Built-in home appliances are gaining more and more popularity. It is understandable, because this way you can save space and make the room very stylish. Most often, such equipment is purchased for the kitchen, because it is there that various household appliances should be located. One of these devices may be a washing machine with a removable top cover. It is specially designed to fit in the kitchen and save space. But there are several types of such machines. We will analyze their best models.

Types of built-in washing machines
There are several types of built-in washing machines. They are not very different from each other, but there are some differences. That is why they were identified as separate species. And that is why we need to consider them.
- Fully built-incars. These include devices that are completely built into a cabinet or cabinet and even have special curtains for fixing doors. These machines can be completely hidden in the cabinet.
- Machines under the countertop. In this case, the front of the washing machine remains visible. Just instead of the top cover, a countertop is installed. This design is the most common.
It is worth noting that many people recommend a washing machine with a removable top cover that fits completely into a cabinet or cabinet. These devices are much less noisy and vibrate, as they are completely covered by cabinet doors. But in this review we will consider various models of machines. Among them will be both representatives of the first type and the second.

Bosch WIS 24140
This washing machine belongs to the class of economical devices. And it has special fasteners for installing air curtains on both sides of the body. Washing machines "Bosch" with a removable top cover are exceptionally reliable. That's why they are so popular. Specifically, this model has leakage protection (and a full one), a special design of the legs (which dampens vibration) and the presence of an inverter motor. The latter is much quieter than the classic and much more reliable. This washing machine can be loaded with 7 kilograms of clothes. The maximum spin speed of the drum is 1200 rpm. This is quite enough for a quality spin. There is also a very informative LCD display. Office atmachines intelligent, electronic. There are 18 programs available. True, this car is expensive. But you have to pay for a quality German product.

Reviews about Bosch WIS 24140
What do users say about this washing machine with a removable top cover? Reviews about her are extremely positive. It's still Bosch. Almost all owners note an unusually low noise level. It is almost inaudible during operation. Only when spinning there is a slight buzz. And if you close the cabinet door, then it will not be heard. Also, all users note the exceptionally successful design of the legs. There is no vibration at all. But only if the machine is installed correctly. And in order to be sure of this, it is better to entrust this work to a professional. Then there will be no problems with the car. As for the quality of washing, there are no complaints here either. Users note that things are washed perfectly. And after squeezing, they only need to dry for half an hour. However, it is time to consider other models. They are even more interesting than the Bosch product.

Electrolux EWG 147540 W
In fact, we have a twin brother of the previous Bosch. Even the design is very similar. Here, too, there are special fasteners for curtains. This means that this washing machine with a removable top cover is fully built-in. The car differs in rather strong case and excellent reliability. Installed herethe same inverter motor. That's just the number of revolutions during the spin cycle is increased to 1400 rpm. Excellent result. This washing machine can be loaded with 7 kilograms of dirty laundry. There are special programs for washing wool, delicate fabrics, down jackets, sportswear and shoes, and more. There is a special protection against leaks and an option to save energy. The machine runs very quietly and perfectly suppresses vibration. The number of washing programs is 18. But this miracle of technology costs less than the previous Bosch.

Reviews about Electrolux EWG 147540 W
Those who bought this washing machine for themselves are very satisfied with the purchase. They say the machine is definitely worth the money and works very well. Particularly pleased with the users is that the removal of the top cover of the washing machine is very easy. It's not even bolted to the body. A detailed removal algorithm is described in the instructions. And it even has a normal Russian language. Which also can not but rejoice. As for the rest of the features of the washing machine, here the owners are unanimous: its technical characteristics completely coincide with those declared. The machine runs very quietly and hardly vibrates. And for embedded technology, this is very important. The washing quality of this machine is excellent. She is able to cope with the most difficult pollution. And especially users were pleased that there are special modes for washing various types of fabrics. And there is even a special mode for shoes. Excellent all-rounderwashing machine for home. Many users recommend buying it.

Hotpoint-Ariston ARSF 105 S
Washing machine from "Ariston" with a removable top cover. Made in the best traditions of the company. But co-authored with Hotpoint. Since Ariston itself does not produce embedded appliances. There are no special fasteners for installing curtains here. So, the machine belongs to the class "under the countertop." The maximum load of this washing machine is 5 kilograms. Not much. The maximum spin speed is 1000 rpm. Not a very impressive score. But the machine has an impressive number of washing programs (18) and partial protection against leaks. But not complete. There are also modes for washing delicate fabrics, down jackets and sportswear. But there is no vibration dampening option. And the machine consumes too much water. Nevertheless, many people buy this model, as it costs a penny. Yes, this washing machine looks attractive. But that's the way it should be if it can't be covered by the closet door.

Reviews about Hotpoint-Ariston ARSF 105 S
Those who bought this washing machine are not so few. And they leave exhaustive comments about her work. The first thing that users did not like was the instructions. If you follow it, it is completely incomprehensible how to remove the top cover of the washing machine. The owners also note that thisthe washing machine is very loud. And it is not possible to reduce the noise level. Still would. A drum with a classic engine is also installed here. And there is no vibration dampening option. As for the quality of washing, everything is in order with this. But some users are not satisfied with the fact that after spinning things are too wet. And this is because there are only 1000 revolutions.
Another feature that the owners did not like was the lack of a full-fledged display for displaying information. Instead, a calculator of some kind. The owners were not satisfied with the lack of energy and water saving mode. But in today's realities, this is very relevant. In general, this washing machine is recommended for purchase only if there is not enough money for anything else. If finances are not limited, then it is better to choose something more adequate. For example, "Bosch" or "Electrolux". And it is better to refrain from buying this "Ariston". And if you like the company so much, then it has other models. More advanced.
So, we have reviewed the best washing machines with a removable top cover. They belong to the class of embedded technology and have some features inherent in just such devices. The best in this class are washing machines from Bosch and Electrolux. But the model from "Ariston" (considered in the framework of this review) was not impressed. However, it is up to the user to decide which model is right for him. We can only recommend. And nothing more. In any case, onThere are many other models of built-in washing machines on the market.