Social and ethical marketing: essence, goals, idea

Social and ethical marketing: essence, goals, idea
Social and ethical marketing: essence, goals, idea

The conditions of fierce competition, in which the brand needs to try very hard to be noticed by the consumer, dictated their own rules: business needs a completely new approach, since traditional advertising has become obsolete. Now a business doesn't have to just satisfy needs.

Socio-ethical marketing: essence, goals, idea

Business, if it wants to survive in the face of fierce competition, must develop in step with the times. If he is going to prosper, he must be two steps ahead of progress.

This rule applies not only to production processes, but also to its interaction with the outside world in a social context. The system, in which the whole approach boiled down to the fact that “the consumer has a demand, we satisfy it,” is receding into a historical stage. Today it is not enough to meet the needs of the buyer. Competitive conditions have taught entrepreneurs to cope with this task perfectly. Now there is a new trend - the exit of business to a new level, within which the consumer can realize his ambitions, develop and contribute to something greater, using a product or service.

Support and assistance to society instead of intrusive advertising
Support and assistance to society instead of intrusive advertising

The essence of the concept

According to experts, it is not enough to have a whole department of cool marketers who will develop promotion strategies in their comfortable offices. Something else is relevant: everyone who participates in the company's business processes must translate the concept of this business. Such conditions of modernity have led to the formation of a new direction - social and ethical marketing. It poses new challenges and requires a more thorough approach than simply establishing contacts with partners and promoting your brand.

Marketing in the classical sense means promoting a brand, product or service. In other words, paving the way to the consumer's wallet through his brain. The tool is all types of advertising, ranging from simple booklets to large-scale events. A key factor in the implementation of marketing activities is its budget.

Based on what?

The concept of social and ethical marketing significantly expands this framework. She makes several demands:

  • Business must meet the needs of the market at a higher level than competitors.
  • Production processes should not infringe on the interests of other people, nature or other subjects.
  • Promotion of human values.
  • The need to implement all types of advertising,aimed at increasing the prestige of the company: from printed materials to holding large-scale events.
  • Targeted to maintain and improve the quality of communication with consumers.
  • Promote your own image by celebrating your own real accomplishments, rather than using typical marketing patterns.
  • Foresight and readiness for socially significant events.
  • Contribution to the development of society, improvement of the environment.
The slogan of the business of the new time: strength in unity!
The slogan of the business of the new time: strength in unity!

The development of these directions cannot be carried out only by the marketing department. It is believed that entrepreneurs should know the answers to these questions at the stage of business formation.

Those companies, at the origin of which the concept of social and ethical marketing has not yet become widespread, should involve top management and personnel core to reformat their strategy. In particular, they will need to master the skills of social technology and understand the mission of their own company.

What is the purpose of the application?

The goal of classical marketing is very simple - to bring the product to the consumer and stimulate consumer interest. Later, another trend appeared - the desire for multiple purchases. However, the essence remained the same - the buyer satisfies his need. There is no other ideology in this process.

In contrast to these processes, the goals of social and ethical marketing are broader. Here, ideological factors are included in the classical goals: the enterprise mustmeet the needs of the client in such a way that the whole process has a social benefit, a sublime meaning.

Moreover, these goals should be realized for all types of marketing campaigns and at all stages. Typical marketing objectives should include the following elements:

At the stage of studying the interests of the target audience. The classical marketing approach emphasizes the social position of the consumer. In particular, he is looking for answers to such questions: "How much does he earn?", "How old is he?" "What gender is he?", "What problems and needs does he experience?" Socio-ethical marketing adds other questions: "What does the consumer think about?", "Does he have a desire to make the world a better place?", "What are his unrealized ambitions and plans?", "How can he be useful to other people and society?"

When striving to increase customer loy alty. Usually this task has two goals: customer retention and adding to the number of customers of his social circle. Achieved by persuading the merits of their brand and spreading the word about the positive, friendly approach of the company. Now that won't be enough. The focus on social and ethical marketing obliges companies to distribute not their brand, but an idea that may not be directly related to a product or service. At the same time, the emphasis is on the importance of solving a particular problem of society. The belief is introduced that the consumer can join this process by becoming a client of this company

Onthe stage of strengthening the brand, the image of the company. Usually such events include the development of business in a new way. This may be the introduction of new technologies, the release of a new product, the automation of customer interaction systems, or another production process. But if the company accepts the new marketing rules, it will be forced to make significant changes to this stage as well. The concept of social and ethical marketing is characterized by holding socially significant events, the purpose of which is not the interests of the company, but to contribute to society. It can be a charity concert, an exhibition with the participation of socially vulnerable segments of the population, fairs and auctions, the proceeds from which are spent on charitable purposes

When improving the quality of goods and services. The classical approach in this aspect involves the exclusion of chemical additives, synthetic products and other dubious factors from the composition of products. A new round of marketing and its requirements can create some difficulties at this stage, since the concept of social and ethical marketing requires maximum environmental friendliness of goods and services. If we are talking about a service, then additional bonus options or encouraging customers through affiliate networks can be introduced

Summing up the above, we can conclude that the goals of social and ethical marketing are the actualization of universal human values, introducing other people to this idea and finding solutions to improve the environment as a priority. Self-interest in the form of increasing prestige andmaking a profit should be in the background.

The trend is spreading all over the planet: more and more countries where business is actively involved in public life
The trend is spreading all over the planet: more and more countries where business is actively involved in public life

What idea does it bring?

Socio-ethical marketing is not a collection of dry recommendations and strategic plans. It is a general set of principles, a business philosophy. The idea of social and ethical marketing carries the promotion of honesty, justice and responsible attitude towards society in all forms of advertising.

To some extent, the idea carries even the unity of diametrically opposed categories. For example, marketing in the classical sense is aimed at making a profit, while ethics is in the category of the intangible sphere. Ethics is a complex topic, as each member of society has their own subjective ideas about what is right and what is wrong.

Principles of socially oriented marketing

Based on the above, the idea of social and ethical marketing is expressed in the following principles:

  • All types of marketing communications adhere to the principles of maximum truthfulness.
  • Marketers maintain the highest level of personal ethics.
  • Company promotional content is clearly distinct from news and entertainment content.
  • Marketers are required to be honest with those directly involved in the implementation of events.
  • Treat consumers fairly and courteously.
  • Observe absolute confidentiality of dataconsumer.
  • Marketers must strictly comply with the norms, standards and rules of their state and society.
  • Ethics must always be at the forefront. They should be discussed openly.

Be aware that along with the benefits, ethical marketing also comes with a number of challenges, including lowering company profits. Therefore, not every organization can apply its principles. For example, a business that produces processed meats must decide whether to exclude flavorings in order to follow the principles of fairness. At the same time, the basic raw materials used deeply offend the feelings of vegetarians and representatives of some religious denominations, as well as those who advocate the protection of animals. The question arises: how can a company make everyone happy, since the concept of socially ethical marketing requires taking into account the interests of absolutely everyone?

Consumers are very happy with this approach, even in Africa
Consumers are very happy with this approach, even in Africa

Stages of organizing marketing campaigns with a social bias. Features

The whole process of organizing a marketing campaign with a social and ethical bias consists of several stages. They are as follows:

  1. Identification of a problematic issue. If shortcomings and mistakes are made at this stage, then the rest of the process may become meaningless.
  2. Choose the target audience. Based on the problem, the audience interested in solving it is determined. The entire public is divided into small groups, one of which will be chosen as a field for implementationsocial marketing. If the program is sponsored by the state, then the choice will fall on the vulnerable segments of the population.
  3. Additional research within the selected group.
  4. Development of a detailed plan, which will determine the type of product, ways to convey it to the consumer, promotion goals and implementation period.
  5. Analysis of the expected reaction of the public to a new product and the study of behavioral factors. The audience will be interested when there is something to compare with.
  6. Product production. As already noted, the goals in the concept of social and ethical marketing are aimed at changing consumer behavior in a positive direction. Experts in this field note that with the right organization, significant changes in people's behavior occur.
  7. Price factor control. Price and profit in this case, of course, do not occupy a priority position. However, the production of the desired product may require the investment of huge intangible resources. If you follow all the requirements, then social and ethical marketing should result in a completely new product or a new model of behavior. But the manufacturer is not obliged to set a price below the cost of the product. The main work should be directed towards the consumer. He will need to overcome inertia in his behavior, which will have to be changed within the framework of the program.
  8. Determining the roles of each member of the group in the implementation of the program.
  9. Creation of information products. This is necessary to convey information about the product to the public. The media are involved. To achieve what you wanteffect information campaign is pre-tested on a small group of the target audience. If necessary, amendments and adjustments are made. An important issue is the correct interpretation of the information message by consumers. If they do not understand or agree with the idea, then this is another risk of failure of the whole process.
  10. Efficiency evaluation. Helps identify strengths, weaknesses, mistakes made and alternatives for the future.
Remembering the clients of your company only on holidays is no longer ethical
Remembering the clients of your company only on holidays is no longer ethical

Choice of strategy and complexes

In classical marketing there are several types of strategic complexes. Socio-ethical marketing factors are most optimally correlated with the 5P complex. It is based on 5 factors: the product itself, its price, place, promotion and participants in the whole process.

Details can be parsed like this:

  • 1P - a service or product intended not for commercial purposes, but for the benefit of society;
  • 2P is a cost that takes into account all the main costs, coupled with promotional measures;
  • 3P - distribution of goods or services in the selected group;
  • 4P - advertising campaigns aimed at promoting the product itself;
  • 5P - advertising and other campaigns aimed at spreading the idea of the product.

Suitable for whom?

Every company can use this approach. Efficiency will depend on how thoughtful it is. Also, creativity and non-standard solutions help to minimize the But, as it has already become clear, the concept of social and ethical marketing includes the requirement for the absolute environmental friendliness of the production process and other aspects of doing business. Based on this, we note that not every company can afford to implement social marketing. The reason is the lack of natural raw materials on a global scale, a tough information environment and individual business characteristics that are incompatible with the high principles of social and ethical marketing. However, no one can guarantee that advertising will be effective. On the contrary, in most cases, unethical advertising is highly profitable.

If some companies have to study theory on paper, others initially provide in their concept the rules that meet the requirements of social and ethical marketing. Where ethical advertising and promotion are natural, and internal production processes are most likely based on high principles.

Other companies use social and ethical marketing to increase their prestige and to win over customers. The effect can also be different. For example, Domino pizza decided to show customers the natural look of their product, without special effects in the studio. It was something new for its field and for its time. But fans of the brand were well aware that everything was done in order to attract attention.

Advertising should be similar, almost indistinguishable from charity
Advertising should be similar, almost indistinguishable from charity


Socially oriented projects within business asa new round of marketing is being introduced mainly by large corporations. Given the essence of social and ethical marketing, aimed at solving specific problems of society, it is possible to single out industries in which it can be applied in the best way. They are as follows:

  • Religion.
  • He althcare.
  • Cultural sphere.
  • Protection of the environment and nature.
  • Charity in its purest form.
  • Education.
  • Sport.

Practical examples

The most striking examples of social and ethical marketing are being introduced in the field of charity. For example, Avon in Russia. The brand has created its own charitable organization that specializes in women's he alth. The company has released a line of products marked with a pink ribbon - label. Part of the proceeds from the sale of such goods was directed to the budget of the charitable foundation.

In addition, Avon products actively participate in the government program aimed at defeating breast cancer in women. Among other activities, Avon has set up a mobile laboratory that travels throughout the country. She was able to identify about 700 women who are at one stage or another of breast cancer. Perhaps by doing so, the company contributed to timely treatment and saving lives.

The Coca-Cola Company entered the market as a perfect example of production technologies, sales and marketing strategies. But when consumers began to talk about what components are used in production, some of them began to doubtharmlessness of the drink. Experts believe that one of the reasons for the company's steadfastness may lie in flawless marketing decisions.

It seems that global brands took care of social and ethical marketing even before it was formed as a direction. In Western countries, no one will be surprised if they receive a personal gift or letter from a company. Social media provides companies with a great opportunity. Firms actively monitor their ratings on social media and do not ignore any message from ordinary users.


Marketing strategies often require unconventional solutions. If creativity and the play on emotions are the slogan of the come era of advertising, then the goals of socially oriented marketing are very different from this. It completely excludes the following factors:

  • Advertising certain products such as alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Exaggeration of product properties.
  • Excellencies for your product.
  • Promise of unproven results.
  • Stereotypes about women.
  • Comparison with competitors and conclusion in your favor.
  • Advertisement for children.

Meanwhile, many businessmen are familiar with situations when it was advertising that went beyond the established boundaries that brought crazy results. But it cannot be said that ethical advertising will work to the detriment. About which of them is more effective in performance, the industry is silent. The reason is the fundamental incompatibility of these two directions.

Thanks tosocial and ethical marketing, millions of people receive support
Thanks tosocial and ethical marketing, millions of people receive support

Specialists are asking the question: "Is the idea of social and ethical marketing a tribute to fashion or a necessity dictated by realities?" But there is still no right answer. If the first, then the forecasts are optimistic - this will help the business reach a new level.

When it comes to necessity, not all companies can accept its rules. A simple example is a company that produces weight loss products. Many say that such companies do not spare money for advertising, and, in fact, due to it, they made their way to the market. If they are forced to implement social and ethical marketing, then they may have to abandon their own production technologies. This can lead to crash.

So each company has the right to determine how to communicate with the general public, how to contribute to the development of society and win the favor of consumers with high ideas.
