Like Nastya: how to become a millionaire in two years

Like Nastya: how to become a millionaire in two years
Like Nastya: how to become a millionaire in two years

In the past few years, YouTube video hosting has become not only an entertainment platform, but also a good way to make money. Users upload their videos, and successful advertising integration allows them to live comfortably on the proceeds. But what about the fact that more and more videos with children are being uploaded as content? Let's try to figure out the usefulness or harm of such a business using the example of the Likes Nastya channel.

History of Creation

On January 14, 2016, a new channel called Like Nastya appeared on YouTube. The heroine of the commercials was a two-year-old girl who was enthusiastically engaged in unpacking gifts and parcels. The audience passed by - there were already a lot of such channels, and they all made the same content. Nastya's mother decided to look for her "trick". By that time, the parents had sold their business, and the income from the channel was their only chance to earn money. They have invested too much in this project.

Nastya Laiki video blogger
Nastya Laiki video blogger


Anna Radzinskaya comes up with a new project - Likes Nastya will visit the coolest children's parks and attractions in the world. This has never been done before, and this may be of interest to young viewers. Her calculation paid off, as by the end of the year, 2.5 million people had already subscribed to the channel. Now they did not need to invest their own funds in travel: advertising more than paid off all costs.

Little Nastya has become the idol of kids. Videos with a girl were everywhere - they were strongly advised and recommended for viewing after the release of cartoons. The kids were delighted with the bright pictures and became devoted fans of the baby.

Channel Like Nastya
Channel Like Nastya


Counting other people's income is ugly, but everyone is interested in this question. How much can you earn on a children's channel? After all, it is believed that advertising in such videos has a specific audience - children. And the child will not be able to make independent purchases. And now remember all the children's tantrums in supermarkets and confused parents who were ready to buy everything the baby needs. Seeing a doll, a chocolate bar, a backpack or a beautiful dress in Nastya's hands, the child instantly wants the same for himself. And not every parent is able to refuse a beloved child!

Back in 2017, experts calculated that with 2.5 million subscribers, Nastya's Laika channel brings about 5.8 million rubles to her parents. To date, this figure can be safely increased by 4 times. Almost 10 million subscribers and almost 3 billion views. Such amounts can shock not only a simple layman, but alsobig businessman. Someone makes risky deals and does not sleep at night for the sake of less income, and a little girl just plays with her father, who dresses up as a bear and at the same time has more than 20 million rubles a month.

Nastya Laiki
Nastya Laiki

Reverse side

There are parents who can give their child a tablet and go about their business. They are not at all interested in what the baby is watching at this moment. The main thing is that he calms down at least for a while and does not get in the way under his feet. But there are parents who are pissed off by the obsessive videos of Laika Nastya. They see in the videos not only advertising, but also direct harm to the development of their child. Some begin to burr and distort words, repeating after their favorite. Angry parents write about all this in the comments and in the discussion on the channel. They also do not understand how children can enjoy the piercing voice-over of Anna herself, who non-stop commenting on her daughter's every movement.

Psychologists are beginning to sound the alarm: it is not uncommon for children to be literally exploited by their parents in order to make a video. The viewer does not see what is happening on the other side of the monitor. If the shooting of videos is of a playful nature, then this does not cause any concern. But if parents make children laugh on camera and fake emotions, then that's another story. Is there a childhood for children who began to earn big money at the age of two? Do they have a future? What will happen when they get older and the interest of subscribers disappears?