Persuasive advertising, its tasks and goals

Persuasive advertising, its tasks and goals
Persuasive advertising, its tasks and goals

Advertising is familiar to a modern person, it has firmly entered into all areas from which at least some information comes. And this technique was born at the dawn of mankind with the advent of the exchange of products and the emergence of trade relations between people. Then they talked about the product. There was oral advertising, but it always had its own goals, highlighting the benefits of the product among analogues. Now this method of promotion can be found everywhere: on the Internet, on television, in print media, on radio (in elevators, cars and public transport), on billboards on the streets and facades of buildings, and so on. Text, sound and image work to achieve the goal.

people and information
people and information


An advertising message is an information flow that conveys information about a product or service to potential consumers, forming their motivation for new consumption. It is almost impossible to do without this method of promotion and effectively build a business. The information has variouscharacteristics, can be calm and peaceful, or can prompt immediate action. The advertising message has the same characteristics, divided according to the purpose of use into informative, persuasive and reminiscent. Each type has its place in the product life cycle.

information around
information around

Basic persuasion in advertising

This type of product promotion forms the selective demand of the audience. The persuasive function of advertising is based on taking into account the psychological characteristics of consumer behavior. This type of influence is similar to suggestion, convincing that among the available offers, it is the promoted product that will help solve the problems of customers, making them happier and life more comfortable. As part of such exposure, hidden comparisons with other similar products are possible, emphasizing the advantages of the advertised object.

Place in promotion

transmission of information
transmission of information

Persuasive advertising is especially significant at the beginning of the product's appearance on the market, when the product went on sale, but has not yet found its buyer, has not won the respect of consumers. This type of promotion is also used at the stage of sales growth, if necessary, to additionally attract a new audience, "pull" buyers from competitors. In such cases, aggressive advertising activity with an exhortational character is launched. Such an impact is a slow but sure, gradual formation of the image of the brand and the manufacturer, compiling the motivation to make a purchase, persuadingthe consumer that this product is what he needs.

Purposes of use

The purpose of persuasive advertising is to draw attention to a product or service, to show its distinctive features and advantages among many analogues with the same properties or qualities. Its purpose is to distinguish a product from a number of others that are produced by competing firms, to present its differences in an advantageous way in order to encourage the consumer to purchase exactly the promoted product or use a new service. This is a way to attract as many new consumers as possible, to increase demand.

information around
information around


The main task of persuasive advertising is to create a preference for a selective attitude towards the created image of a product that is different from other similar ones. It is necessary to make the consumer believe in the exclusivity of the product and stimulate the desire to immediately buy it or urgently learn more information about its advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. Its task is to convince the consumer of the exclusivity of the promoted product.

A persuasive form of advertising - the creation of selective demand in a highly competitive environment. Not only a product, but also a brand can be advertised, because consumers trust a reliable and well-established manufacturer more. Her task is to create an arrangement for this trademark, brand, product, to make it desirable for the target audience.

Effective formation of selective demand is based on building a brand from all overnecessary attributes: the same packaging, a beautiful label, an advertising slogan, etc. Persuasive advertising affects the senses, consciousness and subconsciousness of people, which leads to positive results in the sale of products. Examples include brands such as Disney, BMW, Bosch, Nivea, etc.

Comparison in advertising

The boundaries between types of promotion are blurred and can carry features of each other. So persuasive advertising can use the comparative method. She, drawing parallels between the advertised product and competing ones, emphasizes its advantage. Most often these are products of daily demand. The buyer, seeing his benefit, seeks to immediately make a purchase. The method is used in advertising detergents, car tires, cosmetic products, batteries, toothpastes and other consumer goods. Of course, it is forbidden to name specific brands of competitors, but with the help of visuals, voice acting, and skillful director's ideas, the comparison is quite clearly read by the consumer.

message transmission
message transmission

Persuasive advertising can encourage the buyer to switch to a new product, enhancing the value of its features. By stimulating demand, promotion methods increase customer profits. The right mix, combining different types of impact, is of great importance in the economy, increasing the income of producers. With the help of advertising, people learn information of national importance, about new technologies, public goals, achievements, properties and quality of goods, and simply begin to dream andwish, set new bold goals.