How to disable a security camera? Programs for hacking CCTV cameras

How to disable a security camera? Programs for hacking CCTV cameras
How to disable a security camera? Programs for hacking CCTV cameras

Internal security of video surveillance systems is one of the discussed but solved problems. Experts in this field, trying to bypass programs for hacking CCTV cameras, miss the simplest methods of bypassing them, getting carried away by effective ways to fight. Of course, anti-vandal domes easily endure any damage, but no one bothers to corny stick them with stickers.

On the Internet, you can find many instructions on how to discreetly disable a security camera and effectively resist filming at a low cost. What methods can be resorted to and what to use - we will share below.

Who and why might need to disable the camera?

mini cctv camera
mini cctv camera

Target audience, as a rule - potential violators of the law, which may interfere with video surveillance. For vandals and hooligans, the destruction of cameras is entertainment and psychological relaxation, for the organizers of terrorist attacks andother criminal acts - an opportunity to evade responsibility.

Do not discount the ideological fighters with video surveillance - their motivation, as a rule, lies in the ideology based on the postulates that the use of cameras not only does not reduce the crime rate, but also interferes with the private life of citizens without compelling grounds for that. An additional argument often cited by fighters is the generation of social injustice and enmity between different sections of society.

Sealing the camera

A simple but effective way to disable a CCTV camera is to stick or cover up its lens. For this purpose, any paint, adhesive tape, stickers, plasticine or a substance of a similar consistency is suitable. The efficiency of this method is low. In addition, the availability of the camera is a gross mistake of the installer.

However, you can close up the lens with a banal putty ball fired from a school slingshot. An ordinary stone may be suitable for the same purposes, but this will lead to damage to property, which can only aggravate the situation of the criminal if he is caught.

The most original option is to pour liquid glue into a plastic bag and, unrolling it on your finger, run it into a surveillance camera for the street. However, it requires high precision and considerable experience; if he does succeed, then the glued package will not be removed from the lens soon, and this time will be enough to turn dark deeds.


CCTV hacking software
CCTV hacking software

This method has a largerange, but requires the use of a certain technique. The most effective option is a water gun filled with paint or a paintball gun. Experts who talk about how to disable a security camera advise using water-based emulsion paint and guns with a high-capacity replaceable reservoir. It is advisable to dilute the coloring matter before pouring, otherwise the high viscosity may adversely affect the range of the gun and jam its mechanism.

Cut the wiring

The most obvious way to keep your face off the video is to interrupt the data transfer to the monitor. This can be done quickly, simply and effectively by cutting the cable.

Any sharp object will work for this purpose, preferably one with insulated handles in case the camera is connected to a voltage cable of more than 36 volts.

Impact with a laser beam

how to ste althily disable a cctv camera
how to ste althily disable a cctv camera

One of the high-tech options for how to disable a security camera. An intense beam of light directed into the lens leads to the illumination of the sensitive element, which partially or completely covers the images with a spot. Not all cameras can cope with such an effect - even those that have a wide dynamic range. The laser pointer will be perfectly visible on the recording, but the figure of the person directing it will not.


In addition to the banal ways to disable cameras, there are technological ones. One of them -special devices capable of blocking the operation of tracking devices. Such jammers interrupt the transmission of the image, jamming the broadcast signal.

The action of the devices is mainly aimed at Wi-Fi surveillance cameras, however, some technicians are able to assemble devices that interfere with wireless channels.

The principle of operation of such devices is simple - the camera signal channel is clogged with a large amount of interference, which leads to its failure. The interrupted recording will be restored after the equipment is restarted, but the image is not saved.

Hacking security cameras

how to disable cctv camera
how to disable cctv camera

It is not so easy to disable a mini-surveillance camera using special software. Hacking IP cameras, as a rule, is aimed not at breaking them, but at intercepting and viewing the video stream.

You can only support remote access to a specific camera through a specific browser. Broadcasting of the video stream is also carried out in different formats, respectively, to view it you will need to install plugins.

From a theoretical point of view, IP cameras are protected by two means: IP address and account password. In practice, the IP address is not considered an effective method of protection: it is easily tracked by a standard address, and all cameras respond identically to requests from search robots.

Hacking webcams

outdoor surveillance cameras
outdoor surveillance cameras

Those working through the universal webcam driver are often referred to asUVC compliant. How to disable this type of CCTV camera? It is easier to do this, since it uses a documented standard protocol for its operation. However, access to the webcam requires control over the computer with which it is synchronized.

Technically, you can access UVC cameras on Windows computers through DirectDraw filters, camera drivers, and VFW codecs. How to turn off the security camera? It is enough for beginners to use the so-called "rat" by modifying it. Such programs are remote administration tools and are presented on the Internet in a wide range. There are not only backdoors, but also legitimate utilities, which can be optionally changed in order to hack the camera, you need to automatically accept a request for a remote connection and minimize the main window. The rest of the process falls entirely on the shoulders of social engineering.

Infrared and laser light

how to disable the camera
how to disable the camera

Laser radiation, as mentioned above, not only illuminates the camera matrix, but also allows you to influence it. Various techniques can be used to turn off mini surveillance cameras:

  • Combining powerful sources.
  • Emission of visible long waves.
  • Use of infrared diodes.

The action of infrared diodes can lead to burning of optical sensors and camera matrix.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), modern models of surveillance cameras are equipped with infrared filters, not onlyimproving the quality of shooting, but also protecting them from direct hit of identical rays. The technique independently neutralizes the harmful effect, which does not allow the attacker to achieve the desired.

An equally effective way to stop image transmission with the creation of a spot of light is to direct a burning diode towards the lens. In theory, everything is easy, but in practice it is almost impossible to implement.

The last method is the emission of a long visible wave. To do this, a powerful laser is directed into the lens for 20 minutes, placed at a certain distance from it.

This method brings a natural result, provided that the light source has enough power to overcome the protection of the camera. The green laser is the most effective in this situation.

Magnetic radiation

wifi cctv camera
wifi cctv camera

Magnet is another way to disable a CCTV camera. But it requires access to the exposed part of the cable; the method is implementable, but requires several conditions to be met.

The main thing is that the strength of the magnetic field must be either very large or unstable, sufficient to interfere with the operation of the camera.

The camera is turned off as follows:

  • Detects an open section of wiring that transmits data.
  • A powerful magnet stays on it for a certain amount of time.
  • The first effect of exposure to magnetic radiation will be noticeable after thirty minutes - interference will appear, after which the image will disappear, and the transmissiondata will stop.

When hacking, it is worth considering that there is a variety of IP cameras equipped with special protocols aimed at protecting data transmission. Their job is to eliminate errors and broadcast the image even in the presence of strong interference. Now you know what are the ways to disable cameras. When installing, they must be taken into account so that intruders cannot harm your property.
