Teaser advertising - what is it? Secrets and examples of teaser advertising

Teaser advertising - what is it? Secrets and examples of teaser advertising
Teaser advertising - what is it? Secrets and examples of teaser advertising

Advertising is the engine of trade. The modern world is hard to imagine without it. So, any manufacturer, releasing a novelty, does not even dare to hope that it can become interesting on its own, without additional efforts.

And here all means are good: both presentations and commercials on TV. But since we live in a world dominated by the Internet, your product must appear there.

Teaser advertising has become a completely new trend in the product presentation industry. Its biggest surge came in 2013-2014. However, in order for advertising to work properly for you, it is worth understanding it. To do this, you need to know the possible options for its implementation, the secrets of skill, because advertising should not only shout: “Buy!”, It should interest, attract. That is why everything should be harmonious: both texts and pictures to them.

In this article we will try to answer the question: "Teaser advertising - what is it?". See explanations on the topic below.

1. Teaser advertisement. What is it?

Teaser advertisement. What it is?
Teaser advertisement. What it is?

To be brief, teaser ads are somewhat of a mystery. However, our topic requires more disclosure of such an unusual term. So, let's try to figure it out, teaser advertising - what is it?

Since the “teaser” is a derivative of this type of advertising, its structure is based on this element. Teaser advertising is built on intrigue, innuendo, mystery. A similar effect is created through the use of short phrases that tell about the object of advertising. There is also an option when teaser advertising does not contain a novelty at all. In such cases, the consumer becomes even more interested: “What is hidden there?”.

A good example of intrigue in a teaser is the MTS advertising company. White eggs on a red background - who could know what they were talking about.

In addition to rebranding, teaser advertising is presented in the form of ad units, all kinds of banners that add up to a single picture.

Teaser advertising examples
Teaser advertising examples

A very important element when creating a teaser ad is a photo or picture. After all, in addition to the intriguing text, the external factor is no less important for the consumer.

And here it is very important that the picture is unique. When choosing materials for a teaser, you can use author's photographs or pictures created using photo editors.

An indispensable assistant in this kind of activity is the canvas program.

2. Canvas Technology

Canvas teaser advertising is an opportunity to supplement content with multimedia without resorting to additional tags.

The Canvas teaser ad maker allows you to create contextual blanks, animations and just a banner. You can create 2D images using a scripting language (JavaScript). The program sets the default size to 300150, which can be changed. Canvas is used for drawing graphs in the article field, less often in the playing field browsers. Additionally, you can use it in your teaser video. Canvas teaser ads support.mp4,.ogg formats. All you need to do in order for the video to appear in your banner is to upload it.

The main plus is the lack of links to go to advertising. The program fixed this problem for you. Thus, you get the most secure banner, which will be available only to real people.

Canvas minimizes the number of accidental clicks through a special indicator. Additional protection is also built up due to traced elements - a set of dots, the so-called captcha.

Continuing the topic "Teaser advertising - what is it", no doubt, I would like to dwell on specific examples of its implementation.

3. Teaser advertisement. Examples

Speaking of "mystery ad", it is worth noting that its structure is based on the principles of pull advertising.

As an example, imagine that you are a manufacturer of he althy diet yogurt and your new product needs to be advertised. Commercials on TV are not affordable for you at this stage, banners do not give the desired effect, and tastings do not allow you to capture the right audience. There is an exit! You simply have toadvertise your product in a teaser.

Women's portal will be a good platform. All that is needed is to post the news on the site: "To effectively lose weight, eat …". For the best effect, complete the message with a picture suitable for the topic.

The result of placing a teaser ad will be the transition of the resource visitor to the link where, having read useful information about ways to lose weight with a mention of your dietary yogurt for a he althy diet, he will receive maximum useful information. Since the title of the topic is very relevant, you are provided with numerous clicks on your teaser ad. Thus, the goal has been achieved. The right audience is notified about the new product, and costs are minimized.

In order for the audience to be taken to the maximum, the news can be posted on several sites.

Not only products can be presented by teaser advertising. Examples of its use exist for delivery services for pizza, sushi, and more.

4. Best examples of teaser ads

Perhaps one of the best examples of such advertising is Nike and its world-famous laconic logo. Without further ado, he is already a household name in the world of sports. But at the dawn of the brand, no one knew what the “tick” hides under it.

The photo below is a completely unexpected advertising campaign from Nike in city parks.

Best Teaser Ad
Best Teaser Ad

The very first and quite successful example of a teaser advertisement was an advertisement for the coffee brand MJB Coffe. Then, back in 1906, the streets of San Francisco appearedmysterious posters with the inscription "Why?". However, it’s not entirely possible to call them teasers, since the company has previously used this phrase in its messages. The answer to the question "Why?" was like, "MJB makes the best coffee." Already then "Why?" became a direct association with MJB.

Secrets of teaser advertising
Secrets of teaser advertising

The best teaser advertising in Russia is an advertising campaign from MTS. The absolutely laconic logo of the updated MTS is a white egg on a red background. Seeing such posters around the city, everyone wondered, “What are they about?”. Just like that, simply and without a hint of a mobile connection.

5. Techniques for effective teaser advertising

To work effectively, you need to know the secrets of teaser advertising.

Here are five effective tricks:

  1. Parallel advertising of goods and services of your partners. This is based on the general promotion of goods in similar thematic groups within the same affiliate network. So, let's say, through one affiliate network, you can promote clothes, shoes, related accessories. Networks such as Recreativ.ru, Trafmag.com, Tovarro.ru and, to some extent, Marketgid.com are suitable for working with such a group. To promote products for body care, face, cosmetics, it is better to choose a well-known affiliate network for the female audience Ladycenter.ru.
  2. Availability of landing and Metrics. To begin with, let's define what a landing page is – it is, first of all, your main platform. It is with its help that you will be able to track all the traffic movements of your teaser advertising. Best of all, the performance of your platform will be shownstatistical data. To create statistical information, such an auxiliary program as "Metrika" is used. It exists both on the basis of the Google browser and Yandex. It is "Metrica" that makes it possible to imagine where exactly the main income comes from, where the largest number of clicks is collected. Metrica also helps to find out about the shortcomings of teaser advertising by showing it from the back. Using this program, you get the opportunity to increase the income from teaser advertising by 2-3 times.
  3. Quality descriptions for teasers. In addition to attractive and intriguing text, animated teaser images should also be included here. Pay special attention to the title. It should be bright, noticeable, but it must contain the essence of your advertisement and the advertised product in it. The brighter the title, the more likely it is to click.
  4. Define the target audience for your product. As soon as you clearly identify the audience for which your product is prepared, you can create the maximum conditions for attracting it. First of all, the essence of this secret of teaser advertising lies in the limited possibility of advertising within the Internet. To be effective, you need to clearly understand on which sites your teaser ad will be visible.
  5. The last secret is analysis. This is the most important condition for the effectiveness of any business, since the correct analysis of the company's test case will allow us to understand and imagine the future of advertising and the likelihood of its restart. It is these conclusions that will allow us to understand future earnings. Hereyou need to track everything: from the number of clicks to the profit from registration. Analyze the attractiveness of certain headlines.

6. Teaser advertisement. Creation steps

In fact, the practice of Western companies has shown that "mysterious" advertising can be used even at the stage of production start-up. That is, precisely when the audience has no idea what it is about. But it is more important not to guess, but to surprise, intrigue.

Often, it was the release of teaser advertising that was the first step for all advertising campaigns of new products. Companies of such products were deployed with all kinds of BTL projects.

If you need teaser advertising, how to do it? Here it is important to highlight two main stages of its creation:

  1. The appearance of the teaser. The essence of this step lies in creating the intrigue itself, which will lure the consumer.
  2. Issue of a revision. This stage implies a detailed acquaintance with the content of the teaser, i.e. it provides a story about the product and service that are subject to advertising.

Sometimes it is enough to organize advertising movements once, and then only to maintain your success.

An example of such instant teasers is Burma Shave shaving cream. The company's slogan read: "Girls pray / For men / To have faces / No stubble / Burma Shave." The company took place in 1925 in the USA.

Another example is the Starbucks coffee company, which has been doing just fine without advertising for a long time. And by the new year 2005 I decided to launch a teaser. The advertisement was placed by the New York Times. The essence of advertising was thatfrom page to page, the number of mugs of coffee (the company's trademark) grew until it formed the Starbucks corporate calendar for 2005.

Tirese advertising how to do
Tirese advertising how to do

When creating a teaser, it is important to remember that the written text should not contain errors, it must necessarily spur to action. As mentioned above, teaser ads should promise to solve the problem with their content. So, the transition from the title of interest should immediately lead to the text with the answer to the exciting question.

Don't pay much attention to highlighting text with signs. It only takes a few highlights to grab an audience. The teaser should be simply noticeable, designed for a specific audience, then the result will be what you need.

So, we hope you understand the essence of teaser advertising (what it is).

If you want a positive result from your campaign, then you should remember the main secrets of its creation. Do not forget about the simplicity of slogans, mystery, intrigue. Choose high-quality, unique pictures. Remember that your teaser ad should be such that you yourself react to it.

Advertising doesn't have to be boring. It must be a real work that will find its audience. Make high-quality advertising - and the result will not keep you waiting.
