Analysis of advertising: types, examples, methods, purpose and results

Analysis of advertising: types, examples, methods, purpose and results
Analysis of advertising: types, examples, methods, purpose and results

It's 2018, and on the Internet there are still the same number of uninformative, outwardly unattractive and insufficiently understandable sites for a simple user. But that would be half the trouble. Sometimes entrepreneurs, when promoting their company, simply create a website and are not interested in whether it benefits anyone.

The Internet is indeed a leader in the speed of information transfer, including advertising messages. However, does your company really need advertising on the Internet, or can you get by with simple flyers?

It's not enough just to figure out which communication tool is right for you. It is worth thinking about developing the awareness of your target audience. It is important to constantly work on increasing interest in your company, which will lead to the main goal - to increase sales. The key activity for you is advertising analysis and media planning.

Advertising target groups
Advertising target groups

Media planning - what is it?

It is the development of an effective marketing strategy that will give an understanding of what type of advertising on the Internet is right for your company, its goals and audience. In order to fixeffective workflow, it is worth analyzing the potential audience, choosing the type of advertising based on it, planning the process of its demonstration and developing a detailed strategy to achieve your goals. This process is called media planning (analysis of advertising and its impact on the audience).

Media planning and performance analysis
Media planning and performance analysis

Organization of an advertising campaign

First of all, you need to get acquainted with the basics of organizing an advertising campaign. Analysis of contextual advertising of competitors is the best assistant in this matter, because it will give answers to many questions and reveal pitfalls that you may encounter in your project. In the absence of experience in organizing such campaigns, it is worth contacting a specialized agency that will carry out the necessary budget calculations and develop a strategy to reduce all kinds of risks.

Working on the plan

If you are confident in your abilities, pay attention to the main aspects of an effective media plan:

  1. Determination of the target audience. To begin with, clearly formulate an idea of \u200b\u200bto whom you will sell a product or service. Based on the analysis of contextual advertising of other sites, you can calculate the necessary actions to create an effective message to potential customers.
  2. The choice of the type of advertising, the channel for its distribution, the timing and cost of the advertising campaign is of undoubted importance. In addition, based on the analysis of the advertising market, the potential effectiveness of advertising is calculated.
  3. Budget calculation. The cost of advertising typesdiffers. The strategy is developed on the basis of many factors, the key of which is not only the final result, but also the material possibilities of the advertising campaign.
  4. Setting goals. An important step is to determine the desired advertising results. Depending on the chosen goal, certain tools are used, which are most often mixed in the modern advertising market. This is considered the most effective means to achieve certain goals. The goals of advertising analysis and all media planning can be to attract attention to a promotion or a company as a whole, increase website traffic, bring a new product to the market, and much more. The ultimate goal is the same - to promote your product or service to increase sales.

Features of online advertising

Types of advertising
Types of advertising

Modern Internet advertising is particularly popular and relatively affordable. It is resorted to, among other things, due to the high speed of transmission of advertising messages to the target audience and feedback. In the advertising market, this type occupies a stable place and is characterized by sustainable development. Its features make it possible to achieve an instant response of potential consumers along with a narrow target orientation (exactly to the target group). Due to the ability to quickly respond to messages for the target audience, online advertising is distinguished by the ability to adjust the development strategy, and also makes it very easy to analyze contextual advertising.

Select ad type

To choose the type of advertising asthe tool of a future advertising campaign should be approached with all seriousness, because the future efficiency of the company and its profit will depend on the channel for transmitting the message to the target groups. Company promotion methods are also related to financial capabilities. Based on these two factors, the advertising budget is formed. When forming it, you should rely on approximate recommended shares: the share of the budget for promotional activities for industrial goods should be no more than 15% and 35% for other types of goods.

In order to better prepare for a future advertising campaign, you can use data and effective tools from previous campaigns, as well as statistics and advertising market research results. Despite the fact that for the effectiveness of the promotion, several factors are necessary that will lead to success, the design of the message to the target audience plays an important role. What does an effective advertising message look like?

Signs of an effective message


A great helper in creating an advertising message will be the analysis of competitors' advertising, which will allow, based on the image formed and the success of a particular company, to determine the right method for creating contextual advertising. Howeverdo not forget about the uniqueness of your message.

An effective advertising message is distinguished by the fact that it attracts attention. Among the components that distinguish an effective advertising text, it is worth highlighting the following features: the intensity and readability of the text, the originality and brightness of the text, the dynamism and frequent periodic broadcasting of the text.

Impact of online advertising
Impact of online advertising

Analysis of advertising message

An important factor in the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is a well-formed advertising message. It should match the image under which your company positions itself, as well as the characteristics of your target audience. Just as before the introduction of advertising on the market it is worth assessing the possible risks and characteristics of the impact of your message on the audience, also after the completion of the campaign, it is important to evaluate its real effectiveness. How to conduct such an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising?

  • Analyze communications (estimate the number of established contacts).
  • Calculate economic efficiency (calculate the company's profit).
  • Evaluate quality characteristics - identify the correspondence of the characteristics of the target audience to the product, company image and other characteristics.

Economic analysis

There are five basic rules used by industry experts to evaluate the economic part. They are very simple, but require special treatment:

  • Cost efficiency. Do not forget that all advertising costs must be profitable. She iscalculated using a special ROI formula. ROI=(Revenue (before)Profitability - Revenue (after)Profitability) / Advertising expenses. Here, revenue (before) is sales before the introduction of advertising. Revenue (after) - sales after the introduction of advertising support. Profitability - the percentage of profit from a unit of goods sold. It is calculated as "Profitability=(Price of goods - cost of goods) / price of goods". Advertising expenses - the budget allocated and spent on product promotion.
  • The rule of accuracy and sequence of measurements; Here it is important to determine the criteria by which you will evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising (growth in sales or increase in hits for a product through an advertising message, etc.).
  • Conversion rule. Monitor the efficiency of the information transmission channel, that is, an advertising message should increase the number of calls, and calls should be converted into sales. If this does not occur or insufficiently occurs, the message transmission channel is inefficient;
  • best-worst principle; Any effective example of advertising analysis is based on this principle. Study both negative and positive results to select better data channels and better forms of advertising messages in the future.
  • The rule of honest analysis of advertising. Never sugarcoat the results of your work for your superiors. Being honest in this part of the evaluation means being more successful with each new project.
Economic efficiency analysis
Economic efficiency analysis

Expensive doesn't mean best

Anyadvertising costs should pay off, that is, bring growth or (at least) maintain profit while increasing sales. Advertising campaigns that result in a negative financial result are not effective. Calculate the net financial result each time as the first step, i.e. look at the profit minus advertising costs and compare it with the period without advertising.

Interestingly, the analysis of advertising use showed the following statistics: 80% of prestigious advertising does not have the effect of increasing profits. Why do companies pay these costs? Their main priority is that they prevent the losses they will incur due to the loss of image, moreover, maintaining market status and competitiveness.

On communication effectiveness

Communicative effectiveness is also an implicit indicator that is difficult to track by observation. To measure this type of advertising impact, special testing or surveys are used, most often conducted in two stages: initial or pre-testing (conducted before the introduction of an advertising campaign) and subsequent or post-testing (conducted after an advertising campaign). Sometimes an intermediate control stage is added - current testing, which helps to correct the inaccuracies and mistakes made in the course of work, right during the advertising campaign.

Contextual advertising analysis
Contextual advertising analysis

Pre-testing ensures less chance of making mistakes when developing an advertising campaign. Such testing is especially important for high-value stocks,where the profitability and reliability of each event is important. The first stage of testing communicative effectiveness makes it possible to verify the following indicators:

  • In choosing the target audience and niche in the market.
  • In the correct choice of the form and content of the advertising message in relation to the formed audience.
  • In the adequacy of the choice of channels for the transmission of advertising messages and tools for disseminating information.

The final and intermediate stages of testing are carried out with the main goal of assessing the quality of assimilation of information from an advertising message, as well as to analyze the response of consumers to advertising and even feedback. The results of the final two stages of such testing provide answers to questions about the recognition, memorability, persuasiveness of advertising and its impact on consumer behavior.

About outdoor advertising

For comparison, look at more traditional outdoor advertising (on banners, vehicles and buildings). In the modern advertising market, this type of message for a potential consumer is considered the most effective for increasing sales, it has a high level of efficiency and increased consumer interest. However, it is outdoor advertising that is most difficult to analyze its effectiveness.

Example of outdoor advertising
Example of outdoor advertising

If the effectiveness of online advertising in the form of various advertising messages can be investigated and tracked online, then the analysis of outdoor advertising can be carried out, for example, in the format of a survey of the target audience outsideoutlets, with the use of additional funds for research.

Most often, the effectiveness is evaluated close to advertising structures in the form of surveys, which measure the awareness of the audience in general and target groups in particular by certain parameters:

  • tracks the total reach of the audience that had actual exposure to outdoor posts, i.e. how many people saw the ad;
  • explored the coverage of the audience who understood the information (remembering the name of the product or company);
  • measured by the size of the audience that really remembered the whole message, with the brand and product name.
