Dosimetric control devices: types, general characteristics, principle of operation

Dosimetric control devices: types, general characteristics, principle of operation
Dosimetric control devices: types, general characteristics, principle of operation

If various nuclear disasters occur, such as an explosion or an accident, they are accompanied by the release of a significant amount of radioactive particles. The latter pose a significant risk. After all, even when split into atoms, they can emit a lethal or simply dangerous dose of radiation.

About the consequences

At the same time, depending on the time of action and power, the contamination of the environment increases. All living beings that have fallen under the harmful influence earn radiation sickness. It very often leads to death. To determine the effect of radiation on the environment, dosimetric monitoring devices are used. Thanks to them, you can determine the level and dose, penetrating ability. Dosimetric monitoring devices are used to monitor the state of the environment and obtain timely information about the sources of contamination, as well as the magnitude of their potential threat.

About types of radiation

portable dosimeter
portable dosimeter

Radiation reconnaissance devices allow you to explore the area, objects,human food, skin and clothing. They allow you to identify the background radiation and the degree of infection. The most harmful to humans are gamma and beta rays. Their specifics are as follows:

  • Beta rays. They have an average ionizing effect. It depends on the density of the propagation medium. Their high danger is due to their significant penetrating power. So, ordinary clothes will not be able to protect against them. You must have a special suit or use cover. The relatively safe rate for this type of radiation is 0.2 µSv/h.
  • Gamma rays. They pose a significant threat to the conduct of optimal life. They have short waves, which is why a lot of destructive and penetrating energy is released. Tellingly, a person may not feel their effects until they receive a lethal dose.

About the purpose of the equipment

professional and household dosimetric instruments
professional and household dosimetric instruments

Given all of the above, it remains only to conclude that, depending on the target task and the detected radiation, such dosimetric monitoring devices are distinguished:

  1. The simplest indicators and radiometers. Used as a means of observing the area.
  2. Radiometers. Needed to determine the degree of infection.
  3. Dosimeters. Needed to control exposure, as well as clarify the magnitude of the dose received.

These technical means can be designed both for professional services and for household needs. The population that lives in areas withhostile environment, can use the simplest instruments to check the environment and food for radioactivity. Let's look at the mentioned equipment in more detail.


These devices are used to establish the value of the sum of all types of exposure or to determine the dose rate received from gamma rays or X-rays. Their sensors are internal ionization chambers that are filled with gas. In addition, there are also scintillation and gas-discharge counters. These devices can be either stationary or portable. In addition, there are also individual and household kits.

If we talk about the most famous representatives, then it is necessary to remember DP-5V - a field military dosimeter. This is a portable device that allows you to work with both beta and gamma radiation.

But some individual variations are also popular. For example, the DP-22V complex. It consists of 50 individual dosimeters, as well as a charger for them. It is used at production facilities in which it is necessary to interact with sources of radioactive radiation. They are also issued to people who have to work in dangerous areas. One truncated set usually includes 5 dosimeters, as well as a charger. Although when it comes to civil defense institutions and small units, the entire set of 50 pieces can be issued. Usually, an individual dosimeter is placed in a pocket of outer clothing. The current value is monitored periodically.

Feature comparison

devices intended for dosimetric control
devices intended for dosimetric control

Instruments intended for dosimetric control differ in their characteristics. That is, according to the operating range, dimensions, transportation conditions. To understand the topic in more detail, let's compare the characteristics of two different representatives. The first will be the already mentioned DP-5V. Despite the fact that this is a military model, it has become widespread and popular among the civilian population. For example, the so-called "preppers" love him. The second object of comparison is DP-22V. So let's get started:

Feature\model 5B 22B
Measurement limits 0.05-200mR/h-R/h 0-50 X-ray per hour
Weight 35 grams 3, 2kg
Full set 5.5kg 8, 2 kg
Operating temperature range -50…+50 ºС -40…+50 ºС

As you can see, a portable dosimeter is not always exactly the same device.

Indicators, radiometers and radiometers

The main interest for us in the article are dosimeters. But if radiation reconnaissance devices were already affected, then it will not be possible to ignore them:

  1. Indicators. This is the simplest kinddevices that allow to carry out radiation reconnaissance and control. They serve mainly to detect an increased level of radiation. Their disadvantage is the fact that they only provide indicative readings. In order to clarify the magnitude of the radiation, it is necessary to use additional means. A gas-discharge counter acts as their detector. The most common options are IMD-21 and DP-64.
  2. X-ray meters. These are more complex devices. These devices are used to measure the received dose of x-ray or gamma radiation. Gas-discharge elements or ionization chambers are used as sensors. It all depends on the type of device. They can function normally at temperatures from 0 to +50 degrees Celsius. The power supply allows the radiometers to work up to 2.5 days. An example is the DP-3B. It allows you to carry out radiation reconnaissance on different vehicles (water, land, air).
  3. Radiometers. They are used to determine the magnitude of surface contamination by radioactive particles. These devices make it possible to study the background radiation in a wide variety of conditions and media, such as gas, aerosol, and liquid. There are transistor, flexible, miniature and ultra-thin radiometers.

These radiation reconnaissance devices exist.

How to work with them?

dosimetric control devices for the population
dosimetric control devices for the population

Knowing what professional and household dosimetric instruments exist is half the battle. Necessaryalso be able to run them. In order to capture high-quality indicators, you need to properly operate the equipment. It should be remembered that a strong shake or impact may adversely affect the values obtained. Also, errors in their work are possible after prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, low temperatures, or moisture on the case. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the device is clean. It is necessary to clean it from dirt and dust in a timely manner. It is better to use clean oiled material for this.

Attention! After long-term operation in conditions of high radiation radiation, decontamination must be carried out after work. To do this, wipe the screen and the body of the device with wet swabs.

Features of operation and care

Turn off the device between activities. Also, do not apply excessive physical force to rotating elements. It is necessary to control whether there is enough lubricant in the probe body. Also every two years it is necessary to do preventive adjustment of devices. In this case, one should not forget about the graduation of the scales. In the presence of severe failures, it is possible to carry out an unscheduled dispatch for a metrological operation. If the instrument is transported, it should be placed in a sealed case to provide the maximum level of protection against shocks and impacts. Also, do not forget to monitor the charge level. Checking the working condition is carried out on the light.

What to choose?

household radiation dosimeter
household radiation dosimeter

Let's look at this from the point of view of the general population. In favor of which is it better to make your choice? There are numerous dosimetric monitoring devices for the population that allow determining the radiation background. They are intended for use in campaigns, in the field work of civilian specialists, and simply for lovers of pastime in the style of "post-apocalypse". Such characters, perhaps, will make their choice in this vein: only a military dosimetric device!

But if there is simply concern about a potentially unsafe facility in the area, then something simpler will do, for example, an indicator with the ability to sound an alarm about an increase in background radiation. You can choose a household radiation dosimeter, as a standalone device, or complete with related equipment and other sensors that will allow you to more accurately assess the state of the environment. In general, it depends on the goals set, available financial opportunities and a number of other individual factors.

Where are they used?

First of all, the army and emergency services come to mind. Dosimetric monitoring devices are in some cases extremely important. Typically, they are used for teaching. But all this is done in case a dangerous situation arises when radioactive contamination of people, materiel, equipment, water, and food should be controlled. In doing so, they perform the following tasks:

  1. Confirm compliance with the established requirements of the current sanitary legislation from a radiation-hygienic position, and also identifydanger.
  2. Calculate current and projected exposure levels for various objects.
  3. Provides input for dose calculation and appropriate decision making in the event of an accidental exposure. Also confirm the quality and effectiveness of the existing radiation protection of people.

Is that all?

No, the received data is also used for:

  1. Improvement of used as well as development of new technologies.
  2. Providing information to the public to understand the nature and extent of exposure.
  3. Epidemiological surveillance of affected people.

A few words about ionization and classification of devices

radiation reconnaissance instruments
radiation reconnaissance instruments

How is radioactive radiation actually detected? What is the principle of operation of the considered devices? Their functionality is based on the ability of radiation to ionize the substance of the medium through which it propagates. This leads to chemical and physical changes in the substance. All this is identified and fixed. What are these changes? Among the most frequent are:

  1. Change in electrical conductivity (of solids, liquids, gases).
  2. Luminescence (glow) of individual substances.
  3. Change in color, color, electrical resistance and transparency of some chemical solutions.
  4. Film exposure.

In accordance with the verification scheme, depending on the methodological purpose, dosimetersdivided into working and exemplary. The former are used to register and study ionizing radiation. The latter are necessary to check the accuracy of working devices. Also devices can be divided into groups depending on the type of interaction effect. For example: scintillation, photographic, ionization. There are also stationary, portable and wearable devices. They can be self-powered, connected to the network, or require no energy at all.

You can also touch on designation issues. Up to three numbers can be found on the detectors. The first indicates what type of device, the second indicates the detected radiation, and the third indicates the scope.


dosimetric control devices
dosimetric control devices

It should be noted that dosimetric control devices are not such a complicated thing as it might seem at first glance. But in order to figure out how a particular device works, it is still necessary to strain your brains. To do this, as a rule, it is enough just to read the instructions that accompany the device. If it is not understood, then it should be re-read. Did not help? Then you need to turn to experienced people to explain how a particular device works.
