What is RYTP and what are memes for?

What is RYTP and what are memes for?
What is RYTP and what are memes for?

RYTP, or Russian YouTube Poop, is a Russified version of YouTube Poop. The Germans, for example, call this genre YouTube Kacke, while the Spaniards call it YouTube Poop Hispano. For the creation of RYTP videos, mainly Russian video is used. In other words, RYTP is an art form designed to make the viewer laugh.

The YouTube Poop genre originated in America. Who exactly owns the idea of creating RYTP is not known for certain.

Varieties of RYTP. What is a “subliminal virus”?

Music, entertainment video clips are assigned the same abbreviation - RYTP, but marked Music video. Musical RYTP videos are made in the following way: the performer “cuts” funny frames from videos published on the Internet in such a way that the “cut” matches the sound design of the clip, and the characters, if they open their mouths, to fall into the text of the soundtrack.

rytp videos
rytp videos

Story RYTP videos are the most popular entertainment genre. Here, all events develop strictly according to the plot.

Someexperts believe that RYTPs such as "Smeshariki" are the most popular infotainment video clips today.

In parallel with the carriers of humor and cultural information, at least two more "subspecies" of this genre are developing - parody and advertising. A certain group of researchers refers to the second subspecies of the RYTP video as a “subliminal virus”. We are talking about the so-called memes.

The meaning of memes from the point of view of scientists

Some scientists compare memes to human genes. If genes are able to influence the chemical reactions that occur in the body of each individual, then memes affect human memory, feelings and thoughts. For example, experts consider the initial sounds of Beethoven's fifth symphony to be the most "tenacious" of them.

Memes are present in history, philosophy, science, culture, economics, art, marketing… Memes are the names of well-known brands: Coca-Cola advertising sign, for example, is associated by the consumer with the opportunity to freshen up, and McDonald's reminds that it wouldn't hurt to have a bite to eat, the "Internet" and Nokia awaken the desire to communicate, and the "Olympiad" - to join the sport, and so on. Many experts call them mental viruses that generate in the human brain a subconscious desire to immediately get one or another product.

What is a "meme"?

This word experts call a symbolic image of something that does not need further explanation. A meme can be verbal, sound, or drawn. The main thing,so that he is the bearer of a certain idea.

The word was first used in 1976 on the pages of the book The Selfish Gene. Its author, Professor Dawkins from Oxford, called this term a grain of cultural information that can rapidly germinate, grow and reproduce.

Internet memes, unlike those mentioned by Dawkins, convey the information of the original in a distorted form, and are often absurd, meaningless and even violate the law.

what is rytp
what is rytp

The latter include:

Memes that degrade the dignity of a particular person or threaten someone. An unknown Internet user or public figure, captured without their consent, has the right to go to court even if the picture is not offensive, but a comic caption. The author of such an image may be at the epicenter of the scandal, even if he did not intend to offend anyone and did not know that such RYTP memes or pictures are illegal. Photographs of specific people and objects that can cause physical harm to these people are also grounds for initiating lawsuits

Containing a call for illegal actions. An example is a situation where a minor child, being under the impression, is photographed in the nude and sends the photo to other users. Not only the author of the photo, but also the persons who saved this image in their photo galleries can be held liable

Inappropriate. memes,whose recipients are not able to evaluate them, may also be a reason to contact law enforcement

On the other hand, some memes touch the users of the World Wide Web to such an extent that they even become the personification of hope for the best. One of these symbols was a fabulous creature (a cross between an elephant and an insect), nicknamed Zhdun. Artist Margriet von Breworth dedicated this artwork to patients awaiting recovery.

How memes are assembled for RYTP

The main selection criterion is eloquence, and in every sense of the word. The more eloquent the meme, the faster it will be noticed and appreciated. Therefore, will be distributed through social networks, media, cinema, oral history and so on.

collection of memes for rytp
collection of memes for rytp

Transmitting images through a meme, according to scientists, is the easiest way to convey an idea. Why? Hearing the name of the meme and mentally “resurrecting” the image associated with it, the viewer will begin to smile, make plans, and take immediate action…

By the way! A meme doesn't have to be just a picture with a caption, although a picture is the main way to convey it. It can consist of many thematic pictures collected in one file, for example, in RYTP. What is a videomeme? These are images and text fragments replacing each other, the content of which echoes a certain idea and motivates the viewer to take certain actions.

For example, if a video meme is an advertising carrier, it should encode the answer to the question:“Why should this particular service (product) be preferred to all others?”