How to pay for a telecard via the Internet

How to pay for a telecard via the Internet
How to pay for a telecard via the Internet

Satellite TV has always been very popular, as thanks to it it becomes possible to watch hundreds of domestic and foreign channels. However, not everyone knows how to pay for a telecard. Fortunately, today there are many ways through which you can deposit money into the account of a company providing such services without leaving your home.

how to pay telecard
how to pay telecard

On site

Internet payment is the most convenient for users. That is why you can deposit the required amount of money directly on the website of the satellite company. To do this, it is enough to know the data for entering your personal account (usually they are indicated in the contract).

To figure out how to pay for a telecard, you need to go to the site and find the "Payments" tab there. Typically, companies use two built-in services for such manipulations (Uniteller or Chronopay). Most often, payment is made through a bank card or through popular payment systems.

Through Sberbank

According to statistics, most people are clients of this particular bank. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in how to pay for a telecardthrough Sberbank. Everything is extremely simple. For this you need:

  • Go to the official website of the bank and go to your personal account.
  • In the main menu, select "Payments and transfers".
  • In the next section, click "Payment for services" and go to "Television and Internet".
  • Find a service provider. To do this, you can use a special search line, in which you just need to enter the word "Telecard" or find a company by name in the general list.
  • If several service providers with the same name are found during the search, the user will be asked to fill out a special form, which indicates the contract number (must be entered in the line of the personal account).
  • After the form is completed, click on "Continue". The system will have to send a short code to the phone. After entering it, information will appear on the screen confirming that the payment was made correctly.
how to pay for a telecard through sberbank
how to pay for a telecard through sberbank

After that, it is recommended to save the data in a template so that you do not have to look for a service provider with each operation. Also, if necessary, you can print a receipt. In addition, some users activate the "Autopayment" service, thanks to which money will be withdrawn from the card automatically on a monthly basis.

You can also pay for the telecard via the Internet and in other ways.

With the help of payment services

Today, almost every person has his own wallet of one of the payment systems ("Yandex", "Kiwi" or Webmoney). Thanks to theseresources you can instantly pay for the Internet and the services of satellite companies. How to pay for a telecard in this way? Very simple:

  • Through Yandex. Money. In this case, you must first create a wallet and confirm your personal data. After that, it will be possible to link any bank card to the profile. This procedure usually takes a few seconds. At the next stage, you need to go to the "Products and Services" section and select "Television" there. After that, a list of all companies whose services can be paid through this system will automatically appear.
  • Through Webmoney. In this service, you also need to register and go to the payment for services section. Next, you need to find the name of the desired company and transfer funds, confirming the operation by phone. In this case, the system commission will be withheld, which will be about 0.8% of the total payment amount.
pay for a telecard via the Internet
pay for a telecard via the Internet

Via terminal

Sometimes there is no internet connection. How to pay for a telecard in this situation? To do this, just go to the nearest store, where there is a terminal for paying for cellular services. Usually such machines are installed in all shopping centers.

To transfer money, just find the “Satellite TV” section on the screen, find a company and deposit money.