Does not show IPTV Player: possible causes of the problem. Installing and configuring IPTV Player

Does not show IPTV Player: possible causes of the problem. Installing and configuring IPTV Player
Does not show IPTV Player: possible causes of the problem. Installing and configuring IPTV Player

To watch Internet TV, using the most modern technologies, many users install a popular application on their computers in the form of a software player (receiver) IPTV Player. But sometimes there is a problem that the program does not show channels in IP-TV Player. It also happens that there is sound, but the image is missing or is received with distortion. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to eliminate possible failures, it will be shown further.

Does not show IPTV Player: possible causes of the problem

There can be quite a few problems with using this software. And they can relate, oddly enough, to a variety of situations that are in no way connected with each other.

does not show iptv player
does not show iptv player

But why doesn't IPTV Player show? Among all the reasons thatmeet today, the most basic are the following:

  • program blocked by system protection and anti-virus software;
  • DirectX platform version does not meet the stated requirements;
  • player has incorrect graphics settings;
  • The network protocol parameters are set incorrectly in the system;
  • support for IGMP traffic is not enabled;
  • ISP bandwidth issues.

Why does not show IPTV Player: antivirus and firewall

Protection installed in the system, as practice shows, can block this software package. Does not show IPTV Player sometimes for this reason.

why does not show iptv player
why does not show iptv player

How to get rid of this problem? For starters, you should try to completely disable protection. For antivirus, you can use at least a minimum interval, for example, ten minutes, and turn off the firewall altogether. Then you can see what exactly causes the problem.

iptv player does not show rostelecom
iptv player does not show rostelecom

If the IPTV Player does not show due to the firewall, in its settings, using administrative templates, you need to create a new rule for the application, and then add the desired program to the list of exceptions. To do this, at the final stage, you will need to specify the location of the main executable file of the EXE format. In the antivirus, you will have to set in the exceptions either the resource of the provider, or the site of the program itself, or the address from which television is broadcast.programs.

DirectX Issues

It also happens that the IPTV Player does not show well (the picture is displayed with noise or there is no image at all) due to the fault of an incorrectly installed or updated DirectX platform. It is better to reinstall it completely, after downloading the latest version from the official Microsoft resource or using the web installer for this.

iptv player not showing well
iptv player not showing well

However, if the user is absolutely sure that he has the latest DirectX modification installed, in the advanced settings of the player, when setting up the video, go to the "Advanced" tab, check the box on the line for displaying all settings and select the option to enable OpenGL instead of Direct3D.

Network settings in the player and on the computer

In some cases, there may be another reason why the IPTV Player does not show. Rostelecom is a prime example of this. Apparently, the problem is that for one of the available network interfaces in the player settings, the priority is not set.

Installing and configuring IP-TV Player in such a situation comes down to entering the main parameters menu and selecting the network interface section there (the IP address of the network card will be shown). If the system has several adapters (Wi-Fi, Ethernet), you need to select the one that is currently used by the system, and not use automatic detection.

does not show iptv player possible causes of the problem
does not show iptv player possible causes of the problem

If IPTV Player doesn't show after that,in the networking and sharing section, check the network adapter settings. In particular, this applies to the IPv4 protocol. Here you need to click the “Advanced” button on the general settings tab, and in the next window, deactivate the line for automatically assigning a metric, and then enter a unit as the current value in the field just below (this will mean the highest priority for the protocol). It is also worth paying attention to the use of the parameters of the main gateway in the remote network. If this setting is active, uncheck it.

User settings in the system registry

Finally, if IPTV Player does not show even with these settings, the reason for its inoperability may be that IGMP support is not enabled in the system. First you need to find out the IP address of the VPN client.

does not show channels in ip tv player
does not show channels in ip tv player

Next, to correct the situation, you need to call the system registry editor (regedit in the Run console), go to the HKLM branch and the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet directories and go to the Parameters directory, which contains the Interfaces section. Next, you need to find a line with an IP address that matches the value determined in the first stage, add a REG_DWORD parameter with the name TypeOfInterface to it and assign it a value of 2. Next, you just need to restart the VPN router and the problem should disappear.

installation and configuration of ip tv player
installation and configuration of ip tv player

To be sure, in the same Tcpip\Parameters section, create a new DWORD parameter, name it IGMPVersion, and then inset the current value to 3 in its editing window. Then simply press the “OK” button and restart the terminal.

Problems on the provider's side

But everything that was described above refers solely to problems on the part of the user. But sometimes the reason for such behavior of the player may not depend on the user system.

In terms of ISP situations, the most common problem is the restriction of Internet traffic (this is especially true when using ADSL modems). But if anyone does not know, for the normal operation of IPTV Player, the minimum requirements are such that the Internet connection speed should not be lower than 6 Mbps (and this is even without watching channels in HD quality).

In addition, on standard equipment, the provider does not always prescribe the permission to use IGMP traffic, and with normal default settings, such support is disabled. Therefore, the solution may be to contact the appropriate service with a request to enable IGMP Multicast. In the case of using ADSL routers, you will additionally need to create a Bridge connection with configurable PVC parameters.

A final word

These were just the main and most common problems. Sometimes, as user reviews testify, running the program in compatibility mode with the XP version of Windows can help (this applies to Windows 7, which, for its own reasons, does not always want to work correctly with the application for some reason).
