In 2007, the first iPhone from Apple was presented for the first time, and almost all the guests present at the conference were amazed to the core by the size of its display. Today, a 1080p 6.44-inch screen rarely gets really rave reviews. The Sony Xperia Z is a welcome exception in this regard, as potential buyers noticed it right away.

Even those users who are not too fond of huge smartphones watched his first presentation with great interest. Now we will look at customer reviews and try to draw a definite conclusion about the qualities of this wonderful gadget.
We note right away that the “big brother” of the device we are considering, the Sony Xperia Z Ultra, has for the most part all the same characteristics, so the article can also be used to familiarize yourself with the flagship model in absentia. Of course, it is much better in somerelations, but still the main features have not changed much.
Main Specifications
For you to understand the basis on which consumers expressed this or that opinion, it would be nice to get acquainted with the basic characteristics of our "hero". Here they are:
- Controlled gadget mobile OS Android 4.2.2.
- 6.44-inch 1920 x 1080 screen.
- An excellent Exmor RS 8 MP camera is installed on the back, but for some reason the developers decided not to install a flash.
- The "heart" of the device is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor running at 2.2 GHz.
- Adreno 330 core is responsible for video processing.
- On the "board" has 2 GB of RAM.
- Built-in memory - 16 GB, additionally there is a slot for micro-SD.
- Data transmission and reception interfaces: NFC, GPS, USB OTG, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
- Battery capacity is 3000 mAh.
- Device dimensions: 179.4 x 92.2 x 6.5 mm.
- Your pocket will be weighed down immediately by 212
What kind of reviews does this magnificence evoke? Sony Xperia Z immediately fell in love with buyers with a powerful filling, a modern (at that time) version of Android, as well as a smart graphical shell. As experienced users say, usually when you see an Android shell from a hardware developer, you immediately want to remove it. But not this time: everything is done as accurately and efficiently as possible, the interface does not “lag”, the animation is fast and smooth.
In this regard, Sony Xperia Z, the characteristics of which weconsidered, sometimes able to give odds to much more eminent competitors. In any case, it's not uncommon to find reviews on the net about how people switched to it from Apple products. Users are drawn to the inherent openness of the platform, which enables a more efficient interaction with the device.
Other differences from competitors
At the moment, this particular model is the largest and most massive Full HD-smartphone in the world. Compared to it, the iPhone 5 is about 2.5 times smaller. However, it practically does not exceed the size of the Samsung Galaxy Mega. The latter is important, because with a further increase in the size of the display, users finally lose the opportunity to use the device as a phone without looking like a circus tent.

It should be noted that manufacturers often include this class of equipment in the middle price segment: the same “shovel” from Samsung has the worst stuffing (if compared), but it costs around 15 thousand rubles. Sony, known for its perfectionism, could not do this. Xperia Z is an excellent smartphone, equipped with the best solutions from the manufacturer, as well as having proprietary protection against dust and moisture.
What do the reviews say? Sony Xperia Z, according to buyers, does not react in any way to high humidity in the room. Of course, it’s better not to go to the sauna with him, but he endures a light dousing with juice or water (while watching cartoons with a child) without any problems.
Moreover, desperate experimentersreported that the Sony Xperia Z phone can be submerged to a depth of up to a meter for half an hour! However, it is precisely for the sake of protection from moisture that the smartphone has so many plugs. As buyers notice, due to all kinds of layers of protective materials, the speakers on this smartphone are somewhat deaf, so when watching movies without a headset, the sound has to be set to the maximum value. However, its quality is at its best, so the microphone is not threatened by a quick loss of resource.
As far as dust is concerned, such conditions should still be avoided, as it clogs into all available cracks. Users say that picking it out is incredibly difficult. However, given the amazing water resistance for a model of this class, the phone can simply be rinsed under running water. Of course, you should not rub it with a hard brush, but it tolerates gentle washing with a soft cloth perfectly.
This feature is extremely valuable for those who prefer not to part with their smartphone even on a summer beach holiday. Important! Despite the ease and simplicity of washing, you should not take a smartphone on vacation, on the display of which a protective film is not pasted. Reviews indicate that the screen scratches quite easily, and there is definitely no equal to sand in damaging equipment!
Stunning performance
With a good (but still not outstanding) stuffing, the device earns almost 29,000 points in the AnTuTu test! At the time of release, only the Nvidia Shield set-top box was gaining more, which was originally “sharpened” for powerful games, and therefore was equipped with a Tegra 4 chip. Reviews from gamerstestify that the Sony Xperia Z smartphone "digests" all the latest mobile games perfectly. You will never encounter any brakes or freezes (even light ones).
But if you think that our Sony Xperia Z review consists solely of describing the strengths of the smartphone, then you are mistaken. Like any piece of technology, this gadget has its drawbacks. There is nothing serious in them, but nevertheless, some points should be paid attention to.
Negative points
We have already noticed that the local camera has no flash. Not at all. Why this is done, buyers and store marketers do not really understand, but suggest that the company could take this strange step in order to increase the competitiveness of the flagship Z Ultra. The fact is that the specimen we are considering has almost the same characteristics as its older brother. But the Sony Xperia Z, whose price is about 20 thousand, is quite suitable for the role of a “mid-budget” phone, while the official cost of the older model is from 30 thousand rubles.

In a word, the manufacturer's marketers did their best! Many buyers admit that if the camera had that unfortunate flash, they definitely would not spend money on an older generation model, preferring its “little brother” to it.
However, the users of both devices themselves admit that the camera does not have any outstanding abilities, shooting almost at the level of the old iPhone 4S. But the viewing angles of the display are excellent, and the qualitypictures are very high. The images are so clear and rich that the Sony Xperia Z smartphone outperforms all its competitors in this regard.
Concluding the review of shortcomings, another unpleasant circumstance should be noted. The fact is that almost all music lovers who have de alt with this phone complain about the side location of the headphone jack. Given their hefty size, they are extremely inconvenient to use: you can’t stuff such a miracle with a side protrusion into your pants pocket, and you won’t be able to use a normal case either.
Reviews from service center masters
If you follow the latest trends in the high-tech market, you probably know that the case of almost all modern smartphones, tablets and other equipment is fastened with latches. Accordingly, with patience and more or less straight hands, they can be disassembled for cleaning and simple maintenance.
This trick won't work with this phone. The fact is that all the details are planted on hot melt adhesive. So for assembly and disassembly it is necessary to use a special soldering station, which only individual craftsmen have at home. If you do not have any experience of such actions at all, we strongly do not recommend taking them using this phone: you will definitely break something in it.
Almost all internal elements are glued on, so we recommend avoiding sudden "shocks", we do not recommend dropping the smartphone on hard surfaces. In addition to the risk of breaking the display, this will almost certainly entaildamage to other components, which can simply come off their seats. Of course, nothing like this will happen from simple shaking, but still, it is simply necessary to remember these design features.

What's wrong with watching movies?
One question torments all fans of watching movies on a smartphone. Sony Company! How is it that you, who are the “trendsetter” in the world of cinema, cannot make standard video viewing software more omnivorous? Nowadays, when MKV files perfectly reproduce almost all the latest models, even cheap TVs, when you try to watch them on your phone, they play without sound! Of course, you can install any player you prefer, but the absurdity of the situation confuses many users.
As for the FullHD resolution, at least in this respect there are no problems. Some customers have complained about the somewhat unfamiliar local player controls, but these features take some getting used to.
Don't forget the case
Yes, the aspect is unexpected, but no less important. The fact is that the display of the phone, although it is protected by a good coating, but without a normal cover can come to a completely indigestible state in just a month or two. Users recommend Krusell. It costs about one and a half thousand rubles. The higher (compared to competitors) cost is offset by the fact that it has a built-in stand that greatly improves the use of a smartphone for viewing.movies.
What are they saying about the docking station?
The device comes with a relatively good Sony Xperia Z docking station. writing comments on social networks.
For example, on a business trip, you can even make a report. It's not very convenient, but still doable. In addition, buyers highly appreciate the fact that after purchasing the device they have a gadget in their hands, which is almost a full-fledged tablet. Important! Many buyers note that the plugs that cover all technological connectors for protection are not very strong. This phone Sony Xperia Z unpleasantly struck many of its fans.
Especially goes to the charging connector. If you regularly pull its plug for six months, it can become very loose, or even fall off altogether. It is much better to use a docking station for charging: just remove the smartphone from the tablet and install it on the platform intended for it. The charging process will begin immediately, and you do not have to scoff at the plug.
Picture quality
The quality of the picture that the Sony Xperia Z screen produces is excellent, but part of the screen is “eaten up” by the panel with control buttons. By the way, Sony is one of the first companies that completely switched to virtual buttons. In some cases, this is not so convenient, since you have to use the side button to activate the display, and in somecases, reaching it the first time is clearly not going to work.
However, we would not consider this as a serious drawback: the traffic police strongly recommends not using the phone on the road, and in other situations it is quite possible to find a couple of extra seconds, stop and press this ill-fated button.

The screen is made of very high quality, as a result of which users note excellent color reproduction. Since the manufacturer uses really good matrices, even black actually looks black (although buyers with good eyesight still note some grayness). Of course, the quality of the backlight is excellent, there are no annoying light spots in the corners.
Fans of modern gadgets fell in love with the tablet also for the fact that web pages and movies are perfectly displayed on its display, and dynamic games look great. Alas, there is no magnetic latch that would activate the display when the cover of the special cover is opened. However, almost all users take this circumstance quite calmly, not considering it a drawback of the Sony Xperia Z. The tablet of an average manufacturer (Samsung, for example) also does not have such an opportunity, and therefore our users are not spoiled by this.
Wireless and GSM modules
If you have a router capable of operating at a frequency of 5 GHz, then you can rejoice! The phone supports this band, so you can avoid interference in apartment buildings where there are wireless hotspots.almost everyone. In addition, users note the impressive “tenacity” of the module on this model: the phone more or less confidently catches the network even in remote corners of an apartment or house.
As for ordinary mobile communications, there are no particularly outstanding results here: no better, but no worse than competitors. How does Sony Xperia Z behave in new networks? LTE networks (of which we still have very few) work perfectly with it. With sim cards of any domestic operators, he is friends without problems. In any case, there are no negative reviews in this regard. However, many users believe that Sony Xperia Z Ultra allows you to transfer data at a higher speed.
Deciding whether to spend an extra 10 thousand rubles for this is a purely personal matter.
A little about other wireless standards
As we already indicated in the specifications, there is support for the newfangled NFC. Until recently, this option was completely useless, but the newly-minted owners of the LG printer and Sony DSC-QX10 smartograph indicate that the smartphone started working with them immediately, without any failures. In addition, wireless NFC headphones can be found on sale, so many music lovers also speak respectfully about this feature.
In the new Sony Xperia Z 2, this option was retained precisely because users found it very useful. In particular, company representatives mention that buyers have repeatedly written about the benefits of this standard in the feedback form.
Because the size of the device when used as a phonegives the user a rather ridiculous look, it is better to immediately get a headset. Buyers also note that the smartphone perfectly “hooks” on almost all existing samples of “smart” watches, so you can also buy them for solidity.

A little about design
As for the design, here Sony went its own way. We are talking about her signature button, which many do not like. However, a considerable part of users still claims that it is very pleasant to the touch, and it is very convenient to use it. The company's engineers can be understood: this small design touch has become so familiar to users over the years that it will not be possible to simply take it and get rid of it.
What do the reviews tell us? The Sony Xperia Z is an excellent choice for its price point. The phone is very comfortable to use, the case materials cause pleasant tactile sensations. If you have always wanted to have a gadget that will combine the qualities of a smartphone and a tablet, then you simply cannot find anything better.
Summing up…
You definitely don't want to part with the Xperia Z. In no way inferior to tablets with a display diagonal of 7 inches, at the same time it perfectly performs all the functions typical of ordinary phones. If you have a TV that supports this function, you can stream videos and photos from your Sony smartphone to it. In a word, the device is definitely good and well-tailored.

The manufacturer promises that the updateSony Xperia Z will be produced for at least a year and a half, so even fans of the most recent Android can take their time to switch to a new model. If you need something more powerful, then we recommend that you look at the model with the Ultra prefix. Users testify that its capabilities are enough to completely replace the standard seven-inch tablet.