Currently, without such a device as a navigator, it's just like without hands. A lot has already been said about the usefulness of this guide. Among the various models, domestic Navitel navigators are widely used. Naturally, over time, any device needs to be updated. This also applies to navigators, or rather, to the maps that are installed in them.

Installing Navitel cards is not difficult. It should be noted that you can install or update them both manually and automatically. If the installation of Navitel cards will be done on your own, then you will definitely need a laptop or PC and Internet access.
First you need to go to the manufacturer's website. You can use any other tracker, since users post a lot of links and files to this resource. It is important to remember that slightly outdated third version Navitel maps will not work with the updated fifth version of the navigator. This is because newer versions carry much more weight (because of the more information they contain).
So nextyou need to select the necessary cards: at least for the whole of Russia, at least for individual regions. The new options are suitable for all operating systems on which the Navitel navigator runs: Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile. The folder with maps is located the same in all systems.

If they are downloaded in an archive, then the next step is to unpack them to any place. To do this, you need to connect the device to a computer or laptop. Through the explorer you need to find a special folder, it is called NavitelContent/Maps. In this directory, you should copy all the maps that were downloaded earlier. If desired, they can be sorted into separate folders.
After the necessary files are downloaded, you should run the program. Ideally, she would discover the maps on her own and compile an atlas. If this does not happen, you should go to "Menu" - "Settings" - "Maps" - "Open Atlas". Here you need to select the options that will be needed and click the "Create Atlas" button.
As you can see, installing Navitel cards is not a long and complicated process. And you can make it even easier. Maps can be updated automatically. To do this, you just need to enter the menu, select "Settings", then "Map", click the item "Check for updates". After the program connects to the server, you will receive a notification about a possible map update. From the list, it remains only to select the ones you need, then click "Install". When the maps are updated, the atlas will also be updated automatically.

Installation of Navitel maps must be carried out not only on navigators, but also on other devices with the GPS navigation function. After all, not only a driver, but also a simple pedestrian can get lost in an unfamiliar city. Therefore, it is worth taking care that all kinds of versions are also installed on your smartphone. After all, installing the Navitel card does not take much time, the process itself is quite simple. And later updates can be performed automatically, which is even easier.