How to call from Thailand to Russia to a landline and cell number

How to call from Thailand to Russia to a landline and cell number
How to call from Thailand to Russia to a landline and cell number

For some travelers, Thailand has become a favorite winter destination, while others are traveling for the first time. However, for both those and others, the issue of mobile communications is acute. This may be related to work, and you also need to talk with relatives and friends during the trip. Some tourists solve the problem simply: they put a decent amount on their mobile phone account, and they think that this is enough. But cheap calls from Thailand to Russia are a reality!

country code russia
country code russia

Main flaw

For many tourists, it becomes a problem to choose a mobile operator in Thailand. The fact is that almost all operators in Thailand do not care about informing foreign citizens, and do not always post information about tariffs in any language other than Thai. It is often impossible to find important information about prices and call conditions on their official websites. Sometimes information is not providedonly in Thai, but also in graphical format, which makes automatic translation impossible. Perhaps Google will fix this shortcoming soon.

However, there is one positive feature: you do not need a passport to buy a SIM in this country, only here it will also be impossible to restore the number in case of loss. If a person is going to stay in Thailand for a long time, it is necessary to register a SIM at the office or on the official website of the operator.

calls from thailand to russia
calls from thailand to russia

Local operators

If you use the services of local operators, then calls to Russia will be more profitable than calls from a Russian SIM-card in roaming. Sometimes at Bangkok airport, local SIMs are distributed to tourists for free, but such "free cheese" is not always profitable: communication and Internet tariffs are usually quite high. However, if you do not plan to use communication services often, this is a good option.

You can also buy a local SIM card in most supermarkets and shopping centers, such as Family Mart or 7/11. One of the most popular operators is DTac (Happy). There is no intra-network roaming in Thailand, so you can use communications within the country without restrictions - regardless of your movements, the cost of calls will remain the same. Such operators as AIS and TrueMove are quite popular in the country. Information about tariffs is constantly changing, so it must be clarified directly on the websites of operators. Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the fact that not everyone has a detailed description of the tariffs forEnglish, there is no need to talk about Russian.

If the conditions for calls within Thailand and the Internet are different for everyone, then direct calls from Thailand to Russia cost about the same. The price is about 30 baht per minute. The cost of SMS is about 5 baht, and MMS is about 15 baht. In this case, you need to dial through the country code. Russia, for example, has the code +7, and Ukraine - +380.

calls from thailand to russia mts
calls from thailand to russia mts

How to save money?

IP-telephony can be called a real magic tool that allows you to significantly save on calls. The price in this case is reduced several times.

The cost of calls from Thailand to Russia via IP-telephony, as a rule, is 4-7 baht, depending on the operator. This information can be clarified on the website or asked when applying for a SIM card. How to use this method? It is enough just to dial a Russian number in the format without "+", and using the internal code 009 or 004, the call will cost less. For example, if the number is +79261234567, then dial like this: 009-7-926-123-45-67 or put "004" instead of "009".

However, this method of calling and this price are not relevant for all countries. Although calls to Russia will cost about 5 baht per minute, calls to Ukraine will be much more expensive.

For tours

Independent travelers, as a rule, stay in the country for a long time, so they often buy SIM cards, but what if you came on a package tour for just a week? You can follow the same instructions andbuy your own sim card at any supermarket, however this can be a difficult task if you don't speak English. As a rule, during the transfer to the hotel, guides often offer various useful goods, including SIM cards. They are more expensive than in supermarkets (for example, 150-250 baht with a minimum balance), but this is a good option if you do not speak English. The guide will help with installation and setup.

how to call from thailand to russia to a landline number
how to call from thailand to russia to a landline number

Emergency Services

Most of the time we don't think about how to call this or that emergency service until we need it. Meanwhile, in a difficult situation that requires urgent action, finding the right number can be costly. Below is a list of emergency numbers in Thailand. If you call from a Thai number, it will be completely free:

  1. 1155 - tourist police.
  2. 1669 - ambulance. Please note that this is an emergency number. If your problem is not very urgent (such as a mild cold), go to the nearest hospital.
  3. 1673 - Thai Ministry of Tourism.
  4. 1178 - immigration bureau.
  5. 0-2132-1888 - airports in Thailand. 1133 - reference.
how to call from thailand to russia
how to call from thailand to russia


For many issues you will have to call within the country. This includes renting a home, buying any goods in online stores, and communicating with doctors or repairmen. Thai numbers look quite unusual. For example:08-4321-1234. As a rule, on the package with which you buy a SIM card, the indicated number has exactly this format. So numbers need to be dialed when calling within the country.

If you want to call a Thai number from Russia, the zero (local code) must be changed to +66 (international). That is, the phone number given in the example will look like this: +668-4321-1234.

How to call from Thailand to Russia to a landline number? Nothing is easier if you know the country code and area code. First make sure that there are enough funds on your account, because such calls are much more expensive than similar calls to a mobile phone! To make a call, dial the number in the format "+country code, area code, city number". For calls to Russia, the country code is +7, but the area code is different. For example, for Moscow it is 495.

And if it's the other way around? Can I call from a landline number in Russia? This is easier than you think, you just need to know a special code. Instead of +66, as in the case of a cellular phone, you will have to dial 81066. The number 8 means that you will call through the "intercity", and the number 10 means that an international connection will be made. 66 is the country code for Thailand. However, it should be remembered that such calls are very expensive, sometimes many times more expensive than similar calls from a mobile phone.

How to call from Russia to Thailand? In fact, the question doesn't seem so strange anymore when you look at the standard Thai numbers starting with zero. Before starting a call, the number must be converted to international format (+668).

how to call from thailand toRussia
how to call from thailand toRussia


Many people forget that you can save a lot by making calls over the Internet. Skype, Whatsapp and Viber applications will help to significantly reduce communication costs. Moreover, it is possible to use them to call subscribers who do not have these programs installed. For them, your call will be displayed as a call from a regular mobile. A subscription to three hundred minutes of calls will cost from thirteen to eighteen euros. And for residents of Moscow, the question of how to call from Thailand to Russia should not cause any negative emotions at all, because they have the opportunity to use the MTS-Connect application. By installing this messenger on your mobile phone, you can make calls at the usual rate. Be careful, because this offer does not work for all tariffs, be sure to check all the details at the operator's office!

Double benefit

Is it possible to make even cheaper calls from Thailand to Russia? MTS offers residents of Moscow doubling the package of minutes when using calls via messenger. This is the best offer for those who have to stay in touch even during the holidays. Before calling from Thailand to Russia to a landline number, find out the area code and call as usual. There is one drawback - the quality of communication is not always up to par. You may well hear your interlocutor, but he will not always hear you. At the moment, it is not known what causes such problems, perhaps this is observed when using slow Internet - MTS does not give an answer. However, with the same performanceInternet other services work much better.

calls from thailand to russia cheap
calls from thailand to russia cheap


How to call from Thailand to Russia via Internet? Use special services like Skype, Viber, Whatsapp.

If the subscriber has Skype installed, then the call will be free, but in another case, the service provides paid calls. How to call from Thailand to a landline number? The answer is simple if you have Skype. A subscription with unlimited calls to fixed numbers for several dozen countries (including Russia) will cost you $14 per month. The service has several more subscription options, and the subscriber can choose the most convenient one. The call quality is quite good, however, all calls will require the Internet.

Similar services are provided by the popular messenger Viber. The fee per minute will be about 5 cents, however, in this case (just like with Skype), you will definitely need the Internet.
