Brandbook is Creating a brandbook. Brand book development

Brandbook is Creating a brandbook. Brand book development
Brandbook is Creating a brandbook. Brand book development

The importance of developing a unified corporate identity is increasingly understood by entrepreneurs. Recognition of the company by corporate symbols, colors, logo brings real profit. In order not to rely on chance, it is necessary to thoroughly work out all the elements of corporate identity, describe the brand promotion technique and clearly indicate when, where and how to present it. To do this, you need a brand book. This is a kind of instruction for the development and implementation of corporate style.


What is a brand book

In literal translation, the term "brand book" means a brand book. This guide, which reflects the main features of corporate identity. Usually beeches are published in the form of a printed catalogue. It contains information about the company itself, its mission, values and idea. Then, the booklet contains samples of logos, and they are served in several versions (in different scales, colors, black and white).

A brand book is a collection of elements of a company's recognizable style with clear descriptions of every detail (from a logo to a business card), indicating ways to promote and popularize the brand. As a rule, companies produce very detailed and colorful publications, some of which are examples of high art.


Brand book structure

Of course, there are no clear recommendations on the content of the corporate book. But still, when “writing” it, it is better to adhere to certain accepted rules.

So your book must have three (conditional) sections:

  • In the first section, place general information about the company itself, its values, and the idea it promotes. Here it is necessary to mention the circle of persons involved in the development of corporate style. Explain how certain elements of style will line up when working with consumers, partners and employees of the company.
  • The second part is devoted to the main provisions of building and applying the visual range of the brand. Corporate colors are prescribed, elements by which your company will be identified (recognized).
  • The third section provides information on the use of corporate identity elements on advertising media. You clearly define exactly how your corporate identity should be reflected in the commercial, on business cards, in outdoor advertising, on the Internet.


Certainly, creating a brand book is a creative process. And its structure in the end can be very different from the above. Sections can clearlynot be viewed, at first, inexperienced glance, the colorful edition will not have the information that you expect to see there.

But if you take a closer look at the proposed brand identity guide, you will see that it contains key points for creating a memorable company image.

Thus, a brand book is a set of forms, methods and tools for developing and promoting a brand. These are promotion guidelines. This is a description of a marketing strategy for linking a client (consumer) to a certain image. That is, all elements of the brand book are aimed at streamlining and systematizing the technique of applying corporate identity elements. When working with partners or clients, you will be sure that you will be recognized literally by one detail.


Of course, we should not forget about the quality content of the brand. Behind a beautiful facade there should be a solid and reliable building. Your product should be the standard of quality. Otherwise, all your efforts to visualize the brand will result in negative reactions to your symbolism, associating it with a bad product or service.

On the importance of the logo

Development of a brand book is unthinkable without creating a logo. The logo will have to tightly link all the elements of the corporate identity. In general terms, a logo is a special style of a company's name, often accompanied by some sort of symbol.

It is important to responsibly approach such a visual embodiment of your company. The logo reflects your personality, it's bad if itwill have something in common in appearance with the logo of another company. Do you want confusion? Yes, and litigation will not add joy. And they will be if another organization decides that you have used their branding.

When creating a logo, avoid any negative associations. It is better to build on the details that carry a positive charge. Or do the logo in a neutral way.


The abundance of nuances in the development of a logo will require remarkable knowledge and talents from you. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Corporate style elements

But the image of the company is not limited to the logo. Other elements should also be placed in your brand book. Corporate identity is your business cards, notepads, calendars, envelopes, stationery, letterheads.

Only then the development of a corporate image is considered complete, when your employees are recognized by the same business cards, made in the same style. When your partners and clients receive letters on letterhead, in envelopes adorned with a familiar logo. When your employees use branded stationery.

Branded folders, disks, flash drives, diaries and planners, even branded key rings - their descriptions must be in the brand guide. These little touches make up the image of your organization.

Development stages

Creating a brand book is not a matter of minutes. Only in the process of discussion, information and approval of various positions, a really clear, understandable set of rules for promotingcorporate image.


No need to rely on third-party experts when ordering a brand guide. You must do your own market research on the positioning of your company.

Highlight the main features that are specific to you. Endow your company with human traits: goodwill, responsiveness, reliability, cordiality. Consider how these traits will be reflected in your style elements.

Don't forget long term planning. Imagine how consumers will perceive your brand. And this will already depend on what mission you lay in it. Consumers, employees and partners should not just recognize you, but immediately recognize the principles that you follow and broadcast.

Who designs

If we talk about who exactly should create a brand book, then there are two ways.

You can gather under your wing a department that will deal with the creation and promotion of corporate identity. This department must have analysts, marketers, PR people, designers.


You can do it a little differently. Develop the analytical part yourself. But everything else is entrusted to professionals who ate a dog on the creation of brand guides. You only discuss, amend the brand book. The sample received at the exit, you once again carefully evaluate and, if the outcome is favorable, you approve.

Both options have their pros and cons. In the first case, you need to collectprofessionals, and not the fact that you will continue to need their services. In the second situation, you need to evaluate the quality of the services of third-party specialists. Remember that a good brand book will not be cheap.


A colorful album should not become another decorative element in an executive's office. A brand book is a working tool. It serves to ensure that you systematically implement its provisions in life.


When conducting an advertising campaign, when concluding long-term partnerships, use positions from your company book. Cooperation will be more effective if you provide your brand book (pdf format) for review.

It will be easier for partners to understand the basic principles that you have laid in your image. They will be aware of how to use your logo correctly, how to depict it in print media, electronic resources, and the Internet. You will not have any misunderstandings with the release of letterheads, business cards, flyers, booklets.