Working with Android often brings problems to users. They face system crashes, software bugs, and virus malware. To keep your device safe, you need to constantly check and protect it.
Many do not understand why ads pop up on Android. They also do not know how to remove it, because they did not find out the reason for its appearance.
Problem and causes
So, you are faced with the fact that ads pop up on Android. You do not know how to remove it, but it becomes so intrusive that it is difficult to work with the device. But here it is worth considering that advertising is income for free programs, as well as for scammers.
To cope with the problem, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. There may be several:
- program earnings;
- viral software;
- firmware.
Finding out why ads pop up on Android, removing it is not difficult.

Why clean upadvertising?
It is believed that it harms the mobile device. If the computer copes with it quickly and the system may not even pay attention to it, then the smartphone suffers from banners and other viruses.
Advertising is inconvenient for several reasons:
- size;
- braking;
- traffic;
- viruses.
Of course, in some applications, the banner ad is small. Sometimes it's barely noticeable. But in order for the ads to be clearly visible, developers use large banners that sometimes cover the entire screen. Naturally, this interferes with the operation of the device.
As a rule, ads can "steal" RAM and overload the processor. That is why many programs cannot even be launched because there are not enough resources. The phone starts to slow down and lag.
Traffic is also an important issue. The fact is that advertising banners are often resource-intensive. Therefore, they download information from the Internet, and, accordingly, waste megabytes.
Some banner ads contain malicious scripts that can read personal data such as passwords, credit card information and phone numbers.

Earning programs
So, most of the time, ads can pop up because free programs are trying to make money on users. Of course, this does not apply to popular applications like Google, Twitter, Viber, etc.
Usually, advertising is embedded in games, vpn services, simulators, and so on. Sometimes there are small banners at the bottomscreen. They are almost invisible, so they do not interfere with the use of the device.
It also happens that huge intrusive ads pop up on Android. You can remove it after the countdown appears on the screen. It is enough to wait 5-10 seconds and click on the cross to close the banner.
It used to be that shareware apps had no ads at all. But now even in such programs there are banners. Sometimes they allow developers to earn extra money.

Virus programs
If ads constantly pop up on Android, you can remove them by checking the device for viruses.
Scammers use these banners to earn on users. They do everything to ensure that the smartphone owner either clicks on advertising notifications or constantly sees them.
But even if you are used to the fact that ads constantly appear, you need to understand that especially dangerous viruses also steal personal data. Therefore, it is urgent to rid the device of worms and Trojans.
The problem is often found in cheap Chinese smartphones. Manufacturers, in addition to the operating system itself, often install a shell. Sometimes it is of high quality and does not carry anything harmful. But sometimes it contains programs that can run ads.
At the same time, banners do not appear all the time, but only when certain applications are launched.
How to remove ads?
If an ad pops up on Android in full screen,you can remove it by searching for files that could bring such trouble.

In general, to get rid of banners, it is enough:
- delete the corresponding program;
- install antivirus application;
- check phone for malicious files;
- reflash phone;
- do a factory reset;
- install the necessary security apps.
Uninstall the corresponding program
So, if you understand that ads appear because of a certain application, then it is enough just to remove it. Of course, if this is your favorite game, this state of affairs will have to be tolerated, because the developers also need to eat. But if there is some program that you rarely use, then it is better to erase it from memory.
If we are talking about branded applications that were installed by the smartphone manufacturer, then most likely this option will not work, since usually they cannot be deleted.
Install antivirus program
Many people complain about ads popping up on their Android phone. You can remove it by installing an antivirus program.
There are many such applications for smartphones. And among them there are also very popular ones: Dr. Web, ESET, AVG, Kaspersky. Just choose the right one.

Of course, such programs do not always guarantee a deep analysis of the system and the search for all virus files. Sometimes they only find the ones that are onsurfaces. Viruses from the root directories can be cleaned either manually or by resetting the system to factory settings.
Check phone for malicious files
First you need to view all the programs that are installed on the phone. Perhaps the malware was accidentally installed, and it is enough to simply remove it.
Next, you need to check the "Administration" item in the settings. If there are third-party programs in the list, you need to uncheck them to prevent them from running in the background. Even if we are talking about viruses, then in this case it will be possible to prohibit them from starting automatically.
Sometimes the user finds a virus, removes it, and it is automatically installed again. This is due to the bootloader, which is located in the root directory of the system. To calculate it, you need to use an antivirus program. The program will indicate the path along which the bootloader is hidden. Also, many recommend looking at the Android / data / app folder. If third-party files are found, you need to clean it.
Reflash phone
Not everyone wants to use drastic solutions. When advertising pops up on Android, sometimes you can remove it only by replacing the firmware. Usually users want to save the data and configuration of the smartphone, but for some it does not matter. The main thing is to get rid of banners. So they decide to reflash the smartphone.

And here it is worth understanding that such a decision can lead to even more serious consequences than an obsessiveadvertising. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the flashing process itself is not easy. If an inexperienced user does this on his own, he can turn the device into a "brick", and then it will be difficult to do anything with it even for a professional.
Secondly, it is not easy to find firmware, especially for rare smartphones. Most often, custom systems are posted on the forums, and this is another risk. Thirdly, some firmware may have even more ads, so you should carefully study the information and read the reviews.
Do a factory reset
In order not to be smart with the firmware, you can resort to another cardinal solution - reset to factory settings. Many consider this method a panacea for all problems and not unreasonably. "Android" is a system that is prone to frequent crashes. She "picks up" virus files faster and cannot deal with them on her own.
So for many, the easiest solution is to reset. If an ad pops up on Android, you can remove the notification through the Hard Reset function.
You can do this through the settings. It is also recommended to create a backup copy that will save the configuration of the device. You can also turn off your smartphone, and then hold down the volume up or power button. This way you can go to a special menu.
Install security apps
Many don't understand why fight against the fact that ads began to pop up on Android. How to remove it, they are not even interested. In fact, the question is serious, since it noticeably slows downsystem.

If you've never encountered a similar problem, but are worried that it might happen, you can protect yourself with the appropriate programs.
Firstly, when buying a phone in a store, they offer to install the appropriate software that blocks ads in principle. And even in free applications, it may not appear at all.
Secondly, you can install Adguard - an ad blocker, or Mobiwol - a firewall. These are simple applications. You just need to enable them in the background to avoid the appearance of banners. The only problem is that they do not indicate the path to the ad files.
Third, you can download the same antivirus program. It will find not only adware, but also malware. Therefore, it will be even more useful than previous applications.