How to pay via "Yandex.Money"? Modern methods of payment for goods and services

How to pay via "Yandex.Money"? Modern methods of payment for goods and services
How to pay via "Yandex.Money"? Modern methods of payment for goods and services

Electronic payment systems are becoming more popular every day. Now it is already difficult to imagine your calculations on the Internet without the use of electronic currencies. This is explained, first of all, by the convenience of using virtual money. You no longer need to waste time in queues to pay for a product or service. Utility payments can be considered a clear confirmation of this: to pay for an apartment, just press a couple of keys.

pay bill via yandex money
pay bill via yandex money

Currently, there are a huge number of payment systems. In Russia, Webmoney, a foreign virtual payment service, and Yandex. Money, a domestic counterpart from Yandex Corporation, can be considered the most popular. If the first can be attributed more to the system of commercial settlements, then the Yandex payment instrument was created to pay bills and services. Many, for the first timefaced with Internet payments, they do not know how to pay for this or that product through Yandex. Money. How to do this, and will be discussed in the article.

What is "Yandex. Money"

As noted above, the Yandex. Money payment system is a financial settlement service from the Yandex company. It was opened in 2002 by analogy with the foreign Webmoney system. Since its foundation, it has been constantly improving, including in its arsenal all the new payment options for various services. Recently, management has been working on the security of the project. Since cases of theft of funds from user accounts have become more frequent. Although, according to management, this is the fault of the owners themselves, since the system provides several levels of protection for payments. You can pay an invoice through Yandex. Money only if all security conditions are met.

how to pay through Yandex money
how to pay through Yandex money

Because this payment system, like any other of a similar level, can be considered secure if you fully follow its requirements.

Ways to replenish your wallet

After registering in an online wallet, before you figure out how to pay through Yandex. Money, you need to replenish the balance of your personal account. This can be done in several ways. The easiest way to transfer cash into a virtual equivalent is to replenish your wallet using the nearest terminal. Some transfer fee will be charged.

One moremethod is to transfer money from a bank card. However, it is not so relevant. Since most of the services that accept payment through Yandex. Money actively work with plastic cards. More in demand, rather, is the reverse operation. You can also earn money online and withdraw it to this payment system. After the wallet is replenished, you can, for example, pay for the Internet through "Yandex. Money".

Payment instructions

So, the wallet is replenished. Now you need to find out how to pay for this or that service through Yandex. Money. There are two ways to achieve this goal. The first is on the service website in the payment or replenishment section, select the method using the Yandex wallet.

pay online via Yandex money
pay online via Yandex money

Next, you will be transferred to your account, where you will need to enter either a one-time or payment password, after which the payment will be made. The second way is to pay directly from the Yandex. Money account.

To do this, on the main page, select the service that you need to pay for, manually indicate the amount and direction of payment, and then enter the security data. Translation completed.


Paying for services using electronic wallets and virtual currencies is becoming more and more popular. Everyone who at least once calculated in this way will definitely appreciate the convenience. That is why you need to know how to pay for any service or product through Yandex. Money, because it is significantsaves you time and energy.
