Payment gateway - a modern e-commerce tool

Payment gateway - a modern e-commerce tool
Payment gateway - a modern e-commerce tool

Modern life is hard enough to imagine without online stores. In fact, this way of trading is beginning to take a key position in the total volume of goods sold. At the same time, according to the majority of users of online stores, the main advantage of this method of trading is its mobility from the point of view of the seller and the availability of the store anytime and anywhere, from the point of view of the buyer. One of the key points of such trading is the payment gateway, which acts as an analogue of a bank terminal and allows you to make payments online.

payment gateway
payment gateway

Let's find out what it is and how the average online shopper can use it safely.

What is a payment gateway?

So, under the payment gateway, users and owners of online stores understand an application that provides a remote sale or purchase of goods. If you lookfrom a merchant's point of view, a payment gateway should be built into the site where the sales take place. Thus, the seller makes sure that this tool is integrated into his trading platform. Such integration of the payment gateway significantly increases the rating of a particular online store. From the point of view of the buyer, the payment gateway not only ensures payment for the selected product, but also protects the buyer's finances from various fraudsters.

What payment gateways are there?

If we talk about what the payment gateway system is, it should be noted that each payment system organizes its own payment gateway, which allows the buyer to pay for the goods without leaving home.

payment gateway system
payment gateway system

The most reliable gateways are PayPal and Webmoney payment systems. If we talk about the first, then this is an international system that works with most banks and supports payments by Visa or Master Card. It allows you to make purchases on various international auctions, such as Ebay. The Webmoney system and its payment gateway are intended for internal use.

Safe use of payment gateway

Currently, there are quite a lot of Internet scammers who are trying to get hold of other people's money. At the same time, they can create virtual online stores to deceive gullible customers. Therefore, before using the services of a particular online store, you should make sure that it is reliable. An indispensable service in this regard can be provided by users with theirreviews of any marketplace.