Android devices are deservedly considered one of the most flexible in configuration. Solutions from Microsoft and Apple are seriously inferior in this aspect. Nevertheless, not all existing versions of Android can boast of an abundance of settings available to the user, as developers often simply hide them or block them.

This is done in order to increase the reliability of the system, similar to the protection of Windows system directories from file modification. For example, smartphones from Samsung, which run the TouchWiz add-on shell in its basic version, do not allow their owners to adjust the functionality too much. However, there is a way to overcome this limitation.
Intended Flexibility

Replacing a basic software package with an optimized one often completely transforms a mobile device, improves performance and ease of interaction with the interface. Since Google systems are based on Linux, the installation process is no different from updates performed on versions running on computers.
What you need to know before installation

After the successful completion of rooting, it becomes possible to install some specialized application designed to save all user data. In particular, you can "back up" already installed programs along with settings, a phone book with current calls, etc. A very useful feature that should not be ignored. Here they are - custom firmware. What is this program that saves all the data? One of the best is Titanium backup. It works if there are root rights in the system. Note that even if you do not plan to change the firmware, it is recommended to save the data in any case.

If we talk about the "iron" component, then the owner of the gadget needs to prepare a computer with a free USB port, a cable for connecting devices, an SD memory card.
Let's take a look at some of the most popular custom ROMs. “What is this, for example, CyanogenMod that everyone is talking about?” - the attentive reader will ask. And will betotally right.
Chinese developers are known for constantly releasing new models of gadgets and firmware for them. Not surprisingly, they have achieved a lot in terms of software optimization. So, a distribution called MIUI has incorporated the best solutions from the classic Android and CyanogenMod. Even more - some of the ideas implemented in MIUI are completely absent in the original firmware from Google. Outwardly, this system is similar to the solution from Apple in its iOS (one working screen). MIUI is distinguished by stability; ease of transfer to other gadgets, which explains its distribution; economical use of resources; convenience of the interface; lots of customization and, of course, impressive appearance. Back in 2012, custom firmware 4 from MIUI was introduced, which became incredibly popular. Now there is already version 7.х.х.
There are four assembly teams for these ROMs: Miltirom, Miuipro, Xiaomi and MIUI. Although there are no global changes within the same version, you cannot put an equal sign between them. The solutions from each of the teams have their own, so to speak, inherent disadvantages and advantages. User select. For example, Miuipro only offers cloaked options; Xiaomi does not allow you to install themes with patches, etc.

Same one main screen and missing application menu. Similar interface. It is worth noting the smaller requirements for RAM and more productive work. A worthy replacement for the basic programs from Google. Voice search and the Play Market work great. What distinguishes Lewa from all other solutions is the balance between the number of settings and the initial performance. That is, there is no need to understand dozens of switches, as in MIUI, and the functionality of those that are present is obvious.
Great CyanogenMod
Custom firmware for Samsung Galaxy and other smartphones, of course, is not limited to MIUI and Lewa. One of the more well-known alternatives to the basic software is CyanogenMod (aka Cyan, CM). The advantages of this solution are obvious: no "extra" programs; many settings; performance optimization; reduced battery consumption; ART mode by default. In addition, it is possible to activate root access without using third-party applications. It is worth noting that thanks to the efforts of the developers, the CyanogenMod firmware can be used even on devices with MTK processors. In addition, there are versions based on "Android 5.1.1" that can work with the kernel "Linux 3.4.67" ("Kit-Kat").

If we talk about Samsung Galaxy, especially the latest models, then their owners can be said to be lucky, because the installed CyanogenMod firmware automatically selects the current version, downloads it and offers to update. You can be sure that the gadget is running the most up-to-date version.
Many smartphone assembly companies introduce some of their "proprietary" developments into the classic "Android". This is exactly what happened with Lenovo. The owners of these devices have long known what Vibe UI is. This is an add-on over the standard interface, a kind of shell. Now anyone can appreciate all its advantages - for this it is not at all necessary to buy the appropriate gadget. It is enough just to install custom firmware. One of the advantages of this software solution is that its internal structure involves the assembly of a single interface from independent components, which makes it easy to change any of them. Among the unique features, one cannot fail to note the “smart button”, when pressed, the application selection menu appears; smart wi-fi, which implements binding to a single station, which saves battery power when the connection is lost; file transfer tooldevices over a wireless network, etc. It is important to understand that custom firmware based on Vibe may not have all the functions as in the original version.
Basic set

Craftsmen take as a basis the existing "Android" firmware from any gadget, add certain lines to its configuration files for optimization, remove all "extra" applications, replace some basic programs with analogues, etc. As a result, a modified original firmware.
Custom iOS firmware
Apple devices may not always allow you to install modified software. This partly explains their higher reliability. So, "lucky" owners of iPhone 1-4 revisions (except 4S). But in all subsequent ones, this possibility is blocked. Having decided to install “custom” on the iPhone, you must, first of all, not rush, but visit many Internet resources on this topic. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the device (as, for example, it happens with 3GS, in which the modem part is updated). In general, we repeat, custom firmware is not installed on new Apple gadgets.
Very often mobile device owners cannot decide which firmware is better. In fact, one should proceed from whether everything suits the existing baseline? Risk of occurrenceproblems associated with installing third-party software is not always justified. Sometimes it is more rational to install a new launcher, remove "extra" programs, learn how to work with Clean Master. And resorting to such a cardinal step as installing custom firmware is only necessary in case of any malfunctions that are “cured” by the updated software.