are popular, then you can easily get a flow of visitors from them, who can later become customers. This method of promotion is the most successful and natural. You get the so-called eternal links, for which you pay once, while providing the Landing Page with targeted traffic.
landing page creation and promotion
landing page creation and promotion

Alternative option - rental links. Sites put such links only for the period that was paid. Their advantage lies in their affordability, however, serious sanctions can be applied to landing pages for using this method of promotion

Internal Optimization Landing Page

In essence, a landing page is a place where users will get from all sources of attraction: search engines, advertisements, thematic resources, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to optimize it not only for search engines, but also for people. What is needed for this? How not to give in to competitors? You must adhere to the following rules:

  • Quality content, product description, use of infographics.
  • Video reviews.
  • Reviews. ATRecently, their presence has been an important component for visitors.

Be original, write in an accessible and beautiful way, for people, not machines. Don't put your product name in every paragraph - neither people nor search engines like it.

Result and efficiency

So, if you have some knowledge about the landing page, you can create and promote it yourself, for this you just need to use special constructors and ready-made templates. But do not forget that doing it yourself is not always free, and in some cases a small budget can significantly speed up the achievement of results. In addition, landing promotion can be entrusted to a special organization. What to choose is up to you.
