Life in the modern world is much easier than it might seem to a person. It is hard to imagine that even 100 years ago water and electricity were far from being in every home. Today, all civilized people live in comfortable conditions and do not think about the problems of comfort. What are modern people worried about? About your image. Read about image features below.

To understand what an image is and why it is needed, one should correctly understand the purpose of creating a favorable image. It is impossible to understand the functions of the image without being aware of why they are needed. So why? To build a good reputation. As they say, they meet by their clothes.
Image is that clothes and a kind of area around a person or company, on the basis of which they give an assessment. Appearance and rumors affect reputation and can make life easier or harder for a person or a group of people. Therefore, the main task of the image is to create a favorable image and maintaingood reputation. How can such a problem be solved? There are many professions whose representatives solve this issue. Marketers, image makers and PR people - all these people develop a unique style, which together is called an image.
Before we move on to enumerating the functions of the image, we should think a little about the tasks that all those people who are concerned about their reputation set for themselves.
- Emotional component. A person who works on his image should be guided by others. To stand out from the crowd and be remembered by others, you need to stand out from the gray mass. There are many ways to evoke emotions in the public. You can shock people, you can organize mass events, or in some way pleasantly surprise people. The task of a person involved in creating and maintaining an image is not to leave others indifferent. Even a negative opinion is better than none.
- Attracting investors. A person or a company can develop with their own money, but over time, resources run out. In order not to get into a mess, you need to take care of financing your own project in advance. Finding funds in a timely manner will help a person continue to develop their idea even when funds run out.
- Continuous innovation. You can not stand still if you do not want others to forget about you. It is necessary not only to stay in trend, but also to set fashion trends. To do this, you must muster up the courage and not be afraid to do what no one has yet dared to do.
- Establish good relationships with partners. A person who finds like-minded people among his competitors will go far. No need to treat competitors as enemies. It is better to learn from your like-minded people, be inspired by their successes and not be afraid to share your secrets with them. Mutually beneficial friendship will not only improve the image of the company, but also help the enterprise to develop much faster.
- Good reputation as a leader. The people do not follow the whole company. The townsfolk are accustomed to being equal to one leader. It should be advertised to any enterprise that wants to make a good image for itself.

Do you want to create a positive image? The functions and structure of creating a positive perception of the company play an important role. How do you know where to focus your energy? Focus on these factors:
- Attracting attention. For people to notice a company, you need to get to know your customers. Through advertising, you can express yourself. This first stage of image development will help to gain trust. Without a successful acquaintance, it will not be possible to make a good impression. Let people know that you know a lot about them, and now you want to tell everyone about yourself.
- Increase the level of competition. Get to know your competitors. Do not be afraid to make yourself known not only to your consumers, but also to people who have been occupying the niche that you have decided to encroach on for a long time. You will get a lot of new acquaintances, which may come in handy later.
- Benefitfor everybody. Tell people why they should follow you or use the products or services you offer. Personal charisma and image are based on the fact that a person acts honestly with his consumers. You must inspire confidence and offer a really high-quality product. This is the best way to raise your reputation.

Want to build your image? You need to learn the steps of creating your own style well:
- The first thing you need to do to build your reputation is to highlight existing problems in the concept of your enterprise. If you create an image for yourself, then you need to honestly and frankly admit what suits you, and what else needs to be worked on.
- Collecting information. This stage echoes the function of an individual image. You need to find out from others what they want from you, what they expect and what they hope for. Remember, you work with people and for people, so you need to listen to someone else's opinion.
- Preparing a new image. This stage includes the development and refinement of all details. Before changing the concept of doing business, as well as the visual design of your enterprise, you need to be aware of what changes you want to see and what you expect as a result.
- Change of image. At this stage, you need to put the developed plan into action.
- Maintaining the image. For the system to work well, it must be constantly maintained, do not forget about it.

Image is divided into two types:
- Internal. This view includes how the company sees itself and how its employees position themselves. Everything matters here: the attitude of management towards subordinates, stimulation of employees, understanding of people about who and for what they work. If employees have no idea what mission they are performing, then the company will not achieve great success.
- External. This image for the company is created by customers. Rumors, advertising, word of mouth - all this helps the company to earn a reputation. You can not neglect the opinion of your customers, so that later they, in turn, will not neglect you. To maintain a good reputation, companies hold various promotions, arrange presentations, etc.
One of the value functions of the image is the external gloss of the company. Today, the style for large enterprises is developed by eminent designers. And all for what? So that people can distinguish one company from another by the logo. If the designer tries hard, then from the external picture it will be possible not only to understand the name of the company, but also the scope of activity and even the pricing policy of the enterprise. A potential outdoor advertising client can get a complete picture of what the firm has to offer.
But still, the main function of the organization's image is recognition. Looking at the Coca-Cola logo, any modern person at first glance will say that this is delicious sparkling water. It is impossible to confuse the logo of this company with something else. Similaridentification is achieved by any company that is engaged in improving its own image.

Another of the functions of image formation is opposition. A person must understand who he is addressing. The image of a person or a company will not be complete if it does not stand out from the competition. To better understand this function, you can look at the image of goodies from fairy tales. Take, for example, the image of Ivanushka. By itself, this character is far from ideal, but against the background of Zmey Gorynych, he looks like a bright spot. According to a similar principle, the image of any person or company should be built. Emphasizing the differences between yourself and competitors, you can stand out from their background.
What is the main function of the image? Aesthetic. First of all, a person should be pleased to look at the image that an individual or a company has come up with. The visual component, as well as the concept of the enterprise, play one of the main roles in building customer confidence. In order for a person to be able to safely apply to a company, he must understand at a glance what the company does and what status it has. They are always and everywhere greeted by clothes, so you should not flatter yourself with illusions that someone does not pay attention to the visual component.

Do you want to modernize your image? It is not so easy. Why? For the reason that the functions of the image include a conservative component. What is itmeans? Over the many years of existence of certain organizations, as well as certain professions, people have developed an understanding of what they expect from specialists in a particular field.
The visual component should not deviate much from stereotypes, so as not to cause dissonance in people. What does it mean? If a lawyer dresses like a dancer in a club, he won't be taken seriously. If an architectural design company appeals to modernism, then it will be able to scare away most of its clients. The image of companies should not go beyond generally accepted concepts, otherwise it will be difficult for the office to exist.
Market positioning
Each person must adequately represent the place that he occupies in this world. And any company should do the same. The structure and functions of an image help people understand how to position themselves correctly.
Potential customers choose from numerous options an office that can satisfy all requirements. And it is not so difficult to imagine that many people choose a company not only for external attributes, but also for reviews. Therefore, one of the functions of the image makes people think about the impression that customers have. Always remember that word of mouth is the best advertisement.
Incitement to action

What features of the corporate image can be listed? One of the main ones is a call to action. The image of the company should force the client to turn to specialistsorganizations for help, advice, or other service. Advertising and the development of the style of the organization are primarily aimed at sales. This is the main goal of any company, so you don’t need to think long about how the organization lives and why it puts on its external gloss. Sales, attracting customers and, most importantly, a clear connection between the product and the company are the main tasks of any corporation that wants to be successful not only in a narrow segment of consumers, but also enter the global market.