What question to ask on "Ask"? What questions can be asked on "Ask.fm"?

What question to ask on "Ask"? What questions can be asked on "Ask.fm"?
What question to ask on "Ask"? What questions can be asked on "Ask.fm"?

Now almost every person (especially girls) has a page on Ask.fm. Someone is embarrassed to ask for any information "in person", even virtually, someone likes to hide behind anonymity, someone wants to get to know a person better, and someone just wants to raise their friend's self-esteem. The problem is that the last two types of curious incognitos sometimes do not know at all what question to ask on "Ask". Today we will deal with this difficulty.

Why "Ask" is so popular

Why do people love this site? What's so special about just asking people about anything? And the site is popular because it is beneficial to both those who answer and those who ask.

100 questions for ask
100 questions for ask

The first ones, when they receive questions, feel that they are needed by someone. They are pleased that they are of interest to someone, because they are verymany people like to talk about themselves. And here is such an opportunity - everyone asks you, and you only need to answer questions. Moreover, you can choose and give answers only to anonymous letters you like.

The latter, in turn, can learn useful/necessary/interesting information from a person. Since most often people ask questions on the network anonymously, and it is impossible to figure out the questioner, a unique opportunity is provided to ask something that has long been of interest. Someone cannot ask a girl if she has a boyfriend, so it’s easier for him to ask this question incognito, and then try to get to know each other on another social network, for example. Someone hopes behind a mask of anonymity to make his friend blabbed. There are many reasons, and they all prove that "Ask" is a pretty useful site.

What to ask a stranger

What questions can you ask on "Ask" to a person with whom you have not even communicated? Any! Seriously, you may not know how a new potential acquaintance feels about things that you like / dislike, but you can ask anything without worrying about the consequences, because a person and a stranger can't go bad in a relationship.

What question to ask
What question to ask

If you don't know what question to ask on Ask, here are some things to think about:

  • Favorite/beloved/beloved… And then ascribe anything: a drink, a dish, a music band, a movie, clothes, shoes, etc. It is enough to attach the word “favorite” to something in the right gender, like it turns outgood question.
  • Tell me about… Here you can also come up with a lot of questions: about a funny incident from childhood, about your fears and where they come from, about what kind of person people like (an option for modest people who doubt their appearance), about pets, about favorite weather. You can continue indefinitely.

What to ask a girlfriend/friend

You know almost everything about them, so you can think not only about what questions you can ask on "Ask", but also build a psychic out of yourself. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise a person will quickly figure out that he is dealing with one of his friends. For example: “I will guess your favorite color in three attempts”, after which you first name the wrong answer, and then the correct one. You can also play "Guessing": you ask leading questions, and your friend must guess as quickly as possible who is asking him.

What question to ask on the ask
What question to ask on the ask

But back to our sheep. So, what questions can you ask your friends on Ask.

  • You can talk about gifts. For example, you do not know what question to ask on "Ask" and what to give your friend or your girlfriend for her birthday (New Year, Easter, February 23, etc.), so why not combine business with pleasure? Ask something like "What would you like to receive on March 8?" or “What thing do you lack to be happy?”. There are many options, the meaning is one - you will know for the future what to give.
  • Information about plans. This includes not only “What do you do on the weekend?”, But also more. For example, youwant to skydive but don't want to do it alone. Almost no one wants to be refused, so first you can ask if your friend wants to jump from a height, and only then, if the answer is yes, call with an offer.

What topics are undesirable to raise

Since you already almost know what question to ask on Ask, you need to be aware of what it is better not to talk about. Politics, religion, personal life and gossip about loved ones/acquaintances are topics that not every person will agree to rant about. There are, of course, exceptions; moreover, some deliberately demonstrate their sex life or ardent unfounded atheism in order to further provoke the public and get another batch of questions. But there are fewer such people than those who do not particularly like to talk about who was in his bed yesterday, or answer questions about the situation in Ukraine.

What questions can be asked
What questions can be asked

Things are ambiguous with questions about problems. There are people who like to complain about their bitter fate, and such attention to their troubles/he alth will seem fortunate. And there are those who can not stand talking to strangers, and even in front of everyone, about such things. Here everything depends on the person.

Continued questions

We have already figured out what questions to ask friends and strangers on "Ask", it remains to decide what to ask so that we can continue talking later, but not for long. The usual pleasant conversation for one evening, on which your decision may dependabout whether it is worth continuing to communicate with a person if you are unfamiliar. So, what questions can be asked on "Ask.fm" with a further prospect of continuing communication:

  • Philosophical. What, if not this direction, will help a person open up, and give you the opportunity to ask new questions based on the answers of the interlocutor. “What is the meaning of life for you” or “Describe the ideal world for you” are tasks that are simple at first glance, but from them you can not only recognize a person, but also learn new information. The main thing is not to run into an interlocutor who does not like to think about this and that in vain.
  • What questions can be asked on ask.fm
    What questions can be asked on ask.fm
  • About common interests. It could be a favorite band, an actor, a movie, a job, a fantasy, etc. True, you first need to find this common denominator, but this is not a problem, because it is not difficult to ask quickly about what you like. It is impossible to talk about them endlessly, but for one evening you will provide yourself with a dialogue without worrying about what question to ask on Ask.

Additional moves

You can use a little trick: ask some third-party person: “What question of the day would you ask Ask.fm users?”, And then borrow the answer received in order to ask someone who originally wanted to ask about it write.

What question of the day would you ask the users of ask.fm
What question of the day would you ask the users of ask.fm

You can watch the interview. To make it easier and more enjoyable, find a suitable conversation, for example, with your favorite actor. In spite ofwhat the celebrity will ask will be mainly about the occupation, while watching you will still find what question to ask on "Ask".


Of course, you did not receive specific 100 questions for "Ask.fm", but from now on you at least have an idea what you can ask other users about, and what topics are better not to raise if you do not want to cause discontent or ignore from the person of interest. Happy dating!