Beeline SIM card activation: command, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

Beeline SIM card activation: command, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks
Beeline SIM card activation: command, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

For many users of the telephone network, activating a Beeline SIM card is a rather complicated matter. There are several ways, but this article will describe one of them in detail. It should be noted right away that activating a Beeline SIM card on a tablet is almost the same as this process on a phone, but even so, several features and differences will be described. The whole process will take place in several stages. Let's start the first method!

Activation by USSD request

Activating a Beeline SIM card with a code is the easiest and most effective way. Moreover, it is also the most common.

In general, the USSD code is an interactive command that allows the user to start direct interaction with the operator of a particular network. There are a great many such codes, and each one is different.

So, let's proceed directly to activation.

First step

Take the plastic panel and separate the Beeline SIM card from it.

plastic panel
plastic panel

Do this as carefully as possible so as not to damage it. After you have done this, in no case should you throw away the plastic panel, as it contains a lot of important information that you will need more than once in the future. Here is the PIN code, some other unlock codes, a number of requests are listed that will be useful to you when using and activating the Beeline SIM card.

Second step

Insert SIM card and start your device. You will immediately be greeted by a window for entering a PIN code. You need to enter the one indicated on the same plastic panel. Be careful when entering this code, because if you enter it incorrectly the third time, then most likely your SIM card will be blocked without the possibility of self-unlocking.

PIN code problem
PIN code problem

It is worth knowing that the PIN code contains only four digits. If you see several codes of different lengths, then you need to choose the four-digit one. If you see multiple four-character codes, select the one with "PIN Code" written above.

Final step

Once your device is fully booted and connected to the cellular network, go to the dialing menu and enter 1011111.

USSD code
USSD code

This code will put your card in a state of full readiness for use. Be careful when entering these numbers, because having madewrong request, you will either get a completely different result that will not be useful to you, but on the contrary, it can be harmful or you will not get anything at all! If you nevertheless entered the wrong request, it is highly recommended that you contact the Beeline network office directly. There you will be provided with highly qualified assistance and will describe in detail the solution to your problem.

Activation on tablet

Activation of a Beeline SIM card on Android tablets may differ by only two factors, which will be described below.

  1. It is possible that the device will not read the card, but this happens very rarely. If this still happened, you need to contact any nearest Beeline office for help. And there they will either completely replace the SIM card, or adapt it to the tablet and activate it.
  2. It is possible that the USSD code that you used on your phone will not work. There are almost no such cases. And if you suddenly find yourself in such a situation, then the only right decision would also be to contact the Beeline office. The operator owns information about all new Beeline SIM card activation codes. Of course, you can try to set everything up yourself using the Internet, but you need to be clearly aware that the risk of blocking the SIM card is extremely high, as well as violation of some tablet functions.

Despite all this, you should not worry too much, because these factors have largely become relics of the past. Nowadays, phones are as close to tablets as possible. So all processes on datadevices have become absolutely identical, including the activation of the Beeline SIM card!

If it doesn't work

Got a question
Got a question

If you still failed to solve the problem of activating the Beeline SIM card on the phone, then there are several options for the development of events:

  1. Review the above instructions carefully again. It often happens that even the slightest deviation from these actions does not bring the best consequences. In the meantime, remember that absolutely every phone has its own characteristics, which can be both positive and negative, so the process may differ slightly. For example, the number of attempts to enter a PIN code can be more or less. If it differs from the instructions, you should be more careful. However, despite this, the guide to action indicated above is suitable for the majority of users.
  2. Check if you entered all the data correctly. This problem haunts a great many users. It would seem that everything is done according to the instructions, but nothing works! In this case, the human factor plays: most likely, you entered some data incorrectly. In particular, pay attention to the request you entered (USSD code). Often, it is precisely the fact that users enter it incorrectly that the whole clue lies.


Never be lazy to double-check the entered data and compare it with the instructions! It is not for nothing that they say the phrase: "Measure seven times, cut one."

In case of emergency

Ifeven after all these actions, the activation of the Beeline SIM card on the phone did not occur, then the only right decision for you will be to go to the office of this network. There you can talk with the operator and find out the answer to all your questions. Right on the spot you can also activate your SIM card.

Beeline office
Beeline office

When talking with the operator, you must follow some rules so that he can provide you with fairly quick and qualified assistance:

  • Be patient! In addition to you, the operator may have a great many more clients whose problems may be more serious than yours. In no case should you raise your voice at him and be rude to him. Remember that this will not lead to anything good, but it will be unpleasant for him to serve you!
  • Remember that the operator is not omnipotent! Of course, he has some data, information and skills that are not available to ordinary users, but not every problem can be solved. So to be offended by the operator, for the fact that the problem is not solved or was solved slowly, is not an option! Try to solve it in another way, for example, by replacing the SIM card. In large Beeline offices, operators themselves offer to replace it if they cannot activate it manually.
  • Describe your problem in as much detail as possible. Every detail is important and will play its part in fixing the problem. Even the seemingly smallest details can be the very key to solving it. Remember that the more detailed and complete you describe the situation that happened to you, the faster youhelp you deal with it. In any case, you will be given the true answer.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the activation of a Beeline SIM card is not such a complicated process. If you follow the above instructions one hundred percent, then you can be sure that you will not have any problems and difficulties.

SIM card "Beeline"
SIM card "Beeline"

If they still occur, then this article also described how to solve them. At the same time, it should be noted that even though going to the office is in the last paragraph, it is one of the most effective and working ways to solve absolutely any problems of users of this network.

Never neglect help and don't hesitate to ask for it. After all, often the problem is simply impossible to solve on your own!
