Increasingly, people prefer three-chamber refrigerators. First of all, they stand out for their versatility. In this case, the useful volume may differ. Many models have multiple compressors installed and have a cooling capacity of 300 BTUs.
However, before buying, you should consider the disadvantages of three-chamber modifications. They take up a lot of space. It is problematic to install a device of this type in apartments. It is also worth considering the considerable power consumption. The three-chamber model is definitely not worth taking for people who live alone. A good refrigerator costs around 130 thousand rubles.
Instruction manual for models
To use the refrigerator, it must be connected to the mains. Next, the user will need to adjust the temperature. Nowadays, devices with mechanical and digital modules are produced. In the first case, you should use the regulator to set the temperature.

There are also models with digital modulators that have a display. Climate classes can be selected using buttons or using the touch panel. If we considerrefrigerators without a know frost system, you should be aware that they need periodic defrosting. In this case, the user must monitor the level of condensate on the walls.
Parameters of the model "Stinol 104 ELK"
What are the main parameters of this refrigerator? First of all, high power is striking - at the level of 4 kW. However, the consumption of electricity makes a person think about purchasing this product. Direct cooling capacity does not exceed 340 BTU. The defrosting system in this case is used class RK. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the refrigerator operates at 40 dB, and it is almost inaudible. The manufacturer's control is high class, and the modulator works great. The thermometer is used as a built-in type, and it will not be difficult for the user to change the climate classes. You can buy a three-chamber refrigerator "Stinol" in our time for 126,000 rubles.
Description of the refrigerator "Atlant XM 6021-031"
Is it worth taking the presented refrigerator "Atlant" (three-chamber)? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with its parameters. The power of this unit is 4.4 kW, and the protection system is provided for its E55 series. Climate classes are selected from the control panel. The refrigerator compartment is used with shelves, and its volume is 230 liters. This is quite enough for a large family. The leakage protection system is directly applied to the E45 series, and network failures are not terrible for the refrigerator.

Iftalk about the shortcomings, some believe that the model is too bulky and does not fit in an ordinary kitchen. It is also worth noting that the compressor works loudly at the refrigerator, and the shelves are too heavy. The freezer is used with drawers. They are able to support the weight of a large number of products. However, it should be noted that they are difficult to retract and sometimes freeze to the wall.
Reviews about the model "Atlant XM 6021-031"
Buyers rarely complain about the modulator. A large display is used, and it is very easy to read the temperature on it. The bottom hinge in this case is made of plastic. Wide doors close without problems. The handle in this case does not turn out much. The "Fresh" function is not available for this refrigerator. The not too big egg tray, which has only 15 cells, deserves special attention. However, there is plenty of room for drinks on the door. Under vegetables there is a separate tray. There is also a place to store large pots. In general, the model turned out for a large family. It is better not to install it in the kitchen. In stores, the presented refrigerator (three-chamber, with a freshness zone) is sold for 21,690 rubles.
Features of the model "LG GR-M24 FWCVM"
This three-chamber refrigerator reviews are mostly positive. The digital modulator allows you to quickly set the climate classes. If you believe the buyers, then freezing does not take much time. It is also worth noting that the model can outweigh the doors, but this will require specialists. Levelnoise is not a big disadvantage of the system. However, vibration sometimes bothers users a lot. The legs of the modification are of short length, and the pads are not able to dampen the vibration. If we consider the refrigerator compartment, it is important to note the wide stand for vegetables.

Fruit baskets are also available. The egg tray is mounted on the door. The ice maker is working properly. A digital type modulator is used to control the system. Fairly wide shelves allow you to place large pans. You don't have to worry about their weight, because everything is well made, and the racks are not afraid of high loads. A lighting system is installed in the upper part of the refrigerating chamber. Generally? The lamps illuminate the shelves well. The sound system is quite loud, so do not forget about the open door. The manufacturer has allocated a lot of space for drinks. It is also worth noting that the model has a "Fresh" system. On the shelves, a three-chamber LG refrigerator is sold at a price of 227,000 rubles.
Parameters of "Haier AFD634CX" models
The Haier three-chamber refrigerator stands out with its high power compared to its competitors. It also has a good cooling capacity - 330 BTU. However, it is worth considering the low freezing parameter. The top cover of the modification is made entirely of plastic. The lighting system is LED type. The modulator itself is installed under the bar, and its display is of medium size.
First of all, it is important to note thatthe modification supports climate classes SK and KE. The temperature can be easily changed with a regulator. The condenser at the refrigerator is used with a protection system. Many experts say that the refrigerator rarely leaks. The terminal box is protected by a casing. The door, which is produced with a large number of drawers, deserves special attention. If we consider the freezer, then its volume is 280 liters. Electricity consumption per year is 340 W.
Reviews about the model "Haier AFD634CX"
Vibration during operation of the refrigerator is not felt. There is a separate container for condensate. Modification filters are used with wide plates. The compressors are directly installed at the rear wall of the housing. To prevent vibration, special pads are used.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then it is worth mentioning the legs, which are difficult to expose due to the large mass of the refrigerator. It has an excellent design, but finding a place for it in the kitchen is problematic. If we talk about the functional part of the unit, it is important to mention the "fresh" system.
The "cool" technology is still in effect, which does not allow vegetables to freeze. The door is very easy to store drinks. The lower hinge plate at this refrigerator settles down on a frame. It does not take up much space and is made entirely of aluminum. Most experts agree that a three-compartment refrigerator is well suited for large homes.
Characteristics of the model "Nord 186-7-320"
Description of the three-chamber refrigerator "Nord" should begin with a list of advantages. First of all, buyers notice a stylish design. However, the parameters are also on top. The maximum freezing power is 4.6 kW, and the model also has a fresh system. Separate attention deserves a volume freezer of 190 liters. Drawers are easy to clean. The refrigerator in this case is provided with a tray for eggs. There is also a fruit basket. You can also put vegetables in it.
Reviews about the model "Nord 186-7-320"
There is plenty of room for drinks and the door can hold a lot of weight. If desired, the climate class can be quickly changed or the fast freezing mode can be selected. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment is set by a separate regulator. It's also worth noting that the compressors run at 55 dB and are almost inaudible.

The "Nord" refrigerator weighs a lot, so it's problematic to set it up. The illuminated top cover is made of plastic as standard. The "cool" system is not provided for the modification. In the event of a power outage, the Nord refrigerator will be able to work offline for some time.
Features of Sharp SJ-FP97VBE
What are the features of this refrigerator? In fact, he just has a huge refrigerator. At the same time, the freezing capacity is 5 kg per hour. The compressors are set to high power and operate at 56 dB. The protection system inThe device uses the P40 series. Many buyers like the design and the door opens without problems. The starter in the device works without failures.
Does this refrigerator have any disadvantages? Buyers very rarely notice the shortcomings of this model. Some of the owners are annoyed by the bright light of the refrigerator compartment. Sound indication works loudly. Sometimes the door can be deformed, and it has to be taken in for repair. Users also note that the basket for vegetables should not be overloaded with food. Plastic is easy to clean, but it is better to choose only proven cleaning products for it. This three-chamber refrigerator costs (market price) 182,900 rubles.
Sharp SJ-F95STSL model parameters
This three-chamber refrigerator is not capable of boasting powerful compressors, but it has a large volume. The cooling capacity is 450 BTU. The protection system is applied at the refrigerator of the P40 series. Many experts note that the model has a solid frame. At the same time, filters can last a long time. The bottom saddle suspension is all plastic.

In total, this refrigerator has three temperature sensors. The lower supports are mounted on pads, they never vibrate. Who is this unit suitable for? First of all, it should be taken by large families. However, before that, it is important to realistically assess the living area of the apartment. In this case, only one evaporator is used, and often condensate appears on the walls.
If we talk about climate classes, they are selectedusing the control unit. The display is of a touch type. The dryer is directly installed next to the compressors. The refrigerant outlet pipe is used with a diameter of 2.2 cm. Nowadays, the indicated three-chamber refrigerator can be bought for 128,000 rubles.
Description of Sharp SJ-F95STBE units
What features does this refrigerator have? First of all, it is worth noting that the model is produced with the "frost" system. The refrigerator has a "fresh" function for the safety of food. There is also an option to change climate classes. Many buyers praise the refrigerator for its volumetric chamber. The freezer in this case holds approximately 130 liters. If we look at the main refrigeration department, then there are many glass shelves.
There is a separate place for drinks. Two trays are used for eggs. The compressors in this case are set to 22 kW. The protection system at the refrigerator is provided by the P45 series. Electronic control allows you to quickly change the temperature in the departments. Freezing is carried out gradually. There is also a child lock feature. It is also important to note strong legs and a high-quality starter among the features. The cost of the refrigerator is 123619 rubles.
Features of Sharp SJ-FP97VBK models
This three-chamber refrigerator outperforms many competitors. The power of one compressor is 2.1 kW, and the protection system is used in the P45 series. Thus, leaks are virtually eliminated. If we consider the refrigerator compartment, then it hasfive shelves. A drawer is installed at the bottom. It is convenient to store vegetables and spices in it. There is also a fruit basket. There is plenty of room on the door. Some customers love the refrigerator for being quiet. It is most often placed in the kitchen. Special attention should be paid to the parameters.

The cooling capacity is 430 BTU. The evaporator in this case is installed with two filters. The compressors themselves are located on wide rubberized pads. Are there any disadvantages to this model? Among the minuses, only a fragile tray for vegetables can be noted. There may also be problems with the control module. It is also worth noting that this model is not available to everyone, since in stores they ask for as much as 173,450 rubles for it.