Today, making money on the Internet has become as common as going to work every day. Numerous sites offer to receive a stable income, without even having to leave the house. From this article you will learn about what the system for earning "In profit" is.
Project for earning "For profit"
The site was launched in 2011 as a stable project for making money in a social network. At the same time, the organizers boldly declared that this is the most reliable resource for generating income from $50 a day. The site's interface is an exact copy of the well-known Russian-language social network VKontakte. However, as it becomes clear later, the project has nothing to do with the communication portal.

On the main page of the site you can find information that it has a daily turnover of 15 thousand dollars. At the same time, the number of project participants exceeded the mark of 5 thousand. Daily payments, stable cooperation, work withelectronic currencies and much more is promised to users by the organizers of the project. But what is really going on?
What is the essence of earning?
In order to start making money on the site, you need to go through the identification procedure through your VKontakte account, indicating your mobile phone number. After that, as the information on the main page of the project says, paid tasks become available. That is, the user needs to view ads, join communities, subscribe to publics, like and repost. At the same time, each action will be generously paid.
All work is carried out exclusively through the social network "VKontakte", which creates a complete illusion of real earnings through a social network known in Runet.
As the organizers of the project promise, for each task the user will receive from 1 to 5 dollars to his internal account. Tempting, isn't it?
What should be feared on the project?

Many naive Internet users, having learned about easy money, are in a hurry to go through the registration procedure and get to work. But here they are in for a huge disappointment.
Yes, at first, tasks for completion really become available, and money is instantly credited to the internal account for them. As the site promises, all earned funds can be withdrawn to any electronic wallet in a matter of minutes.
However, after completing the first 10-15 tasks, the most interesting begins. Users notice that from their mobilephone is debited. Moreover, the amount can be equal to both 20 and 300 rubles. It is impossible to stop the withdrawal of funds, since access to the VKontakte account is completely closed.
Can I withdraw money from the project?
Unsurprisingly, after the above, there is zero chance of withdrawing your hard-earned money. Therefore, the naive user has no choice but to change the mobile phone number and create a new page on the social network. In this case, you will have to explain to all your friends and subscribers that his account was hacked.
Project "In profit", reviews of which are extremely negative, is a vivid example of a well-thought-out and well-planned scam. At the same time, beginners will not even have thoughts that they want to deceive them. After all, the site is covered by the well-known throughout Russia social network VKontakte, which has a simply excellent reputation. However, if you study the services of "VK", it becomes clear that the developers do not mention the "Vpribyli" project anywhere. This is another proof that we have a regular fraudulent resource.
50$ a day - myth or reality?
Getting 2500 rubles a day on the Internet today is problematic even for an experienced freelancer who makes money on copywriting or web development. You need to understand that not a single site will evaluate such simple actions as joining a group, reposting a record for a few dollars. Such tasks, even on conscientious resources, as a rule, are paid a maximum of 2-3ruble. After all, they are aimed at cheating subscribers and community members to advertise a project or service.

You need to understand that real work on the Internet requires effort and time. It is impossible to get $50 a day for simple actions that do not require much intelligence. For a decent income, you need to have professional skills and knowledge of income generation schemes in the network. Remember not to be fooled by offers of easy money either in life or online.
Who really earns?
A simple analysis of the project scheme allows you to determine the fraudulent nature of the site "Vpribyli", reviews of which prove that this is another scam. All funds debited from a mobile phone go exclusively to the account of the project organizers, who ultimately remain in profit, unlike ordinary users. At the same time, it is almost impossible to calculate their location.
The well-known financial pyramids operate according to the same scheme, to enter which the user must invest money. At the same time, the organizers immediately warn that even in case of failure, the funds will not be returned. However, the "Vpribyli" project already at the first stage deceives its participants, as it does not warn about debiting money from a mobile phone account.
Real earnings or another scam?
Indeed, there are projects for social networks in which anyone can earn. However, the maximum amount that you can count on is 50-100 rubles.per day. At the same time, you will have to spend more than one hour on monotonous and monotonous work.
From this follows a simple but logical conclusion - making money on the "Vpribyli" website is not a reality, but an ordinary scam. This is indicated by obvious signs, one of which is inexplicably high pay for work. Any experienced network user who has been earning money successfully for a long time will immediately understand that he is facing an ordinary fraudulent resource.

Project "In profit": reviews of real users
You can judge the work of any resource that promises a stable income on the network only by user experience. The Vprofiti-VKontakte project, reviews of which prove its dishonesty, has nothing to do with the creators of the popular social network, although it was created in its likeness.
According to users, one has only to go through the activation through the "VK" account, as access to the personal page is forever closed. The system automatically changes the password and uses the pages of ordinary people for advertising purposes. At the same time, it is almost impossible to restore access.
In addition, according to the observation of people, debiting funds from a mobile phone account begins immediately after entering your personal account. And if you do not inform the telecom operator about this, then you can go into the red. At the same time, it will be difficult to prove that it was not you personally who spent the money, but a fraudulent system.

Positive feedback about the project on the network after allmeet. However, it is not difficult to guess that the founders of the resource themselves distribute them. This allows you to provide a constant stream of naive users who are looking for easy ways to make money. And since the site is still actively flourishing, it's easy to guess that the project has no end to new participants. Unfortunately, with their ignorance, users themselves provoke scammers to create projects like "For profit".
Is it really possible to earn "VKontakte"?
Real work on the Internet exists, and today even schoolchildren know about it. In order to receive income from your VKontakte page, it is enough to register on the VKtarget project. Unlike the site "Vpribyli", reviews of which are exclusively negative, the project offers real earnings.
All that is required from the user is to join various groups, invite famous people as friends and repost entries. Each action is paid from 20 kopecks to 3 rubles. At the same time, all earned money can be easily withdrawn to your WebMoney electronic wallet. This side job is a great source of additional income online.
More possibilities are offered by the Qcomment website. You can earn on it not only with the help of your VK account, but also using your pages in Odnoklassniki, Instagramm and even Facebook. At the same time, even posts on various forums and reviews about goods and services are paid. Many active users earn $200-300 monthly on the Qcomment site.

Other internet scams
Today, unfortunately, there is a huge amount of fraudulent resources on the network. In addition to the Vprofit-VKontakte project, the VideMoney website is a scam. The resource pays you for viewing commercials. However, it is impossible to withdraw earned money, so they remain in the system forever.
Various financial pyramids are also scams on the Internet. For example, to join the Zevs project, the user will have to pay 700 rubles. And in order to get your money back, invite a few more people to the system. It is easy to guess that not everyone manages to persuade their acquaintances or friends to invest their own money in a dubious site. Therefore, the main profit goes into the pocket of the project organizers.
How not to be deceived?
In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to remember the following rules:
- Never invest your money in dubious projects. Honest earnings require not investments, but hard daily work.
- Carefully study the site offering the job. It should contain all information about the organizers of the project, contact details, certificate of electronic wallets and tax TIN.
- Never leave personal and passport data and a mobile phone number on sites to earn money. Fraudsters can use this information for their own purposes.
- Always check reviews of the site online. Even one negative comment shouldcause doubt. The list of scammers on the Internet is very long. The main thing is to learn how to independently distinguish them from conscientious resources that are ready to pay honestly earned money.

If you still have not found the answer to the question of where to make money on the Internet, then do not rush to despair. After all, today there are many options for remote work, which anyone can master.
Can I make real money online?
Real salvation for professionals in their field - remote work at home. The Internet offers almost limitless possibilities in this respect. By registering on the freelance exchange, you can offer your services by type of activity. For example, write articles on medical, pedagogical or construction topics. Or fulfill orders for the production of websites or advertising banners and landing pages.
In addition, you can organize your own earnings on the site of interesting articles. It is enough just to fill it with information that is in demand for the reader, promote it in search engines and receive daily profit from visitors by viewing ads.
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, then organize an online store with supplies from China, America or Europe. To do this, it is not necessary to rent a room and have an initial capital. It is enough to simply offer the services of a reseller or organizer of joint purchases. This type of income is always in demand.
If you know where to make money on the Internet,then it will not be difficult for you to build your own business and ensure financial independence from the employer. The main thing is not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous scammers.