Smartphone Sony Xperia C3: reviews

Smartphone Sony Xperia C3: reviews
Smartphone Sony Xperia C3: reviews

Recently, selfies have become almost an epidemic among fans of "take a picture". Marketers immediately caught this wave of popularity, and new products with powerful front cameras entered the market. Sony was ahead of everyone and immediately released its "brainchild" called the Xperia C3. To say that the gadget turned out better than expected is to say nothing. We will talk about this further, based on the feedback from users who have already experienced this miracle under the second name - “selfifon”.

xperia c3 reviews
xperia c3 reviews

Appearance reviews

When the word “selfiephone” comes to mind, feminine elegance, not much functionality and a huge front camera that covers half of the front panel. But, fortunately, the smartphone we are reviewing has a more discreet appearance.

Xperia C3 received pretty good reviews about the appearance from both women and men. The thing is that its design is made in strict forms. Fans of smartphones from Sony will immediately notice the similarity of this model with the T3. At the same time, all the smallestsimilarities.

Sony Xperia C3 is not very comfortable in the hand. The fact is that this gadget, despite its large diagonal, has a thickness of only 8 mm. Thus, it resembles something flattened plate. But still, the Sony Xperia C3 smartphone has good reviews, since its mass is relatively small for such sizes. At the same time, the rough back surface allows you to hold the gadget without any problems.

sony xperia c3 reviews
sony xperia c3 reviews

Display reviews

This smartphone has an IPS-matrix set to "5, 5". Agree, this is quite a lot if we consider the gadget as a mid-range model. But, if you look at the resolution and density of points, it immediately becomes clear that there is not much to clear up here. 1280 x 720 pixels make themselves felt. They have a density of 267 ppi, which creates squares when viewing the display up close.

Sony Xperia C3 Dual received good reviews for image quality. Despite the fact that pixelation is slightly noticeable, the colors here are bright and saturated. The sensor here supports up to 10 points at the same time, which is good news.

The overall user experience of the display is only good. According to them, this is how a mid-range smartphone should be.

Reviews on performance and "stuffing"

The smartphone runs on a quad-core processor with a frequency of 1.2 GHz. This is quite a lot and allows you to run very powerful applications. 1 GB of RAM is enough to maintain normal response speed even with a heavily loadedsystem.

The internal memory of the smartphone is 5 GB. This value is enough for initial work, but not enough to fully use all the functionality. For this reason, it provides expansion up to 32 GB using a flash drive. Naturally, all applications will be installed on the internal memory.

The Xperia C3 has good reviews also thanks to its excellent graphics system. All common benchmarks gave good results in testing, and users do not complain about the graphics and their processing speed.

Camera Reviews

The main strong point of the Sony Xperia C3 smartphone is the camera. At the same time, it is the front that differs in special quality. It here has a matrix of as much as 5 megapixels. It is on the selfie of this gadget that the main emphasis is made. Here, the developers, in addition to a very powerful matrix, also provide for a flash, which is still very rare in other models. The reviews of the Xperia C3 would have been better if the front camera had got autofocus. But on this, many thanks to the manufacturer.

The main camera here is a little stronger than the front one. It is equipped with an 8 megapixel matrix and at the same time there is autofocus and a very bright LED flash. Pictures from one or another camera are of good quality, and users are happy to use these privileges.

sony xperia c3 dual reviews
sony xperia c3 dual reviews

Reviews about battery life

Smartphone Sony Xperia C3 "acquired" a fairly powerful 2500 mAh battery. It is enough to watch the video continuously for 9 hoursonline in high quality and with an average brightness of the display. Users also noted a long battery life in the "heavy" 3D games. Here the indicator reached five hours.

Sony Xperia C3 has received very positive feedback from users regarding overall battery life. And although the figure obtained in practice is slightly lower than that declared by the manufacturer, it is still more than expected. Also pleased with the time for a full charge, which lasts from 0 to 100% for only 2.5 hours.


Let's look at what the users who decided to purchase this camera phone got in the end. The very first plus that catches your eye is the screen size, as well as the richness of the image. Here the manufacturer decided not to save, and as a result, users received an excellent information output device. The second positive characteristic is productivity. Here, the developers also spared no effort and made a really powerful toy of the middle price class.

smartphone sony xperia c3 reviews
smartphone sony xperia c3 reviews

The most important feature of this gadget are cameras. The Sony Xperia C3 smartphone received positive reviews from selfie lovers most of all thanks to the high-quality image from the front device. Here, in addition, a flash is also mounted, which allows you to shoot in low light.

As for negative reviews, there are not many of them. The first thing buyers pay attention to is the price. Although the starting value here is lower than that of the "brother" T3 (from 14,000 rubles),but, if you look in general, then a couple of thousand more could easily be thrown off.

It was also noted by users that the case was not assembled very well. It creaks and plays a little, which is not typical for smartphones from this manufacturer. Software bugs are also often mentioned. This happens, although not on all smartphones of this model, but it makes the owners very angry. For this reason, there are also negative reviews about the Xperia C3. And here, as always, a fly in the ointment is remembered. Well, not everything is perfect, but let's hope that the manufacturer listened to the wishes of the owners.
