"VKontakte" is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. Developers care about their users, constantly improve the service and innovate. Because of this, many people have questions that technical support helps to solve. How to write to technical support on VKontakte? Let's talk about how to use it and where to look.
How to write to technical support "VKontakte"
If you have a question about working with VKontakte, then technical support will be able to answer it as quickly and accurately as possible. It is very easy to contact her - just click on the "Help" button and fill out the form. Let's consider two options for how to write to technical support on VKontakte. This can be done using a computer or phone.

How to write a letter to technical support "VKontakte" from a computer or the main version? A few months ago, VKontakte updated the design, which was available to users, but was not mandatory. Since August, the social network has completely switched to a newstyle and arrangement of elements, i.e. buttons. Now, in order to write to technical support, you need to pay attention to the upper right corner. It contains your photo and name. Clicking on a photo will bring up a small menu. The "Help" item is located exactly there, above the "Exit" button.

How to write to technical support "VKontakte" from the phone? To do this, select the last item in the menu - "Settings". In it you will find the word "Help". Click on it and go to the list of questions. If none of the suggested questions fits, then type in your own. You will be offered similar options, but in case of a mismatch, you can set your own. Then you simply ask a question in the form below.
How to fill out the form
How can VKontakte write to technical support? To do this, you just need to fill out the proposed form. You have already found the "Help" button, moved to the desired page. Now enter your question in the box above. Several options will be offered that match yours. Click on the spacebar. Below there will be a button that will prompt you to ask a question. You will be prompted to write to technical support if the article you need could not be found. Click on "Contact us" or "None of these options are suitable" and go to the form for the question. In the title of the question, we write the main topic, just below we describe the problem in detail. You can attach a photo or document to the question.
How to read the answer to the question
Afterafter the question is answered by technical support, you can see a notification in the menu block. It is displayed with the word "support" and disappears after reading. The letter gives detailed instructions on what needs to be done to solve the problem. Often there are situations when a social network does not involve the actions that you need. The technical support agent will definitely offer you a similar option or one that will solve your problem as much as possible.

After the question is answered, a separate tab will appear - "My Questions". It lists the number of questions you asked. If necessary, you can read the answer again and solve the problem. They will also offer to answer whether the support agent solved the problem. To do this, you must select the desired option in two statements. The first concerns the work of the support agent directly - you choose between "This is a good answer" and "This is a bad answer." The second concerns whether this answer helped in your situation - "It's ok, thanks!" or "Problem not resolved." If you don't like the answer, then a field will appear where you can state your problem twice and write why the information from the support agent does not suit you. This information will be passed on to technical support to improve the service.
Your question may have already been asked
Thousands of users have already contacted technical support with various questions. Many of them match. Therefore, before you open the form to fill out a question, you will be promptedsome information. If you find a question that fully reflects yours, then just read the answer. There are also several sections, such as "My Page", "Wall", etc., which highlight the most popular questions from users.

You can open any of the questions and read the answer. At the end, you will be asked to evaluate the information received - whether it helped or not. To do this, simply click on the button "This solves my problem" if the answer helped, or "This does not solve my problem" - if not.
Questions not related to the work of "VKontakte"
Funny screenshots often pop up on the Internet in which users contact VKontakte technical support. How to write a message to Vkontakte technical support that does not reflect problems and questions related to the service? The principle remains the same - fill out the form and submit. Although employees answer funny and philosophical questions with humor and understanding, we do not recommend distracting them over trifles. The average waiting time for a response to a question is 5 hours. This means that a person who really needs help will wait even longer for a solution to the problem.

Most asked questions
How "VKontakte" write to technical support, we figured it out. Now let's read the most popular questions. This will make it easier for beginners to use the social network, as well as clarify many details. Most of the popular questions are about security. What to do if the page is hacked or blocked? How to recover messages? As well as other questions that are divided into groups. By choosing one of the groups that most accurately defines the topic of the question, you go to the page with answers. To read them, select one of the questions and click on it.