Whatever snobs might say, Soviet acoustic systems were at the highest level. Even now they can bypass many modern "tweeters". And after appropriate refinement, even budget speaker systems from Yamaha cannot be compared with them. And now we will look at the legendary Soviet speakers Radiotehnika S90. This is the symbol of the Soviet Union. Even abroad, the high quality of this speaker system was noted (at one time). Therefore, it makes sense to consider these columns. Moreover, many still use them to this day.
A bit of history
Radiotehnika S90 speakers were first released in the early eighties of the last century. They were produced by a plant located in Latvia, which became an additional incentive for citizens to buy them. Despite the rather high price, the speakers sold like hot cakes. People saved for a long time, malnourished, hiccupped them wherever possible. They even bought used speakers. Just to decorate your closets with "Radio Engineering".

Today, many audiophiles are still chasing this speaker system. Speakers "Radio engineering" - the blue dream of every connoisseur of high-quality sound. But now they canbuy only in the secondary market. And it is far from a fact that their condition will be acceptable (the "dashing nineties" affect). Nevertheless, this speaker system can give odds to many modern speakers. And after the appropriate refinement, it completely turns into Hi-End class acoustics. And this is a completely different level.
Look & Design
The sound system from "Radio engineering" looks impressive. These are very large speakers. Each of them weighs about 15-20 kilograms. This is not to mention the fact that it is not very convenient to carry them because of the bulky and voluminous case. The front panel (as well as the entire body) is covered with veneer. There are several color combinations. The speakers are covered with a metal mesh. Only the tweeter is not covered by protection. This, of course, is good, but it does not affect the acoustic properties of the speakers in the best way. However, the design is quite acceptable. Much better than other "clumsy" Soviet-made columns.

On the right side of the midrange and tweeters are two mode switches. It is not known why they were placed here. A normal amplifier itself is able to switch modes. And the work of the speakers is to reproduce the sound correctly. Nevertheless, in Radiotehnika S90 such switches are available. But in the process of refinement, they can be removed, because they affect the overall sound quality very negatively. But for those who appreciate retro and antiques, such offers will seem like blasphemy.
So let's move on to the stingynumbers. The normal power of the speakers is 35 watts. But these handsome men can easily give out 90. That is why they were called "the nightmare of the neighbors." However, for their full disclosure, appropriate stereo amplifiers are required. Only then will this speaker system sound for real. The frequency range starts at 20 hertz and ends at 25,000 hertz. Such a wide range allows the speakers to reproduce almost all instruments quite reliably. The frequency response is quite acceptable for a speaker system of this level. No miracles can be expected from her. But the sound is quite decent.

Now the fun part is the woofer. This is the legendary "Dean 75 GD". The thing, of course, is good, but it does not produce an ideally reliable bass. If the woofer is at least something of itself, then the mid-range and woofers, although they cope with their task, but it will not work to call them "kosher". Ordinary paper "bubbles". It would be much better to replace them with Kevlar or silk domes during refinishing. That's when the big speakers will sound. And it's better to rewind the woofer, as in used speakers it often burns out due to "super-mega bass".
Sound quality
As mentioned above, the Radio Engineering speakers with standard components cannot boast of a very clear and correct sound. But the quality is enough for not very demanding listeners. The sound system works greatinstrumental music (light rock, jazz, blues), electronic music also works well. But heavy and other sub-genres of great and terrible metal - not so much. That is, the speakers reproduce it as expected, but the woofer twitches so that it can easily break. Especially when listening to those bands that often abuse the gimbal on the "barrel".

Classics are also doing well. This is probably the only genre that the Radiotehnika S90 handles perfectly well. All instruments sound crystal clear. Nothing moves forward. Listening to the classics on these speakers may well appeal even to audiophiles. However, to call this speaker system a Hi-End level thing will not work. To achieve this level, the columns will have to be finalized. As standard, this is an average but confident Hi-Fi. And the Soviet man didn’t need more.
Amplifiers for S90
In order for passive acoustics to sound good, high-quality stereo amplifiers are also required. It should be noted that the "nineties" is able to swing and fully open only a very powerful amplifier. The Soviet machines "Brig" and "Odyssey" will perfectly cope with such work. These monsters are capable of squeezing everything out of the speakers. "Amfiton U-001" will also do well. Just do not try to connect this speaker system to the Vega 50U. The amplifier will immediately refuse to work even at the minimum volume.

Perfect for this speaker systemis the amplifier "Radio engineering". They were produced in huge batches, with different power and resistance. Therefore, finding such a thing in the secondary market is not a problem. There are more than enough suitable amplifiers of such a plan. You can, of course, puzzle yourself and connect these speakers to a very modern receiver like Yamaha. But then such a kit will go far beyond the "budget". Yes, and such a decision is not worth the candle. It's like putting a Porsche engine into a Zaporozhets. You can, but it doesn't make sense.
Price S90
Now let's analyze the most interesting quality of Radiotehnika S90. The price in the secondary market depends on the "kill" of the kit and its originality. Speakers as standard and in good condition will cost from 1000 to 2000 rubles. Depending on how good they look. Speakers with a whole internal system cost almost the same. You can even find almost unused ones. It all depends on the seller and the degree of awareness of the buyer. Columns modified in accordance with all the rules will cost more, since this is an acoustic system of a completely different class. They will cost about 3,000 rubles.

The "Radio engineering" amplifier will also cost about the same amount. Such monsters as "Brig" or "Odysseus" in perfect condition will cost about 15,000 rubles. But the problem is that finding them is almost impossible. The total approximate cost of a complete set will be approximately 6,000 rubles. Much better thanincomprehensible Chinese speaker system for the same money. However, this is an estimate. It may vary depending on the degree of refinement of the speaker system and its condition. But it still works out much better. Yes, and the sound quality will be on the level.
Positive feedback from owners
Now consider the feedback on the Radiotehnika S90 speaker system. The amplifier is a separate topic, so we will not consider it here. So what will the owners say? Positive and negative reviews about these columns go "nostril to nostril". Competent audiophiles have long finalized their "nineties" and therefore their reviews are laudatory panegyrics to the Soviet speakers. There is a clear sound, clearly traced bass, a wide range, versatility (for all genres) with some equalizer settings. Also an important plus for many was a completely wooden case. And the power of these speakers is the talk of the town. Everyone noted this quality.

Negative owner reviews
However, there are snobs who are not satisfied with the sound quality of this speaker system. They note the insufficient rendering of medium and high frequencies (and this is true). The case after so many years of use is already just rattling. The woofer thumps out of place. But, comrades, any thing must be monitored and timely preventive measures carried out. This also applies to columns. After the appropriate procedures, they will sound completely different. Disgruntled S90 owners - take note!
The Soviet speaker system Radiotehnika S90 is one of the most preferred budget options. It copes with its duties much better than any modern acoustics originally from China, lends itself perfectly to refinement and can provide Hi-End class sound. What else does a music lover need to be happy?