Original nicknames for guys: examples and tips for choosing

Original nicknames for guys: examples and tips for choosing
Original nicknames for guys: examples and tips for choosing

Beautiful nicknames for guys in social networks such as Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte is a popular topic for many Internet users seeking to create a certain image or show off in front of friends. Everyone has their own reason for such a choice, in any case, the original nickname, or otherwise the “username”, becomes almost a whole problem for those who want to attract attention with the sonorous pseudonym of some historical, mystical hero or create a stir around a non-standard name.

Internet nickname

Unusual nicknames for guys are a kind of business cards by which the user will be recognized by friends and acquaintances and, therefore, an Internet pseudonym should reflect the character, image and ideological values of its owner. Nick (nickname, login, username), as a rule, comes up with a real name and surname, movie heroes, mythical characters and carries a certainsemantic load and meaning.

nicknames for guys
nicknames for guys

The virtual name, as well as the stage name, is most often used throughout life, so it should not be chosen on a banal intuition, but in accordance with the character and lifestyle.

Choose a nickname

Climbing the Internet, you can see a lot of interesting nicknames, some of which were invented for business purposes and have serious names without any squiggles and experiments with writing letters. Others, funny, making fun of someone or something (for example, "Dracula's Fang", "Antikiller's shadow", "Save our Sushi") are virtual names of ardent users of social networks and can change regularly.

In any case, nicknames for guys, be it an email login or another virtual pseudonym in a blog, forum, chat or social networks, should be pre-thought out and denote something. Choosing a nickname, paradoxically, is akin to choosing a name for a newborn - just as difficult and diverse, even if we take into account the fact that the list of virtual names is more diverse and large than the list of real ones.

Tips for inventing nicknames

Whatever your nickname is, it simply must carry a semantic load, and not be a primitive set of letters and obscure characters:

  • It is desirable that the number of characters in the nickname does not exceed 20 characters - the name will be difficult to reproduce, read and remember. Moreover, a long username is prohibited on many sites.
  • Every sign, every letter and symbol of youraliases must mean something. No matter how fantastic it may sound, a virtual name can influence a person's life to the same extent as a real one. Therefore, nicknames for guys in Russian should not include incomprehensible foreign characters, non-alphabetic characters and images that are not on the keyboard.
  • Nicknames for guys in Russian
    Nicknames for guys in Russian

    The nickname will look incomprehensible, and therefore it will be badly perceived and remembered by others. What if you suddenly become a super popular microblogger or user? And changing a well-known name, even if it is a set of meaningless characters, means a voluntary rejection of fame.

  • Nicknames for guys, consisting of two names, must be separated by punctuation marks - a lower space, dash or underscore. In this form, it is better perceived.
  • Do not supplement an already taken login with digital designations, such as "Apollo 3" or even worse "Apollo 1809" (date of birth). Such a nickname will become only a pitiful copy of the derivative, demonstrating the lack of creative thinking and fantasy dullness.

Sources for beautiful nicknames

Excellent sources for a variety of logins - literary characters (stories, poems, fairy tales, myths, historical novels), films and cartoons, names of cars, natural phenomena, character traits, Internet resources where you can pick up original ones online nicknames for guys.

beautiful nicknames for guys
beautiful nicknames for guys

When choosing a nickname, try to maximize your creative potential, put a piece of your soul, character and innerpeace, so that it turns out unusual and worthy of envy and admiration.
