For the safety of people and things, fire and burglar alarms were created. But simply buying them is clearly not enough. It is also necessary to carry out the installation of a fire alarm system. Therefore, within the framework of the article, attention will be paid to both general issues and individual aspects and nuances.
What is a burglar and fire alarm?

Installation of these systems is complex, and before you get started, you need to understand what you have to deal with. So, they are a set of technical means that are used to timely detect a fire, as well as unauthorized entry into a protected area. In the event of a malfunction, a signal is sent to the control room to send a rapid response squad and mechanical methods of influence are activated (if we talk about fire alarms, the automatic fire extinguishing system starts).

We know what a burglar and fire alarm is. Installation of this security complex can be carried out by three approaches, which depend on the categoriesequipment:
- Designed for centralized control. This is understood as the presence of a computer with special software that manages all the technical details.
- Equipment designed to collect and process information that comes from sensors. These include control panels for security and fire safety.
- Directly the sensors themselves, which detect violations of activity, as well as notification devices (for example, loudspeakers).
Installation of fire alarm systems differs from security usually in the location of sensors. So, for the safety of the premises, it is necessary to keep windows under control, monitor if someone moves at the wrong time, and carry out many other operations. Whereas for monitoring fires, it is enough to simply place the sensors on the ceiling, maintaining a certain distance in order to cover the entire area as efficiently as possible.
Their connection is carried out at the level of centralized management and monitoring of the system. At the same time, they are administered by independent units or posts. Thus, their autonomy is preserved. If a small object is controlled, then all the necessary tracking functions can be performed automatically. Control panels are invaluable in such cases. They allow you to receive alarm notifications, generate problem messages, and also transmit them to centralized monitoring stations. Depending on the complexity of the integrated system being used, there may also benotify other components of the automated complex about problems. Moreover, if the installation of an automatic fire alarm is something more or less real, then the security is not so easy.
Problems with implementation

Let's imagine that there is a fire at the facility. We will know about him. It is relatively easy and cheap to install an automatic fire extinguishing system on it. This only requires tanks with a fire extinguishing mixture, and a way to supply it to any place. But with security, everything is much more complicated. So, let's say that someone entered the object (or, to be more precise, the research laboratory). Security will be notified about the presence of someone else, a rapid response team will leave, but by the time they arrive at the scene, it turns out that there is no one there. A peculiar solution can be seen in the most advanced places on the planet in this matter: the treasuries of countries and mints. So, if there was an unauthorized entry and the security system was hacked, it is envisaged that the hitherto passive security system is activated, which closes all possible exits again. But it is expensive and difficult to implement, so you can not expect that something like this can be seen in many places. And now let's find out what is needed to make a high-quality installation of a fire and security alarm.

So that we have high-quality security and fire alarms, installationand maintenance should be carried out by professional technicians. If you have a plan to take care of the house on your own (or even some shed), then you need to carefully study all the information that you can get. It is also necessary to draw up a project plan, which will be carried out taking into account the regulatory documents that are currently in force, as well as coordinate the installation with permitting state authorities (this applies to professional services in the first place). For installation, it would be best to use certified equipment, since homemade products can carry a certain danger if they were created by an inexperienced person. And at the very end, it will be necessary to carry out commissioning work, correct all inaccuracies, solve problems and draw up technical documentation. In the future, it will only be necessary to maintain the mechanisms and maintain their performance. It is highly desirable to maintain the operation by the same person (or company) who performed the configuration. He must be technically literate.

We know what a burglar and fire alarm is, installation, installation and support of its operation, as well as who should support their operation. Sensors, as well as connecting wires, are the key components of the system, which determine the reliability of its operation as a whole. At the same time, they are laid in such a way that they are not conspicuous. To be sure, cables with at least two cores are used. ATthere is considerable choice in the quality of the sensors used. You can stop at the good old reed "caps". Although if we talk about the kitchen, then elements are needed here that can respond not only to heat, but also to smoke. Near the places of storage of valuables, it would be very desirable to place motion sensors. Fortunately, the cheapest options cost only a few hundred rubles, so if you wish, you can force the whole house. Also, in order to have an idea of whether they work or not, you can choose devices equipped with a signal diode. In the event of a failure, they will immediately report problems.

If you decide to do everything yourself, take into account government regulations. They contain provisions that, at first glance, may seem too lenient, but this is a misleading impression. So, they provide for the option of using the room by smokers with the possibility of a false alarm, as well as technical recommendations for the placement of system elements. And in general, there is a number of useful information that will be useful to those people who do not have good experience in this area.