Slogan for advertising: the best and worst examples. How to come up with a good advertising slogan?

Slogan for advertising: the best and worst examples. How to come up with a good advertising slogan?
Slogan for advertising: the best and worst examples. How to come up with a good advertising slogan?

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade. One of the most important factors in promoting a product or product to the market is the slogan for advertising. It should attract the attention of the consumer and encourage him to make a purchase.

advertising slogans examples
advertising slogans examples

What is this

An advertising slogan is a short slogan of a company or product that conveys the main idea of the entire advertising campaign. The word "slogan" itself means "slogan", "call" or "slogan" in translation from English. This short phrase carries a huge meaning - with the help of it, the manufacturer expresses the main idea or purpose of all his advertising. The function of the slogan is also to increase brand awareness, its image and prevalence among consumers.

Problems of creating a slogan

As can be seen from practice, many manufacturers and sellers of goods face problems when creating their own recognizable motto. It often happens that an advertising call simply does not work, is not remembered by buyers and, therefore, does not make sense. In this regard, not all companies undertake to create a slogan, and in this caseadvertising of a particular product or company is presented differently each time. Meanwhile, a properly developed slogan means quite a lot - it allows you to make the product easily recognizable, memorable, supports the image of the company and the brand that it represents.

Slogan for advertising: how to create

Experts in the field of advertising and PR say that there are several rules to follow when creating slogans. First of all, this phrase should be memorable. That is, an associative array is created when the buyer, hearing a specific set of words, imagines a brand or product in whose advertising this phrase is involved. In addition, the motto of the company should be easy to pronounce - do not clutter it up with long phrases and words that are difficult to understand. Ideally, the slogan consists of 2-4 words (sometimes 6 can be used). This is convenient not so much for attracting attention as for perception and memorization.

advertising slogan
advertising slogan

If the motto is too long, no one will read it to the end in printed form. The use of rhyme has an extremely favorable effect on perception - a rhymed text will firmly plant itself in the head of the buyer, especially if you use it constantly and many times. Figurative phrases and turns of speech involve the imagination of people, and this is very beneficial for the manufacturer. For example, in an advertisement for one of the dental clinics, a guarantee of 10,000 candies was indicated. A kind of mountain and a lot of candy wrappers immediately appear in the imagination - such an image is easy to remember. Naturally, the more fully the created phrase correspondsall these requirements, the more success can be expected from her.

Which words to avoid

Another of the main conditions that the slogan for advertising must meet is originality. This is very important, because there are a number of words that are already so beaten and used that they simply do not affect buyers in any way. These include several nouns: idea, choice, sight, taste, sensation, harmony, dream, decision, quality, color, aroma, delight, secret, bliss. Adjectives that are also no longer effective are exclusive, correct, true, valid, unique, unique, special, impeccable, worthy, prestigious, faithful, genuine, real, unique, tested, perfect. They are so often used in advertising that they are no longer perceived by buyers as words with meaning, but simply look like a set of letters. If some of them are still used, then it is better to dilute them with original additions or unexpected meaning so that the slogan is not too banal.

advertising slogan is
advertising slogan is

Meaning of the slogan

When creating a slogan for advertising, authors can use several approaches to its meaning. For example, you can specify the functional subtleties and features of the product, declare it the best of its kind. You can emphasize the benefits for the consumer - what exactly he will receive when buying products. You can position your product as the most appropriate for a particular social, demographic or age group - using targetingher slogans for advertising. Examples: "Gilette - there is no better for a man", "The new generation chooses Pepsi", etc. It is good if one of the main activities of the company is indicated in the advertisement - "We connect people" for cellular communications, for example. An excellent result is given by a mention of the merits of the company or its high status - "20 years on the market", for example, or "We make sports accessible" by "Sportmaster". Some manufacturers create a certain feeling of closeness to their buyer, assuring that "You deserve it" or "Everyone is delighted with you." Be sure to take into account: the slogans of advertising companies in no case should have a dismissive or condescending tone, you can not use denial - as this will subconsciously cause rejection. The best option is to use only positive and life-affirming phrases that each buyer wants to attribute to himself.

advertising campaign slogans
advertising campaign slogans

Special techniques that effectively affect the consumer

In the advertising field, it is customary to subtly influence the perception of the buyer with the help of special techniques - these include a play on words. For example, when the so-called alliteration is used - all the words in the phrase consist of similar letters or each word begins with one letter - "Your pussy would buy Whiskas", "Clean - pure Tide", "Wella - you are great". purposes, the technique of repeating positive words is used: "A solid bank for solidpeople", "A fresh look at fresh fruit". At the same time, you should definitely consider where exactly the advertisement will be used - in print media, the main burden is given to the text, here the importance and meaning of each word or phrase can hardly be overestimated. In videos, you can perfectly complement the appeal with visual near and bright pictures. Radio advertising allows you to use intonation and voice - "RedBull inspiring".

Using a neutral motto

best advertising slogans
best advertising slogans

All advertising slogans can be conditionally divided into those that talk about a particular product or activity, and those that simply represent some kind of positive call or thought: "You are always ahead of the competition", "Think positive", "We make your business flourish." Such phrases, on the one hand, are convenient from the point of view of re-profiling the company - they can be used in any activity, even if the company suddenly starts producing something else besides the main product, and on the other hand, they do not indicate anything and can be used by any other company. In addition, it is perceived as a set of words - such a slogan does not say anything specific about a product or service, which means that the client may simply not pay attention to it.

Best advertising slogans

Creating an advertisement is a creative process, and here a lot depends not only on the fulfillment of the rules, but also on the talent of the creator. For example, many of the most famous advertising slogans "gone to the people" - this is a great success forcompany and its product. Repeated repetition of the phrase by people at times increases the popularity of the brand. The best advertising slogans are remembered for many years, even when the product is no longer on the market. These phrases can serve as examples: "Peace, friendship, chewing gum - the Rotfront company", "Yandex - there is everything", "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk - Stimorol", "Russia is a generous soul", "Tanks are not afraid of dirt - KAMAZ "," Take a break - eat Twix ". A successful play on words is used in advertising for Volnoy - Volvo", "I have an idea - there is IKEA". In beer advertising, successful examples of slogans are - "Who goes for Klinsky?", "Ovip Lokos", "Time flies with the Fat Man" - all these phrases are well-established in modern language and are often mentioned without reference to the brand.

bad advertising slogans
bad advertising slogans

Western companies usually form a new slogan for each country into which a product is imported, and on the Russian market, many products are also recognizable thanks to the slogan: "Rexona - never let you down", "Take care of yourself. Garnier", "Rondo “Fresh breath makes understanding easier.” All these advertising slogans and slogans are on everyone's lips. Thanks to the frequent repetition in the media, these ads really work and motivate consumers to choose these particular products.

Mistakes in advertising

Unsuccessful advertising slogans, unfortunately, are quite common. For example, the slogan "If you eat dumplings, you will live forever" makes you Lenin" or "We will shoe the whole country!" from a shoe factory. Such calls sound rather strange, not every buyer will run to buy goods after such an advertisement. Sometimes errors are caused by incorrect translation - for example, Pepsi launched a video on the Chinese market in which the call "Cheer up with Pepsi" was translated as "Pepsi will raise you from the grave of your ancestors", and one of the American beer companies called for "Make yourself free", which, when translated into Spanish, became "Suffer from diarrhea". Needless to say, products were not successful. There are oddities in which the manufacturer is forced to rename the product in order to sell it in the territory of any country - for example, the Visit condoms were renamed Vizit in Russia to avoid association with "hanging". Another example is the company When promoting the Gerber brand, Nestle did not take into account the fact that in African countries it is customary to draw only the products themselves on the packaging of products, and not people, since many in the country h They do not know how to read and are guided only by the pictures on the package. The company's merchandise featuring children and happy mothers was not in demand until the company changed its design.


Slogans in advertising began to be used a very long time ago. In the Soviet Union, many enterprises used this method of increasing demand. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky was involved in the creation of legendary appeals - he wrote the mottos "Nowhere but in Mosselprom", "Comrade people!Be cultured! Don't spit on the floor, but spit in the urns!", "There were no better nipples and there are none, ready to suck until old age…".

slogan for advertising
slogan for advertising

Interesting facts

In Western countries, slogans are used not only to attract buyers, but also parishioners to the church. For example, the phrases "Shock mom. Go to church", "We guarantee salvation! Otherwise we will return your sins" are widely popular.

In some cases, the slogan for advertising is left without translation in order to preserve the originality of the company and emphasize the main idea. Most often, this is allowed with very short phrases, the meaning of which can be guessed even without translation - for example, Volkswagen. Das Auto or Nike. Just do it.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the creation of a slogan is real creativity and a whole science, which should not be forgotten by everyone who wants to promote their product or product to the market and sell it profitably more than once.
