Faced in everyday life with advertising in one form or another, we often hear the ringing word "banner". What it is? Let's try to figure it out together.
Tempting Internet
Banners is a word of foreign origin. From English banner is translated as a flag or a banner. That is, a kind of canvas with information located on it. What does it look like in real life?

Visiting the pages of the Internet, on each of them we involuntarily come across advertising products. Text blocks or flashy graphics appeal to us with a variety of services. Having become interested in the information, we make a click and immediately go to the advertiser's page. Now it becomes clear that Internet banners are advertising pictures with a hyperlink to a specific page of a website with an extended description of a product or service.
Twin brother
A foreign word has a lexical homonym, that is, one more meaning. In outdoor advertising, a banner is a large-format canvas with printed information printed on it. They decorate the facades of buildings, placed above the roadway in the form of constrictions or mounted on billboardsbillboards.

So, it turns out that a banner is two different concepts aimed at achieving the same goal. We propose to consider in more detail each of the methods of advertising influence.
Advertising on online services
Banners on the Internet are used primarily to place their own advertising. The blocks that stand out are designed to lure new visitors to the site. Their design and semantic content form the site's own image.
This is the most popular type of advertising on the Internet, because its action is very effective and has a positive effect on business development.
Banner ads can also be viewed as a source of income. By placing graphic blocks of other owners on the pages of your site, you can get paid for this.

Creating banners
By the method of creation, there are two types of online banners:
Static - a regular-j.webp" />
The advantage of such advertising is ease of manufacture and low cost. The disadvantages include excessively large size and low level of efficiency. A still picture draws little attention to itself, and for those who regularly visit a page with such advertising, it very quickly falls out of attention.
Dynamic - images with an animated story in-g.webp" />
Gif-banners are not very difficult to make, have a small file size and a high advertising return.
Flash banners are the most effective way toanimated ads. The undeniable advantage is the ability to combine several types of advertising information and unlimited scope for creativity.
Creating a good banner requires the intervention of a professional designer. Contacting a specialist will require the expenditure of certain funds, but in this case, you can achieve the highest quality product that can effectively implement the advertising task. The cost of a banner will start from five to seven hundred rubles. It is difficult to name the maximum amount - everything will depend on the scope of the task and the level of professionalism of the designer.
If you set yourself the task of creating static advertising, then you can try to get by with minimal effort. Basic knowledge of a graphic editor such as Photoshop will be enough. You can also use a special program for creating banners, which has a large database of template solutions.

Features of online advertising
The main indicator of the quality of banner advertising is the response. Efficiency is expressed in the frequency of clicks and the number of clicks on the link. The production of banners and their subsequent operation require certain requirements to be met in order to be successful:
- The dimensions of the banner canvas can have arbitrary values, but the best option would be a plot with dimensions of 468x60 pixels (the main unit of measurement).
- Location at the very top of the page has the best appeal. This is due to the peculiarity of the human eye- first look at the top third of the document. This applies to all types of print and electronic publications. Accordingly, banners located in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page are much less likely to receive additional responses.
- Wide use of animation. A changing plot, a moving picture in dynamic advertising unconsciously attract the attention of a person and, accordingly, increase his interest.
- Color effect. To enhance the influence of advertising banners, it is desirable to use certain ranges of shades. The following color combinations have a good stimulating effect on human consciousness: white-blue, white-red, yellow-black.
Outdoor advertising - what is it
One of the directions of advertising, visually influencing the consumer through a large format and wide coverage of the audience. The concept of outdoor advertising has a volumetric meaning and includes a wide variety of products.

The outdoor advertising category includes:
- main structures - carriers of printed matter;
- branding building facades;
- 3D letters;
- signboards, plates;
- inscriptions on shop windows, tents, awnings;
- car advertising
The list of outdoor advertising tools can be continued, but we will pay special attention to only one of them.
Pros of application
Banners are one of the most effective, time-tested types of outdooradvertising. They can quite easily demonstrate the current story on the streets of the city for one or two years without loss of exposure quality. High technical characteristics cause several advantages of using a banner:
- durability;
- strength;
- high speed and ease of manufacture;
- easy installation;
- affordable price;
- wide application possibilities.

The benefit of the banner is quite obvious. Having paid for the goods once, you can use it for a long time. Simplicity and convenience of installation work allow you to easily rotate advertising spaces.
Assembly and dismantling works
Banners of standard sizes (3x6, 6x12, 3x4 m) are fastened to advertising planes using a cord. The finished canvas around the entire perimeter is densely punched with metal eyelets, through which a thin and strong rope is passed. It is braided around the metal frame of the shield frame, pulling the banner tightly.
In cases where the advertising canvas has a large area, or there is no frame, fastening is achieved using self-tapping screws.
Vinyl advertisement

The banners are printed on a special material with a vinyl base. Depending on the purpose, there are several types of banner material:
Frontlit - molded laminated fabric. It is a mesh made of polyester, on which a polyvinyl chloride fabric is welded by lamination. Outside, the surface is additionally varnished
Differs in low strength characteristics, is easily exposed to moisture, quickly fades in the sun. These properties make it suitable for indoor use only. For external use, it can be used for a short period of time (2-3 months). The main advantage is low cost.
- Backlit - translucent cast canvas. The basis is PVC fabric, reinforced on both sides with a mesh of polyester threads. Lacquering creates a gloss on the front surface. Increased strength and durability create an opportunity for long-term advertising on the street. Technological features allow the "banner to work through the light", that is, to use backlighting. This enhances the visual impact and lengthens the daily exposure period of the advertisement.
- Blackout - molded banner fabric. Base - PVC canvas, coated on both sides with acrylic lacquer. The opacity of the material makes it possible to apply a graphic image on both sides. The fabric has a high density, weather resistant.