Simple, unqualified and qualified electronic signature. Definition and difference

Simple, unqualified and qualified electronic signature. Definition and difference
Simple, unqualified and qualified electronic signature. Definition and difference

It cannot be said that the electronic signature has become some kind of mass phenomenon. But recently, its convenience and significant time savings have attracted the attention of many Russians. In addition, the new law has significantly expanded the scope of the use of electronic signatures.


An electronic signature is a set of characters attached to a document to identify the identity of the sender. The law "On Electronic Signature", which came into force in early 2011, allows you to use it to sign contracts, tax reports, tax returns, etc. No need to stand in line at the tax office. You just need your qualified electronic signature, which is now equated to a handwritten one on a legislative basis. And now company executives, officials and ordinary citizens can send documents by e-mail. We will talk about how to get a qualified electronic signature a little later. In the meantime, let's analyze its types.

qualified electronic signature
qualified electronic signature

Simple signature

These are confirmation codes, passwords, logins and other means of identification. Let's analyze this using the example of an electronic wallet. To use it, you must have a username and password. To make money transfers, as a rule, you need to enter another password. That is, you identify yourself twice: when you enter the wallet and when you make a transfer of funds. Of course, this is not the same as a qualified electronic signature, but the dominant number of Internet users use it. Let's move on.

how to get a qualified electronic signature
how to get a qualified electronic signature

Unqualified electronic signature

Practiced in cases where special document execution is not required (for example, when a seal is not required on a lease agreement). The most important thing is to be able to verify the authenticity of this document. If it had a qualified electronic signature, then such a problem would not have arisen. And so you need to pay close attention to it. This type of signature is obtained by converting information using cryptography (hashing) and allows you to identify the person to whom it belongs. Also, this type of signature using a cryptographic key should make it possible to check for changes to an already signed document. If, of course, there were any.

enhanced qualified electronic signature
enhanced qualified electronic signature

Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature

To get it, you will need to go to the certification center,government accredited. Only state certification assigns a qualified status to a signature. This signature is required to meet the criteria for being unqualified. In addition, a qualified certificate is required, which will contain the verification key. This allows equating this type of signature with a handwritten one. The algorithm of actions in case of loss of a signature is the same as in case of loss of a bank card. You need to call the certification center where it was issued and ask for a block. A qualified electronic signature is valid until the court decides otherwise.
