Canon Powershot SX510 HS camera: reviews, photos and specifications

Canon Powershot SX510 HS camera: reviews, photos and specifications
Canon Powershot SX510 HS camera: reviews, photos and specifications

The popularity of budget cameras in a compact form factor has noticeably subsided in recent years. And even attempts by manufacturers to expand the functionality of cameras against the backdrop of lower prices did not save the situation. Moreover, the optional advantages did not change the situation with the quality of the images as they should. Users are more and more interested in the result, and not in the presence of additional settings. And yet, in some areas, inexpensive compact models remain in high demand, which is confirmed by the Canon Powershot SX510 HS, which is reviewed below. The developers of this version managed to combine good functionality with a price tag and good ergonomics. However, other factors contributed to the popularity of this model.

General information about the model

canon powershot sx510 hs reviews
canon powershot sx510 hs reviews

The development is a continuation of the concept that was laid down in the previous version of the SX500 IS. Among the main features of the family, which made it possible to win the love of fans, it is worth noting the presence of a 30x superzoom. Externally, the Canon Powershot SX510 HS Black differs little from the earlier modification, butSignificant changes have taken place in the filling. In the new version, the device acquired a simplified matrix, as a result of which the number of pixels was reduced from 16 to 12.1 million.

Despite the sharp decrease in resolution, the device is not so much lost in the quality of the resulting images. This was facilitated by the new system of high light sensitivity HS. This technology eliminates the need for a tripod or flash when using the Canon Powershot SX510 HS. Reviews indicate that the highly sensitive CMOS sensor has made the camera virtually independent of external conditions. This means that even in poor lighting conditions, the operator can count on decent quality - of course, within the capabilities of this camera.


camera canon powershot sx510 hs
camera canon powershot sx510 hs

The model in terms of operating parameters corresponds to its closest competitors from other manufacturers and does not offer anything fundamentally new. Unless the use of proprietary technologies knocks out the Canon Powershot SX510 HS camera from the general range. Reviews, for example, note the advantages of the device in working with zoom and focus. The official specifications of this modification are as follows:

  • Focal length - from 24 to 720 mm.
  • Zoom - optical 30x.
  • Pixels - 12.1 million
  • BSI CMOS matrix resolution – 4000x3000.
  • Sensitivity - ISO 100 to 3200.
  • Flash action - up to 5 m.
  • Screen characteristics -3-inch LCD.
  • Memory cards - support SD, SDXC, SDHC.
  • Interfaces - USB, HDMI, audio outputs, Wi-Fi connection.
  • The number of shots per battery charge is 250.
  • Camera dimensions – 10, 4x7x8 cm.
  • Weight – 349 gr.

Design and ergonomics

canon powershot sx510 hs black
canon powershot sx510 hs black

Outwardly, the camera looks solid and even suggests associations with a professional DSLR. Although the model is positioned as a compact camera, it stands out against the background of other representatives of the segment due to its massive size. In addition, the case has an irregular shape, which also adds originality to the overall image of the Canon Powershot SX510 HS. Black color in this case does not create a feeling of a cheap product, but on the contrary, it makes the camera more presentable. As for the control, it is implemented by traditional mechanical elements. I must say that the massiveness affected the mass, so it’s hard to talk about ease in manipulating the device. Save the situation simple adjustment elements, which are represented by a wheel, a trigger and conveniently located buttons.

Shooting quality

canon powershot sx510 hs black
canon powershot sx510 hs black

With average operating parameters and a low number of pixels, the device provides a good shooting result. This is partly facilitated by the ability to automatically adjust the sensitivity, although not everything is perfect here. For example, evening landscapes with good detail can leave"grain" in the pictures. It is worth noting the advantages of zoom, which is supplied with the Canon Powershot SX510 HS. The instruction notes that the lens has 13 optical elements that work with a 30x zoom. Thanks to this equipment, the device can be very useful in the hands of a traveler when shooting panoramas and landscapes. However, the quality of images by the standards of professional models, of course, is not at all necessary. The creators were able to squeeze the maximum out of the capabilities of a modest matrix, but this model could not go beyond the level of a budget device.

Positive feedback about the camera

canon powershot sx510 hs review
canon powershot sx510 hs review

User opinions regarding the merits of the camera are quite diverse. There is an unusual and attractive design, a well-thought-out configuration of controls, balanced settings without unnecessary useless options, and overall decent image quality. But here it must be borne in mind that the Canon Powershot SX510 HS camera is mainly used by inexperienced amateurs and beginners who are undemanding in terms of shooting capabilities. From the point of view of professionals, this is an entry-level model, which, however, looks good compared to other representatives of the class. And do not forget about the price tag of the device in 10-12 thousand rubles. For the features that this model has, the cost is very attractive. However, not every device of this level can boast of having a 30x zoom and a wide range of light sensitivity.

Negative reviews

Many userscriticize the camera for an outdated 12.1 megapixel matrix. Perhaps this drawback is the main factor that did not allow the model to rise above the budget level. There are also complaints about the Canon Powershot SX510 HS battery. Reviews for comparison are analogs from other manufacturers of compact amateur cameras, which differ in longer battery life. Shooting itself also occupies a separate place in criticism, but you have to put up with shortcomings of this kind, since you can’t expect more from a model from a lower level. There are improvements in a number of parameters, but at the core, the technical filling is able to provide an average level of quality at best.


canon powershot sx510 hs manual
canon powershot sx510 hs manual

Increasing requirements for cameras in the budget segment is forcing manufacturers to make concessions in prices and, if possible, improve the performance of these products. Improvement does not always affect the basic characteristics, which was shown by the example of the Canon Powershot SX510 HS. Reviews about this camera focus on secondary parameters, leaving modest image quality out of the brackets by default. For example, a solid design and the introduction of new options are noted, but the capabilities of the matrix are perceived as an unchanging reality for a device from the budget group. On the other hand, against the backdrop of compact cheap cameras, this offer looks quite attractive - especially for undemanding beginners.
