This article is about reviews of Money Brills. This is the name of an online platform that buys and sells traffic.
Today's Internet is full of sites that are willing to pay big money for user traffic. Often such cooperation ends badly for a potential seller. After all, in the end, it is not he who earns, but the company-buyer.
According to most advanced users, a new and very profitable business has been born on the Web. It is entirely built on the gullibility of people who have come to the Internet with one goal: to increase their existing earnings. Money Brills is just one of the few projects that received negative feedback from people who lost their personal savings.
Despite the fact that the reviews of people who did not recognize the deception are published on the Web and are freely available, the flow of those wishing to join their ranks does not dry out.

Traffic selling: is it real?
To answer this question, you must first understand what traffic is. This is the name of web content attendance, namely, the number of users who visited a site or blog in a certain period of time.
Traffic is really sold: they transfer it from one site to another and take money for it. In any case, information regarding the purchase and sale of visits is freely available.
Scam or profitable business?
Today you can find dozens of sites on the Web that buy traffic. Money Brills has been selling Internet traffic not so long ago, although, according to the testimonies of some activist users, the owners of this site are far from newcomers to the fraudulent business. It's just that the service had other names before.
Only the content of the offer remained unchanged. From the pages of this and similar projects, inexperienced users will learn that large companies urgently need their traffic and for the sake of such a thing they will not stint on a generous reward.

The beginning of cooperation with Money Brills: user reviews
According to information made public through video content, the Money Brills platform positions itself as a site for making money. The administration of this project, as part of an advertising campaign, promises potential employees that the minimum daily wage for their work will be 30 thousand rubles.
Users who pecked at such generous promises have already published the details of this cooperation. Will they be able to get their money back? Probably not. The documentation published on the company's website is designed in such a way that the contributor who poured funds into the platform appears as a person who transferred a certain amount to the project of his own free will.
ExceptIn addition, the user agreement, which each new person involved is invited to read, is designed in such a way that, in fact, it is an official waiver of claims for the amount invested in the project.
The basis for the information presented in the two previous paragraphs was user reviews published on thematic resources.
It is also known that after registering a new user, they are invited to evaluate their personal online traffic. The amounts are said to be impressive.

How Internet traffic is actually bought and sold
Since site owners who want to get visitors to their sites can only be interested in thematic traffic, therefore, the search for such a product should take a lot of time.
With the advent of specialized services where potential buyers can apply, the problem has been solved. As a result, by creating the conditions for the development of new business, online entrepreneurs set the stage for new scams to flourish.
But back to traffic. Buy it, as it turned out, you can. For example, on services for the sale of contextual advertising. True, the owners of really large web projects prefer to use the services of time-tested sellers. These, for example, are the corresponding Yandex and Google services.
The owner of a thematic site or blog, wandering into an unknown traffic selling service, runs the risk of becoming the owner of dubious visitors. Search engines will have a hard timeto determine which country they are citizens of, what kind of information made them visit this particular content, and so on. In other words, instead of real visitors, the buyer's site will be visited by bots.
Can an inexperienced user become a traffic buyer?
If the transaction is concluded on a real intermediary site, special knowledge from the buyer is not required. Buying and selling is done automatically. Of course, if the traffic buyer did not forget to create an announcement about the readiness to buy visits and uploaded the necessary amount to his internal account.
It remains unclear what criteria were used to evaluate the traffic of users who responded to the Money Brills call. Victims' testimonials reflect only their personal negative experiences.
Sample Divorce
It's no secret that the offer to earn big money by “poking” the same buttons every day is mostly reacted by novice users. What is at stake, approximately understand only a few. And yet, is it really possible to make money on Money Brills?

When the victim realizes that making money on traffic is not for her, the first problems arise. The administration of the service informs the user that he must pay for the use of the working platform (apparently, he means the site for traffic assessment). Moreover, payment should not be made through an internal account (which turns out to be a pseudo account), which already stores the amount received by the user either as payment for traffic, or inherited by othersway.
Money Brills users, whose reviews are published on the Web, do not report whether they actually had to fork out. One thing is clear: in order to pay the company for the provision of services, the victims had to use personal funds located on virtual wallets.
Even if the person who managed to take the “earnings” exists, nothing is said about it on the Internet. A user who plans to withdraw funds received in exchange for traffic will have to pay a commission. Is it worth mentioning that the commission fee will also have to be entered from outside?

It is possible that some of the newcomers bought into the opportunity to withdraw a decent amount from the system, donating much less money.
The one who thinks that the services of the Money Brills platform end here are deeply mistaken. Ahead of the participant of the scam, about a dozen more bills await, which he will be asked to pay for various reasons. The total amount claimed by the scammers is about 20 thousand rubles.