Do you think that the typist profession has gone into oblivion? No matter how! Today it is quite in demand, but it is called a little differently - a typesetter. The specialist works at a computer, mainly in a text editor. Another plus of such employment is the ability to work remotely in this way. You are sent a document, a scan of handwritten text, an audio or video file, and you are at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, typing it. Very convenient, especially as a side job. This makes the speci alty in demand on the labor market, which led to the emergence of unscrupulous employers, "divorce" announcements. In this material, we will introduce you to a company that is considered reliable in this field - we will provide information and reviews about Typing.rf.
About company
Company "Type-text.rf" provides services for the translation of various kinds of information into electronic text format:
- text printed on paper;
- another electronic text file that cannot be copied;
- handwriting;
- votes fromaudio recording, video file;
- complex mathematical formula;
- systematization of textual information into diagrams, tables, graphs;
- deciphering drawings.

Offices "Type-text.rf", reviews of which are waiting for you in this article, are located in the following cities of Russia:
- Moscow.
- Petersburg.
- Ryazan.
- Rostov-on-Don.
- Orenburg.
- Samara.
- Yekaterinburg.
- Penza.
- Sochi.
- Smolensk.
- Krasnodar.
- Arkhangelsk.
- Belgorod.
- Kazan.
The company has been providing its services for more than a year. On their official Internet resource, its creators claim that their staff consists of competent specialists with high printing speed, who can handle even the most complex, illegible case. "High quality in a short time" is what the website says.
The uniqueness of Typing.rf
Most reviews of "http:typing.rf" are positive. The company itself sees its uniqueness in the following:
- The most reasonable prices for typing on the market of similar services - from 25 rubles per page.
- Work without prepayment - only upon completion of the task.
- Discounts for large orders - from 1 to 5%.
- Fast work: 20-sheet (in "Word" format) document will be ready within one day! And a 100-sheet brochure will be typed in just 1 week.
- High qualitywork. According to the assurances on the official website, all typed texts are rechecked several times by employees.
- Individual approach to each client.

Services "typing.rf"
In addition to reviews of Typing.rf, many are interested in the range of services provided by the company other than text printing. It is wide enough:
- Printing out the file typed by the employee on the printer.
- Filling positions in the online store.
- Setting, translation of English, German, Ukrainian text.
- Photo restoration.
- Documentation brochure.
Vacancies at Typing.rf
Before we consider the feedback from employees about Typing.rf, we will learn about open vacancies in the company.
If you want to get a job as a typist in this company, you need to call one of the phones in Moscow or St. Petersburg or write a letter to the e-mail address "Set-text.rf". All information necessary for communication is presented in the "Vacancies" section of the company's official website. The recruiter will ask you to write a test essay to assess your literacy. As soon as you complete the task, it must be sent to the company's e-mail. Within a certain period, the test will be tested, and based on its results, you will be informed about the possibility of further cooperation.

About working conditions in the "Set-text.rf"
From the feedback from employees about Typing.rf, the first thing to take out is the fact that wages are not exorbitant here:
- One page (about 1800 characters) of printed text - 8 rubles.
- One page of handwritten text - 10 rubles.
- Transcription of audio recording, video recording - 5 rubles/minute.
- Set of formulas - 3 rubles.
- Transferring information to a table - 3 rubles.
- Drafting schemes - 100 rubles.
If the material is unreadable, the record is difficult to parse, the formulas, tables, schemes are complex, the payment, respectively, increases by as much as the person in charge of your activity determines.

In their reviews of Typing.rf, employees agree that such rates are real for a typesetter. You won’t be able to earn big money when choosing such employment: depending on your free time, printing speed, quality and complexity of the source material, about 6-15 thousand per month will come out.
Companies that offer much higher pay are dishonest. Money is either not sent, or insurance premiums are required, after payment of which the employer does not get in touch.
The truth about typing
Specified in the reviews of the "Type-of-text.rf" features of the work of a typesetter:
- Employment does not require any deep special knowledge. It is enough just to be able to work in a text editor like MS Word: formatinformation, be able to make tables, graphs, know how to type formulas. You can learn all this for a few free video tutorials that you will find in a large variety on the Internet.
- The ability to type quickly, without errors and typos is encouraged. Do you know the "blind" method of printing? Just great!

- Personal qualities that will come in handy here are attentiveness, patience and perseverance. You have to spend whole days recognizing and retyping a wide variety of information.
- To make handwriting easier, many typists use handwriting recognition programs like Abbyy Finereader. However, customers also know about the existence of such "magic wands", which is why they send sheets to Typing.rf that the program could not recognize.
- Be prepared that your assignment may be unreadable handwriting - illegible handwriting, pale ink, dirt on paper. If the information in the document is technical, scientific, overflowing with terms, then it will be very difficult to logically replace an incomprehensible section with something.
"Type-of-text.rf": feedback on the work
Both on the official site itself and on third-party resources, most customers respond positively about the work done: fast completion of complex, voluminous work, polite employees, high quality.
People who were employees of the company note timely wages, honesttariffs. But at the same time, we note that there are quite a lot of negative reviews from those who responded to the resume. People complain that their test essays are checked either very quickly (in half an hour, an hour), after which a refusal comes, or, conversely, for a very long time (weeks, months), although applicants are assured of the duration of the check for a period of 2-7 days. At the same time, the refusal is not commented on, they communicate with those who apply using auto messages.

Thus, Typing.rf is a really existing company where you can work as a typesetter, albeit not for a lot of money. However, as we found out, it is not so easy to get a job there - many applicants are sent unmotivated refusals or they completely ignore the submitted test task. Whether this is due to a large influx of applicants, a full set of staff, or a really "failed" test, it is difficult to judge from the outside.