The operator "Megafon" does not catch the network: possible causes and solutions to the problem

The operator "Megafon" does not catch the network: possible causes and solutions to the problem
The operator "Megafon" does not catch the network: possible causes and solutions to the problem

The mobile network occupies an important place in the life of a modern person. It has become so necessary that sometimes it is simply frightening to imagine the absence of the opportunity to call a loved one. Each person, even being in another city, can contact colleagues on work matters or call relatives. Thanks to cellular communication, during the day all tasks and problems are solved quite quickly. However, there are situations when it is not possible to make a call, and the message “No signal” appears on the screen.

What to do - does not catch the Megafon network? Why in the age of high technology can be faced with this kind of problem? Every mobile phone owner wants to know what causes network drops and how to avoid it?

megaphone does not catch the network
megaphone does not catch the network

No network

Currently, the towers of the mobile operator "MegaFon" are set up almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and even beyond its borders. It is extremely rare to find those areas where there is no coverage at all.

If the phone does not catch the Megafon network, then the reasons forthere may be more than one. To say that there is no coverage in a given place is possible only if all the people nearby have no signal. Most often, such a problem can be encountered outside the city. In some areas, low-lying areas may also lack network coverage.

MegaFon towers in urban areas are built quite densely, so, as a rule, there are no problems with the signal. However, due to the large number of buildings, there may be individual sections with poor coverage or with its complete absence. Concrete partitions serve as a barrier to the propagation of radio waves. In this case, it is enough to step aside approximately 10 meters - and there will be no problems with communication.

why the megaphone does not catch the network
why the megaphone does not catch the network

Signal on, but unable to call

You have encountered such a problem when the Megafon network does not catch. What to do in such a situation? There may be several reasons, as well as their solutions. For example, interruptions in cellular communication or problems with a mobile device. However, often users are faced with the fact that the signal level on the phone screen, although small, is there. But when you try to send a message or dial a subscriber's number, apart from short beeps, nothing happens. In this case, you can try the following:

  • Check the call forwarding service. If it is active, then you need to dial the command 21 and the call key.
  • Communication problems can be caused by FDN mode. If it is enabled, then there are restrictions on working with numberssubscribers. Only those that are included in a special list on the SIM card will be available for calls.
  • If the Megafon network does not catch, or the signal is very weak, you can try to restart your mobile device. In this case, it is advisable to remove the SIM card and reinstall it.
  • The presence of a black list is displayed on making calls. Most often, this application blocks some services. You can check the status and correct the settings in the settings.
  • Mobile phones have a function to bar incoming and outgoing calls. I can't dial the number - then you need to check its status.
  • If the problem with the signal still remains, you should try inserting your SIM card into another device. If there is no signal on it, then you will need to contact any Megafon mobile phone store.
megaphone does not catch the network what to do
megaphone does not catch the network what to do

3G network. Why doesn't Megafon's SIM card work?

Nowadays, every mobile user knows that 3G is not only reliable, but also a powerful source of Internet. In the event that the network is unstable or completely disappears, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics.

  • Most often, when access is denied, the reason is the lack of funds on the account or the spent traffic limit. In order to check the status, you must execute the following commands: 558 or 105.
  • If the Megafon SIM card does not catch the 3G network at a time when the owner is outside his region, you need to check the package settings -is 3G network allowed in roaming.
  • Devices equipped with two ports for SIM cards often have some technical limitations. For example, 3G or 4G support can only be implemented on one of the slots.
  • And of course, you can test the device itself. To do this, it is recommended to first switch to a 2G network and check if it works. After that, activate the 3G only function. Often there are signal failures when mixed mode is active.

Problems with 4G network

megaphone stopped catching the network
megaphone stopped catching the network

Not so long ago, users have the opportunity to connect to fourth-generation networks. This option is also implemented by the Megafon mobile operator.

Stopped catching the network phone, but there were no problems before? It is necessary to understand the reasons for such a failure. The fact is that 4G works stably at present only in large cities. The territories of district centers and rural areas are at the testing stage, so in these places the signal may be either weak or completely absent.

Also, the reason that Megafon does not catch the 4G network may be the limitations of the tariff package. To do this, you need to contact a mobile phone salon and activate the service.

Another reason, if you can't connect to 4G, may be the features of the technical equipment of the mobile phone. Not all devices support this technology.

Reason in the phone

Why does not catch the Megafon network on the phone? This question is very frustrating for mobile users.connections. Unfortunately, there are not always problems in coverage if there is no signal. Any device is not immune from malfunctions. And today, feature-packed smartphones are crammed with so many different technologies that it is simply impossible to prevent and ensure the reliability of the level of work with cellular networks.

So, if the subscriber noticed that the Megafon SIM card does not catch the network on his phone, then you can try inserting it into another device. If there are no problems with the signal on it, then there may be several reasons for the breakdown of the device. Consider the main ones:

  • The radio contact failed.
  • The fault is in the power amplifier of the transmitter.
  • Antenna problems.
  • Software failure.
  • Moisture got inside the phone case.
the phone does not catch the network megaphone
the phone does not catch the network megaphone

Faulty SIM card

An equally common reason why Megafon does not catch the network may be a SIM card defect. Many users are often surprised when this happens. However, the mobile operator card is the same electronic device as the phone itself. Inside it there is a microcircuit that can be damaged. In case of failures, the phone simply does not register on the network.

If this happened, then you should not get upset ahead of time. You can restore access to your number at any office of the mobile operator. It is enough just to order a duplicate SIM card. However, you must remember that this number must be issued specifically for you.

Sim cardblocked

There are times when the owner does not use the service of a cellular operator for a long time, and then finds that Megafon does not catch the network. This problem is quite natural. After a certain period, this number is blocked. Almost all operators provide services for one year, after which it is necessary to replenish the account in order to extend the term. If the SIM card is blocked, it becomes inactive. Naturally, you will not be able to see the network and connect to it using it.

sim card megaphone does not catch
sim card megaphone does not catch


So, in this article we figured out why Megafon does not catch the network. The most common reasons that can lead to such consequences:

  • Breakdown of the phone itself.
  • Problems with the SIM card.
  • Lack of coverage in certain areas.

Also, if Megafon does not catch the network in automatic mode, it is recommended to use manual search. Sometimes the problem is solved quite simply - by restarting the gadget.
