Recently, the relevance of postcards sent by mail has greatly increased. In the age of modern technology, high-speed Internet and affordable communications, almost no one uses mail. At least when it comes to important matters. Now the mail is used as a kind of entertainment, allowing you to plunge into the past and enjoy certain little things - just postcards belong to them. You can buy a beautiful postcard or make one yourself, sign it and send it to your loved one to make them happy. However, here the question arises: what is the size of a standard postcard? It would seem that there is no difference, but in fact it is very important. After all, the postcard should be placed in an envelope so that it can be safely sent by mail without paying for it as a special parcel. Accordingly, you need to know the size of a standard postcard in order to be able to send it without any problems. And also so that the recipient, if he collects such parcels, can easily place your parcel in his collection album.
Generally accepted standard

There is a specific generally accepted standard that all manufacturers try to adhere to. The sizestandard postcard is designated as A6, that is, it has a smaller format than an ordinary A4 sheet. However, you hardly even know what the length and width of an A4 paper sheet are, although every person has to deal with them almost daily. So what is the size of the A6 format and, accordingly, a standard postcard? The size of a standard postcard is as follows: its width should be 105 millimeters, and its length should be 148 millimeters. If your postcard has exactly this size, then you can rejoice - it fully complies with international standards. However, so far only the specific size of a standard postcard has been considered - there are other indicators that also fall under the concept of "norm".
Size range

Yes, the generally accepted standard size of a postcard was described above, but if you want to comply with the norm, but do not want to make a postcard of this size, it's okay. The fact is that there is a certain range of sizes that are considered standard no less than the A6 format itself. So, the smallest acceptable postcard size is 140 millimeters by 90 millimeters. However, most often people are interested in the largest size, since a small postcard will still fit in an envelope or in an album pocket. The maximum size is considered to be 235 millimeters by 120 millimeters. If your postcard is longer or wider, this will mean that it no longer belongs to the standard ones. Now you know what the standard size ispostcards - but is it really possible to use any indicators of length and width in the above range? In fact, no, because the aspect ratio of the postcard has its own rules.
Aspect Ratio

The size of a standard postcard for an envelope has already been considered, but one important aspect remained out of sight - the aspect ratio. The fact is that it is unlikely to greatly affect the convenience of delivery, since if both sides of the postcard comply with the standards, then in any case it will easily fit into the envelope. However, there are standards that have been recognized as international, and in most cases it is believed that they must be observed in order for the postcard to be correct. Its aspect ratio should be 1 to the square root of 2.
American features

Please note that the United States has its own peculiarities that must be taken into account if you send a postcard to this country. The fact is that American standards differ from international ones, and to a greater extent this affects the upper limit of the range. If the minimum ratio there is 127 millimeters to 89 millimeters, which is approximately similar to the lower limit of the international standard. But the upper limit is very different - the width of the postcard should not exceed 108 millimeters, and the height - only 153 millimeters, which, compared to 235 millimeters of international size, is quite small.