How to make micro-sim cards yourself?

How to make micro-sim cards yourself?
How to make micro-sim cards yourself?

Today, most manufacturers of modern tablets, as well as smartphones that support 3G, in an effort to miniaturize, are trying to use micro-SIM cards more often. And of course, Apple is rightfully considered the pioneer of this whole process with its iPhone 4. Korean mobile phone manufacturers really liked their initiative, and Samsung soon switched to the new format.

micro sim cards
micro sim cards

Micro SIM cards do not differ from ordinary ones (except for the size, of course). And only the extra parts of the plastic are cut off in the latter, while all the technical stuffing of the device remains intact. The standard card has a size of 15x25 millimeters, and its micro sample is 12x15 millimeters. Excess plastic is painlessly removed, and you get a sample of the size you need. But how do you make your own micro-SIM cards from ordinary ones?

You just need to contact the operator

Yes, yes. Don't reinvent the wheel. Don't breakhead over what and how to cut. Almost all mobile operators support this technology, and you can simply contact them and ask them to replace one card with another. Most importantly, after such an exchange, the previous number and tariff will remain assigned to you. However, not every owner of such a device will go to cellular departments to ask for micro-SIM cards. Or maybe it's just our curious nature. Everyone wants to try and do it yourself. Moreover, a micro-SIM card, the price of which is not important (it is given to you free of charge when you connect to one or another operator), in case of damage, will not cause much grief. In order to get a micro from a large card, you need to have a special device that cuts off the excess strictly along a certain contour. But this is all only when your task is to put the business of creating small SIM cards on stream. If there is no such task, then you can cut off the excess yourself, using the most elementary devices.

micro sim card price
micro sim card price

Only paper and scissors

You need a 1:1 scale micro-sim template on paper. Next, you must strictly follow the instructions below. If you make a mistake, you will have to wonder where to get a micro-sim card, as the device with chips will be damaged. Sharp scissors will greatly contribute to a qualitative result. It is also important to cut the card, as they say, with a margin, so that you can then fit it to the required size.

where to get a micro sim card
where to get a micro sim card

Sequence of actions

  1. Fix your SIM card on the template (exactly the side on which there are no contacts) with glue. Keep in mind that the position of the pins on different cards is different, so focus primarily on the area of \u200b\u200bthe chips, and not on the edges of the device.
  2. Using a ruler and a sharp knife or sharpened pencil, carefully and accurately mark the cutting line on the card.
  3. Cut off excess plastic as carefully as possible with scissors. Remember that under no circumstances should the line along which the cutting object walked over the metal surface of the chips.
  4. Finally, you can easily sand the burrs on the edges with sandpaper. That's all. Now you can fully use your micro SIM card.
