"Trust payment" on MTS: how to disable and activate the service

"Trust payment" on MTS: how to disable and activate the service
"Trust payment" on MTS: how to disable and activate the service

Sometimes the funds on the phone account run out at the most inopportune moment. And it is not always possible to put on the balance instantly. MTS takes care of its subscribers and provides them with the Promised Payment service, which helps in such situations. In the article, we will analyze the connection of the service in more detail, and also learn how to disable the trust payment on MTS.

What's the point

service connection
service connection

In fact, this is a replenishment of the balance on the phone by the communication company itself, in this case MTS. We can say that this is a kind of taking a debt from the operator of a certain amount of money that can be used for a certain period. Of course, MTS charges a small commission for providing the "Trust Payment" service, but in some cases the service is very useful and worth the money.

The amount that the company is ready to provide as part of the "Promised Payment" service may differ for each subscriber. It all depends on how much money a person spends per month and how long MTS uses. The minimum amount is thirty rubles, no commission is charged for it. You can borrow up to 800 rubles a week using a trust payment.

Available to

Service not available:

  • for users of tariffs "Guest", "MTS iPad", "Your country", "Basic";
  • for subscribers connected to a mobile operator for less than two months;
  • this service is already activated on the number, or the previous one is not paid;
  • The number uses the deferred payment method.


phone in hand
phone in hand

When the promised payment is more than 30 rubles, the cost of the service is:

  • from 31 to 99 rubles - seven rubles;
  • from 100 to 199 rubles - ten rubles;
  • from 200 to 499 rubles - twenty-five rubles;
  • more than five hundred rubles - fifty rubles.

How to get "Trust payment" on MTS

There are several ways to connect the service:

  • USSD request - 111123 and send call key, then follow pop-up prompts;
  • call to the MTS customer center;
  • go to the "Personal Account" on the MTS website.

The debt must be repaid within three days by replenishing the balance in any way convenient for the subscriber. If this is not done, the operator will write off the money from the phone account and block the number until the person pays the debt.

You canwhether at minus

How to get "Trust payment" on MTS, if there is a minus on the balance? Many subscribers are asking this question. The company provides a service even in this case. But the balance should be no more than minus 30 rubles. If the negative balance is more than the specified amount, "Trust payment" is not provided.

How to disable "Trust payment" on MTS

how to disable the service
how to disable the service

If there is no desire to remain in debt to the company, and the subscriber rarely uses this service, you can disable it using your personal account. To do this, you must have Internet access.

So, the algorithm of actions:

  • the first step is to go to the site and select the item "My MTS, mobile communications";
  • in the form that opens, you need to enter your phone number and password;
  • then you should open the "My Services" tab;
  • to find the necessary service, you need to check the box next to "All";
  • after that, the services will be shown in alphabetical order, it is necessary to mark those that are not needed, in this case "Promised payment" or "Full trust";
  • after that you need to click on the cross and confirm the refusal.

This method is only suitable if you have a positive balance on your phone. If the balance is negative, you need to replenish the account.

More ways

good news
good news

How to disable "Trust payment" on MTS - the easiest way:

  • dial on the phone a combination of the following numbers - 11132 and the call send key;
  • then you need to follow the prompts that will come to your phone.

Another simple way is to call the MTS customer service. Using the voice menu or communication with the operator, it will be possible to refuse to use the service.

Via call

Many subscribers ask which MTS "Trust Payment" number to dial in order to disable or activate the service, except for the Call Center. Indeed, there is such an opportunity, for this you need to dial the following numbers: 1113 and send a call, after that the subscriber should listen to the prompts of the autoinformer.


Many subscribers are interested in trust payment on MTS. How to disable the service or connect, we have discussed in this article. In general, it can be noted that the service is useful, and in some situations it is simply necessary. The company has created convenient conditions so that subscribers can easily use "Trust Payment" and stay in touch even during the most difficult moments.
