Most social media users are less enthusiastic about annoying ad blocks that constantly appear on the side of their favorite sites. Moreover, these blocks, as a rule, are focused on frequent requests from visitors, so they are constantly repeated. Of course, for advertisers, social networks are a real "gold mine", because it is from here that a greater number of potential buyers come, but still, lately, many users have been dreaming of learning how to remove ads on VK.
So what to do with blocks?

The social network "VKontakte" was opened in 2006 and quickly became popular among the Russian-speaking population. A few years ago, an advertisement appeared on VK, which immediately caused a certain amount of discontent among users. Many eventually put up with annoying banners that have already flooded the entire Internet. In this article, you will learn how to remove ads in VK. However, each methodis especially simple and light, which will help you enjoy a social network without interference in a few minutes.
Method number 1: change the interface language
Few of the new users of the social network know that there is an opportunity to change the language to any that suits you (or likes it). Even those who have already registered on VKontakte a long time ago prefer to leave Russian, which is the default. But if you want VK ads to no longer appear on the left side of the screen, you can experiment a little with the language settings. Recently, two new languages have appeared: Soviet and pre-revolutionary. Their use not only helps to relax a little and get a lot of positive emotions, but also to remove advertising in VK. It is not clear why, but so far, sponsored posts are not displayed in these languages.
Method number 2: installing programs and plug-ins

If reinstalling the language did not help, and you are still puzzled over how to remove ads in VK, then you should take a closer look at the various plug-ins and programs that various popular browsers offer us. But here you should be very careful not to make it worse. First, never trust untested programs that are advised by people, even if they are acquaintances. Second, install only official browser plugins.
Opera, Chrome and Firefox
The above browsers are by far the mostpopular, so here you will learn how to disable ads in VK using their plugins.
In "Opera" there are many different extensions, many of which are simply not needed by the average Internet user. Carefully review all those that are included with you. If you notice any suspicious ones, immediately turn off and restart your computer.

Didn't help? Install a special Adblock Plus plugin that will block all ads not only on the social network, but on all sites.
Chrome is 1 favorite browser in polls. By installing it, you automatically get all the necessary extensions, but if the ads are not disabled, you can go to the official Google Chrome website and look for a plug-in there to disable it. As a rule, even annoying pop-ups and banners can be completely removed with their help.
Mozilla Firefox also has a special extension called Adblock Plus that will get rid of blocks once and for all. After downloading it, don't forget to unzip and install it, and check if it's enabled. After installation, the computer must be restarted. Be sure to check if the plugin works by going to the VKontakte social network. In most cases, the ad unit disappears.
Firefox Exceptions
It often happens that by enabling the Adblock Plus plugin in Mozilla, you cannot remove pop-up windows from various Internet scammers. Agree that constantly appearing messages like "I earn 500,000rubles a year" are already pretty tired. These windows are inherently viral. Unfortunately, the usual installation of various plug-ins in this case does not help much. What to do?

First of all, be sure to check your system for any viruses. If special programs did not find anything suspicious, then you will have to abandon the services with which you can download images and video files from the VKontakte website. As a rule, pop-up windows and additional advertising appear precisely because of them. Nothing helped? Try contacting specialists who will help you reinstall the operating system. After that, be sure to install a proven antivirus.
Method number 3: antiviruses and VKontakte
If the problem of how to remove ads in VK still bothers you, then you can try to choose a program for yourself that would easily cope with any kind of viruses and ad blocks. Thus, you can, as they say, "kill two birds with one stone." First, you will protect your personal computer from malware. Secondly, using the professional paid versions will help you get additional applications whose task is to scan all sites and view all the information that is hosted on them.

For example, with the paid version of Avast you will receive not only antivirus, firewall and antispyware, but also a special blocker,which will block ad blocks. This is done by a special function called Advisor. By writing in a special line the path to the site you need (in this case it will be "VKontakte"), you can completely remove ads from it.
As you can see, today there are a lot of very diverse ways that help to almost completely remove annoying ad units not only on the pages of popular social networks (for example, VKontakte), but throughout the Internet. And this fact cannot but please all those users who no longer want to see ads on their page. After all, one of these methods will definitely suit you and will be a great opportunity to just have fun in VK and get only positive emotions from it.