What is a community? Communities in VKontakte. World Communities

What is a community? Communities in VKontakte. World Communities
What is a community? Communities in VKontakte. World Communities

A little more than 50 years have passed since the appearance of the first semblances of the Internet - less than the life of one generation. But today it is difficult to imagine the life of mankind without it. In modern times, the Internet has ceased to be something like virtual reality. Gradually, without noticing it, people transferred their entire lives to the network. Internet commerce, mail, instant messaging, electronic payments, online shopping give an accurate understanding of what the community of consumers and producers created by the World Wide Web is the main direction in which humanity will develop.

what is community
what is community

Community transformation

First of all, the understanding of the very term "community" has changed. Nowadays, the global communities of Internet and social network users consist of people who are united not by geographical boundaries, but by interests. Previously, this was hard to imagine, since restrictions in the location of people played a huge role and left a big imprint on the way of life and thinking. Based on this, you can make boldconclusions that the Internet community is a group of people united by common interests, ultimate goals, the desire to receive some information or some end product created as a result of cooperation.

world communities
world communities

New Values

With the deeper penetration of the Internet into our lives, the realization has come that such a community as social networks can give people new values, bring up the right ideology in the younger generation. Concentrating their attention on social networks, uniting in various "Internet circles" according to their interests, young people involuntarily protect themselves from the entire flow of dirty information, in which they can easily drown. In this regard, the issue of not protecting children and adolescents from the Internet, which is almost impossible. The key point will be a push in the right direction, which can be achieved by developing and creating communities on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks.

vkontakte communities
vkontakte communities

Social media communities

The huge interest of the population in social networks has already led to the emergence of various interest groups that are created within various resources for communication. The advantage of such associations is that such a community of people allows you to unite users from different parts of the world. Thus, a unified structure for the transfer of information, experience, free expression of thoughts is created, which helps a lot in solving everyday and topical issues. Also the community insocial network allows people to express their thoughts, get rid of the accumulated aggression by formulating their claims on the forums. This form of communication satisfies the need of young people to express themselves and to “be heard and understood.”

What can communities bring to the younger generation?

The relevance of the development of such associations is also expressed in the following:

  • Communities help you understand yourself and the nature of human behavior. They also help to fight such a "killer of human peace" as a feeling of loneliness. One has only to enter a phrase in a search engine, as soon as there is an interesting page that will help you usefully kill time and forget about loneliness.
  • Communities help find a way out of this situation. Often a person is faced with problems that it is difficult for him to cope with without experience and relevant knowledge. The price of a mistake is very high, and there are no impartial people around who could help with the right advice. Communities and social networks act as an invisible mediator and helper in such a situation.
  • Another advantage is that such a community helps to hear public opinion and find oneself in society. This fact is also useful for statistical analysis of freely expressed public opinion by posting various questionnaires on websites. Everyone will be heard regardless of gender, race, religion.
  • As a "side" consequence of the emergence of the Internet, online communities in our time appear to users in the form of a newplatforms where you can start implementing new business ideas and creative plans.

VKontakte communities

In the post-Soviet space, the social network VKontakte is of great interest. This fact is confirmed by the trust of more than 56 million users who visit up to 3 trillion pages in just a day. The most active Internet users create communities here on various original topics.

communities in contact
communities in contact

There are so many communities that even special third-party services have been created to track site visit statistics and create ratings for ordinary users. Such services help travelers on the World Wide Web navigate when choosing a VKontakte community that can provide the information they need and earn their attention.
