Approval of advertising: procedure. Federal Law on Advertising

Approval of advertising: procedure. Federal Law on Advertising
Approval of advertising: procedure. Federal Law on Advertising

On the street you can often see billboards and advertisements that call for the purchase of a particular product, go to a specific event or visit a shopping center. People look at such billboards, banners, stands and posters every day, but few people really think about the offers seriously. And only if you have your own enterprise, and you want to carry it to the masses, it turns out that placing outdoor advertising is not so easy. Coordination of advertising takes place at various levels, requires the collection of an impressive number of documents and permits, and if you plan to place it on non-private property, then you will also have to compete for a "place in the sun" with others.

advertising approval
advertising approval

In this article we will talk about exactly how advertising is coordinated. We will tell you what you need to do and what chain of actions to go through in order to achieve what you want.


Before considering the process itself, it is necessary to find out why any announcement or message of this kind needs to be agreed upon. The federal advertising law will help you with this, from which you will receive the necessary information. If you don't want to studythe entire text, then this material will help you. Are you directly interested in advertising approval? Then you can skip the first eighteen articles and immediately open article number 19. It talks about outdoor advertising and installation of structures - exactly what you need to get special permission for. This article describes all the details regarding what exactly is meant by outdoor advertising and structures, what they should be, for what purposes they should be used, where such ads are strictly prohibited, and so on.

Agreement Information

However, if you are specifically interested in the approval of advertising, then you should pay special attention to two points - 5.8 and 13. You will find all the necessary information in them. The federal law on advertising describes every moment in as much detail as possible so that no disputes arise during the consideration of a particular case. Thus, if you act in accordance with this law, then you should not have any problems. So, paragraph 5.8 is generally devoted to the approval of the right to place advertising, and it specifically states that the schemes for placing outdoor advertising and structures must be agreed with the authorized executive authorities.

coordination of outdoor advertising
coordination of outdoor advertising

As for paragraph 13, it deals with how exactly the agreement should take place. It offers two options - in the first, the applicant must apply to the local municipal authorities with a package of collecteddocuments so that it is eventually transferred to the authorized bodies, with which the coordination takes place. Another option shortens the path - the applicant can apply with a package of documents directly to the authorized bodies in order to get a decision regarding the placement of his message or announcement. So, now everything is clear with the law - it's time to move on to the difficult and lengthy process of coordinating outdoor advertising, which consists of an impressive number of steps.

Collection of documents

If you are interested in the approval of outdoor advertising, then the first thing you need to do is to collect documents that will allow you to apply for the coveted place. If you contact a special company that handles such cases, you will be consulted on a package of documents that must be submitted to the authorized bodies.

federal advertising law
federal advertising law

However, collecting documents is only the first step, you still have a long way to go. In the near future, you will see that the approval of outdoor advertising is far from the easiest and fastest process, but the result is really worth it to spend your time and effort. Outdoor advertising is a very good sales engine and motivator, so you can significantly increase the number of customers and, consequently, your profits.

Additional documents

There are also additional documents for the approval of advertising, which will be much more difficult for you to collect on your own. The point is that the first packageinclude basic papers, such as confirmation of registration of a company, while the second includes much more specific documents. To place outdoor advertising, you will first need a sketch, which you will need to provide to the authorized bodies. But that's not all - the full list is incredibly wide, so you should definitely consider contacting specialists. After all, you will also need to provide a design project, all materials used, in particular photographic ones, and permissions for their use for commercial purposes. Also, if necessary, you need to provide all possible powers of attorney, applications and letters - you can do it yourself, but cooperation with professionals will allow you to cope with this task faster and much more efficiently. Already at this stage, you will need to take care of filling out all the details, such as, for example, a photo montage of advertising, so that the actually finished project gets to the authorized bodies.

Location determination

Well, now that you already have a complete package of documents, you need to study in detail the procedure for coordinating outdoor advertising. This path begins with determining the place where you want to place your message, announcement or design. What does it matter? The fact is that the order may differ in some cases - if you are going to advertise on private property, then the process will be a little shorter, but if you are planning to advertise on city property, then you will have to makea few extra steps.

advertising approval documents
advertising approval documents

So, you need to start with these additional steps, because after them the process is standardized and looks exactly the same for each of the cases. How does the registration of advertising work?

Competition to install ads

The first place you need to go if you want to coordinate advertising on the facade of a building owned by the city, and not personally to you, is the central advertising committee. It is there that you can request a place for your message, for which, quite possibly, a certain competition will be held. If you manage to win it, then only in this case you will be able to move further in the process of ad approval. If the competition fails to win, then you will have to re-apply for another place. Well, it makes no sense to describe this process again and again - it's time to assume that the competition has already been won, and you are ready to move on to your assigned goal.

outdoor advertising license
outdoor advertising license

Signing the contract

What to do if it was your application that won among the candidates? Coordination of advertising at this moment moves to a new level - all in the same committee you need to sign an agreement stating that it was you and your company who received the right to place a specific advertising message in a specific place. As you can already understand, if we are talking about private property, then the steps described above are not relevant - you do not need to participate in the competition forplace for your advertising and sign an agreement on its use, since this advertising space belongs to you - you are its owner. One way or another, you need to move on to the next item.


The next authority you need to contact is GUP GlavAPU. Simply put, this is a center for the comprehensive improvement of the city, which should give you a conclusion. What is this document? This is a conclusion that will say that you have received permission to carry out certain construction or design work on a particular site. Thus, you will be allowed to install your advertising structure or place a poster, signboard and so on. Naturally, you may not receive this opinion if the mentioned body considers that your advertisment will not meet the norms and standards. You may be rejected if the advertisement is too provocative, disrupts the overall picture, and so on, so you should think through all the smallest details in advance so that there are no difficulties in the future.

coordination of advertising on the facade of the building
coordination of advertising on the facade of the building

Alternative path

However, there is an option in which you will not need to contact the above authority. Unfortunately, this does not mean that you will be able to bypass the bureaucracy - just in some cases you will also have to go through an additional process of producing technical documentation for your advertising structure if it goes beyond certain norms and standards. You can produce technical documentationon your own if you have the appropriate skills and qualifications. Or you can request an examination of your design, so that a professional will take care of this matter. This process has additional costs, but it increases the likelihood that this document will pass further verification, which will be discussed later.

Another version of the agreement

So, if you are not going to GUP GlavAPU, then you need to go to GORINFOR - there information about you will be entered into the general register, but this is just the beginning. After that, it will be necessary to wait for the ad placement to be checked by a special inspection, which should issue a technical opinion, which will describe the compliance of your ad placement with the design that you plan to use. You will receive all the necessary technical passports and permits, which will be valid for one year - in fact, as well as the documents that you would receive if you followed the path described above.

advertising approval statement
advertising approval statement

Single Window

Well, the end of this long and difficult road is approaching. When you have received all the necessary permissions, you need to contact the Single Window of the Committee for Advertising and Information. All the documents that you have in your hands, you need to transfer there, after which there is another waiting period. But you can relax - this is the last stage, after which you can start directly installing outdoor advertising.

Get permission

The Single Window is the last placeyou will have to apply. When all documentation submitted by you has been processed, you will receive final permission to install a special structure or place your message or announcement in a specific location. This outdoor advertising permit allows you, in accordance with plans and sketches, to use your chosen location as advertising space. Further work already depends solely on you. However, please note that you will need to follow all the technical documentation that was considered in the negotiation and decision process for your case. If you decide to deviate from the plan, this may entail negative consequences - all deviations must be declared to the appropriate authorities, it is strongly not recommended to make decisions on your own. Otherwise, all the work done may be in vain. If you follow all the rules, you will be able to attract new customers with the help of an effective outdoor advertising tool used by the largest companies around the world.