Mounting methods and connection diagram of solar panels

Mounting methods and connection diagram of solar panels
Mounting methods and connection diagram of solar panels

The popularity of alternative energy sources is increasing every day. Solar batteries - one of such sources - have an undeniable advantage - inexhaustibility. Solar panels efficiently collect and accumulate solar energy, redirecting it to power equipment.

Features and types

solar panel wiring diagram
solar panel wiring diagram

To date, the most common batteries based on photovoltaic polycrystals. Such models combine optimal cost and a large amount of energy generated; they are characterized by a crystalline structure and a bright blue color. The simplicity of the solar panels connection scheme allows you to install them yourself in a private house.

In terms of efficiency, photovoltaic panels are more efficient than polycrystalline counterparts, despite the fact that their price is higher, and installation is more difficult. They are characterized by the polygonal shape of the filling elements.

Significantly less efficient are solar panels made of amorphous silicon. However,this does not prevent them from being in demand among the owners of country houses due to the affordable cost. Their production is based on film technology: a layer of micrometers of cadmium telluride is applied to a high-strength surface. Despite the low level of efficiency, these solar panels have high power.

The CIGS semiconductor-based solar cells are based on film technology and have high efficiency. It is worth noting that the amount of energy produced does not depend on the efficiency of the device, since the power of all of them is almost identical.

The benefits of solar panels

  • Green installation.
  • Long service life with performance retention.
  • No need for costly repairs, maintenance and service due to rare breakdowns.
  • Reduce gas and electricity consumption in your home with solar panels.
  • Ease of operation.


connecting solar battery to battery diagram
connecting solar battery to battery diagram

Among the most significant disadvantages are the following:

  • High cost of panels.
  • The need to install additional equipment for more efficient power distribution.
  • Solar panels cannot work with appliances that require high power.

Connection diagram

Solar panels generate energy that cannot directly power electrical appliances. transformationthe required voltage is carried out using inverters connected in the circuit between the main consumer and the panel.

There are three main schemes for connecting solar panels.

Offline connection

solar controller wiring diagrams
solar controller wiring diagrams

Solar panel connection scheme, most often used in areas where there is no centralized power supply network. Includes high capacity rechargeable batteries. They operate on the principle of energy storage during daylight hours. The generated energy is redirected to the power grid when the lighting level is insufficient.

Backup connection

Mounting diagram and connection method of the solar panel, suitable for use under the condition that there is a centralized power supply through the AC network. The back-up system is used as a fallback option, which is resorted to in the event of an emergency. For country houses and summer cottages, power outages are not uncommon, so many consumers resort to additional opportunities for obtaining light and heat.

Serial connection

serial connection
serial connection

Scheme for connecting solar panels of a country house, implying excess generation of energy and its subsequent entry into the network. The method is quite popular and is used in the electrification of private houses.


According to the above schemes for connecting to the battery, solar panels are mounted on a special design,ensuring the resistance of photocells to the influence of adverse atmospheric influences and forming a specific angle of inclination.

This design is offered in several versions:

  • Inclined. Ideal for installation on pitched roofs.
  • Horizontal. A structure that is mounted on flat roofs.
  • Free standing. Solar panels suitable for any type of roof.
installation schemes and ways to connect solar panels
installation schemes and ways to connect solar panels

The following solar battery connection diagram for the home is used for installation:

  • The frame is fastened with metal corners 50x50 mm in size, spacer bars - with squares 25x25 mm. Details provide strength and reliability of the entire structure and give the necessary angle of inclination.
  • The frame requires 6mm and 8mm bolts to assemble.
  • Under the roof covering, the structure is mounted with 12 mm studs.
  • Holes are drilled in the metal squares, with which the panels are attached. The screws provide a strong connection.
  • The frame should be assembled as accurately as possible and without distortions. The presence of errors and distortions can lead to overstressing of the system and cracking of the panels.

The scheme for connecting solar panels to the network of a balcony or loggia in an apartment is similar. The difference lies only in the fastening of the structure to an inclined surface: it is placed between the end and the wall of the building, always with access to the sun.

Use solar controller wiring diagramsIt is possible without the relevant experience, but installation skills may be required. Self-installation allows you to save on the services of specialists.


connecting solar panels to the network scheme
connecting solar panels to the network scheme

Experts recommend following several criteria when laying and connecting solar panels:

  • Devices that use alternative energy sources are most often placed on the walls or roofs of buildings. A little less often resort to high-strength supports. Batteries should be oriented so that they are not shadowed by nearby objects.
  • The plates are mounted in parallel rows, while the higher rows should not overlap those below them. This requirement must be observed, since partial or total shading can lead to a reduction or cessation of energy production. Do not exclude the effect of "reverse currents" that can disable equipment.
  • The effectiveness of the panels directly depends on their proper orientation relative to sunlight. The entire surface of the battery must receive a full beam of ultraviolet rays. The correct orientation is calculated based on the geographic location of the building.
  • The angle of inclination of the structure also depends on the geographical location of the building. This indicator is based on the latitude of the coordinates of the house; due to the fact that the sun constantly changes its position above the horizon throughout the year, the possibility of adjusting the angle is calculatedpanel tilt. The maximum correction angle in most cases does not exceed 12 degrees.
  • Batteries are mounted with free access to them. This is required to simplify the cleaning of the panels from traces of atmospheric precipitation, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the batteries.
  • A wide range of solar panels of different price categories from European and Asian manufacturers allows the consumer to choose the best model.
ways to connect solar panels
ways to connect solar panels

The main supplier of alternative energy is solar panels, which guarantee high energy efficiency not only on clear, but also on cloudy days. To provide the building with power, the purchase of special equipment and its competent installation is required. You can do this both independently and with the involvement of specialists.

There are several schemes for mounting and connecting solar panels. Methods for installing batteries vary depending on the geographical location of their location, the climate in a particular region, the powered equipment and electrical appliances, as well as the type of building in which they are being built.
