Convenience of using digital signature for electronic trading and how to get it

Convenience of using digital signature for electronic trading and how to get it
Convenience of using digital signature for electronic trading and how to get it

The 21st century is the era of informatization. It was at this time that the progress of innovative technologies affected almost all areas of activity, including document management in organizations and at various enterprises.

digital signature for electronic trading
digital signature for electronic trading

What is EDS

Digital signature is a tool that allows you to confirm the authenticity of an electronic document. This tool is a kind of full replacement for the original signature that a person leaves on every document requiring it. Also, thanks to the digital signature, you can completely exclude the possibility of changing and editing the document after it is signed.

History of digital signature

For the first time the concept of "EDS" appeared back in the distant 80s, but then it was just a word and not a realized idea. At the end of the 20th century, this device was developed and tested on several systems. After successful experiments, EDS quickly found its application in Russia. The National Communications Security Administration has developed its own data protection algorithm using EDS since 1996.

Over the past almost 20 years, this algorithm has repeatedlyimproved, and more and more organizations and enterprises began to use digital signatures. The latest changes to the EDS operation algorithm were made at the beginning of 2013.

Scope of EDS

Today, when almost all large companies have switched to electronic document management, digital signature no longer seems something new and incomprehensible. In addition, there is a signature not only for signing internal documents of the organization, but also an EDS for electronic trading, thanks to which you can participate in various auctions and competitions. Such procurement procedures are carried out on specialized Web sites. In order to sign a document with an EDS, it is enough that a special program is installed on the computer, as well as the digital signature itself in the form of a USB card.

sign a document
sign a document

Most often, for most different resources, you need several digital signatures. For example, a government services portal requires one signature, and an EDS for electronic trading is completely different, which is issued exclusively by a certain certification center.

What this device looks like

Digital signature is a USB key fob that stores the public and private key of the signature. This device is similar in size and appearance to a conventional flash drive. The main thing is not to confuse the EDS with a flash drive, because if the EDS is stolen or lost, then an attacker can sign the necessary document. The cryptography technology used makes it possible to securely protectsigned electronic document from subsequent changes.

digital signature is
digital signature is

EDS for electronic trading

Today, most organizations providing services in a particular area are registered and undergo an accreditation process in systems that conduct electronic trading. In turn, companies that use these services register on procurement sites in the same way, after which they announce auctions and various competitions for the purchase of goods or services. To carry out all these procedures, you must have an EDS for electronic trading and the CryptoPro program.

The process of obtaining an EDS

There are companies that produce and issue digital signatures. It is worth remembering that these organizations must have the status of a certification center, otherwise the EDS issued by such a company cannot be considered valid. The production of an EDS for electronic trading should also be carried out by a specialized organization. However, in order to participate in electronic trading on some sites, budgetary organizations require the production of an EDS exclusively in the service of the Federal Treasury.

digital signature key for electronic trading
digital signature key for electronic trading

Both legal entities (LLC, OJSC, etc.) and individuals can receive a cryptographic protection device. At the same time, an individual does not have to have the status of an individual entrepreneur. Today, every person has the right to acquire a digital signature and use it, for example, on the website of stateservices. Thanks to this device and Web resource, everyone can manage their pension contributions or tax duties.

Documents for digital signature

For a legal entity:

  • copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary and received no later than a month before applying to the certification center;
  • application for issuing a certificate containing an EDS key for electronic trading;
  • certified copy of the order appointing the director of the company and a power of attorney for the right to receive a signature (in the event that it is not received by the head).

For an individual entrepreneur:

  • a certified copy of an extract from the USRIP or its original, which must be received no later than a month before applying for an EDS;
  • application for the issuance of a certificate and digital signature;
  • passport.

For an individual:

  • original or certified copy of TIN;
  • application for the issuance of an EDS and a public key certificate;
  • passport.
  • production of digital signature for electronic trading
    production of digital signature for electronic trading

It is worth remembering that some certification centers may ask, at their discretion, to provide additional documents for the design and manufacture of the device.

In most cases, the production time of EDS is quite short. Some certification centers perform all procedures in your presence, after which you can immediately pick up the device.