Today, virtual cards are offered not only by banking organizations, but also by electronic payment systems. Such payment instruments have gained wide popularity among the population, as they are affordable and extremely easy to use. This article contains important information about the very concept of a virtual card and how to create it.
Specific payment instrument
Feature of the WebMoney virtual bank card is that it is not issued on a physical medium. Therefore, users do not need to order delivery by courier or pick it up themselves. All the necessary data will be sent in SMS messages, as well as by the internal mail of the service. This information is required when making further transactions using the payment system.

Issue of a virtual bank card WebMoney takes a few minutes. Replenishment of the card is carried out only in rubles. If the owner credits funds to anothercurrency, automatic conversion will take place. Among the main advantages of a virtual bank card are:
- payment on foreign trading platforms;
- high speed of receiving a card;
- reliability;
This tool also has its drawbacks. Users cannot withdraw funds from a virtual card at an ATM. Electronic funds can only be used for online settlements. Also, the owners cannot make anonymous money transfers, since each transaction requires confirmation of passport scans and a formal passport.
Terms and rates
It will not be difficult for users to create a bank card in the WebMoney system. To do this, it is enough to provide scans of your passport and confirm your identity. The payment instrument is issued immediately after the fulfillment of these conditions. A virtual card can be linked to the PayPal system. The cost of issuing a card is 50 rubles. It is important to know that when replenishing an account, the system charges a commission of 1% of the total amount.
If the owner of the WebMoney virtual bank card makes transfers from card to card, the system will withhold a commission of 3%. Maintenance of the card and its activation does not imply additional payment. The virtual card is valid for 1 year, and then it must be reissued.
How to create a virtual WebMoney card?
You can create a payment instrument in a couple of clicks. Users can go to to getvirtual payment instrument. After going through a simple authorization procedure, you should go to the "My cards / orders" section and click on the "Order" button. From the list of available products, you must choose the most suitable option. After that, you must confirm your consent to the processing of personal data. Then it is enough to pay for the issue.

After a few minutes, a message will be sent to the mobile phone number with the necessary information and details of the virtual card. The payment instrument does not need to be activated, so the owner can use it immediately. The system provides for the possibility of creating virtual bank cards MasterCard and Visa. The process of creating these payment instruments is similar to issuing a regular virtual card. The system provides for the possibility of issuing a virtual Visa WebMoney card for a month, three and a year.
Governance principles
The principle of operation of a WebMoney virtual bank card differs little from a regular plastic card, so managing it is quite simple. After payment and receipt of details, the payment instrument will appear in the list of cards and wallets. The owner can make transactions in his personal account. Users can issue no more than 5 means of payment. This feature can help out in situations where the buyer doubts the safety of the trading platform.

It is important to know that the use of a virtual card has certain restrictions. The user cannot deposit or spend more than 15,000 rubles per day. At the same time, the system provides for a monthly limit of 40,000 rubles for debiting and replenishing.
How to create a virtual WebMoney card in Crimea?
After the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, all Ukrainian banks curtailed their activities. Many had to come to terms with the loss of the ability to pay from card to card, as well as the lack of support for Visa and MasterCard cards. Crimean users were not residents of the Russian Federation, so they could not make payments through the WebMoney system. Today, Crimean citizens can fully work with online currency. To do this, just change the country in the keeper settings and attach scans of the Russian passport.
User reviews
In order to form an objective opinion about the WebMoney virtual bank card, you can study the reviews of real users. The owners talk about a simple procedure for creating this payment instrument. Many reviews about the WebMoney virtual card contain information that virtual card holders can take part in online auctions, purchase tickets, book hotel rooms, and pay for many services.
This payment instrument can be linked to PayPal, as well as pay in the AppStore, Google Play, Ebay, Amazon, etc. As the main advantages, users highlight low cost, efficiency of work and elimination of the risk of money theft. The virtual card has received many accolades from online shopping enthusiasts.

Some users say that the card should not be replenished in foreign currency, since this procedure involves the collection of an additional commission. The owners note the main drawback - the card is many times more expensive than the usual withdrawal of funds to a bank account. The WebMoney system warns about the expiration of the card and the need to withdraw money.
Virtual card WebMoney provides an opportunity to make payments on the Web. The indisputable advantage of the payment instrument is a high degree of reliability and the absence of blocking.

User reviews report excellent protection of the virtual card, so the owners can not worry about the safety of funds. A noticeable disadvantage is the inability to replenish a virtual card directly from an ATM.