Flagships and budget smartphones have long replaced tablets and cameras for people. Mobile phones perform a huge number of tasks and cope with all everyday problems.
Going on vacation, many do not even take a laptop or camera with them, because all this fits into a phone that is no longer compact, but still small. But some still try to avoid taking photos with their phones because they think the quality of the pictures leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, you need to figure out how to set up the camera on your phone.
Market situation
Earlier, the phone's camera was considered rather mediocre, so users rarely used it. Only in extreme cases in order to capture some moments of your life. But the pictures went out of hand badly.

With the development of the photo industry and the new capabilities of smartphones, it turned out that flagships can more than replace SLR cameras and conventional"soap dishes". But with budget smartphones, the situation is somewhat different.
Most Chinese models have powerful camera modules, but not all can produce high-quality pictures. But the point here is not in the modifications of the manufacturer. The problem rather lies in the fact that many do not understand how to set up the camera on the phone. If "trousers interfere with a bad dancer", then an inexperienced photographer with a professional camera will not be able to cope.
Buying a brand new smartphone, most users pay attention to the appearance of the device and "talking" parameters. What is meant? Stores, when creating advertisements for some phone models, often create a certain image of the device.
For example, a smartphone can become a camera phone despite its mediocre camera performance. Also, advertising praises the presence of 3 GB of RAM in the device, while this parameter is considered not an advantage, but a necessity.
As a result, a budget phone can be so praised that after the purchase, the user will be disappointed, not getting the proper result from the pictures or the performance of the model.
Smartphone choice
In order to figure out how to set up the camera on your phone, you need to evaluate the real capabilities of the device. More recently, models with a 5 megapixel main camera were considered popular. It seemed that the phone takes beautiful and high-quality pictures.

But technology is moving forward. Now a budget smartphone for 200-250 dollars, which is about 14-17 thousand rubles, offers a 13-megapixel camera. Althoughthe catch is now different: flagships for $1,000 (69,000 rubles) can also have similar camera module performance. This suggests that these very megapixels, which are vehemently touted in stores and advertisements, are not so important.
The fact is that it is best to pay attention to other characteristics of the lens. For example, on aperture indicators. The smaller this value, the better the image quality will be even in the evening. It is also important to have a variety of "chips" that help improve the picture: stabilization, noise reduction, autofocus, extended color range, etc.
The more of these technologies the camera module has, the less you have to figure out how to set up the camera on your phone.
Preparing for a photo
But first you should understand that not only the camera setting plays a huge role, but also the preparation for the photo. It is important to make a little preparation.
First, it is better to wipe the lens of the lens. This part of the camera can often suffer from fogging or contamination. Therefore, it is better to immediately wipe the module with a special cloth so that there is no blur in the picture.

Next, you need to figure out the right angle. Not everyone understands that the composition and other “tricks” of photographers often affect the quality of the picture. Remember that it is undesirable to shoot against the sun. It is better to remove all unnecessary items that could ruin the frame.
Despite Instagram's fashion to take selfies everywhere, most of the beautiful accounts of this resourceconducted with the help of professional cameras. This once again proves that the front camera can only be used in the case of group photos and some spontaneous moments.
Otherwise, it is better to take pictures on the main module. To do this, of course, you will have to ask others for help or get a tripod.
Using the digital zoom is not recommended. It is rarely used in professional photography, although there the quality of the equipment allows it. But the smartphone is very bad at approaching. It loses stabilization, autofocus, which makes the picture blurry and grainy.
Basic settings
How to set up the camera on an Android phone? It should be noted right away that the full range of settings is available both in the system application "Camera" and third-party applications that can be installed from Google Play.

The main settings are behind the gear icon. Here you can adjust the size of the image and video, the frequency of shooting, image quality, adjust the grid, level, set the date or location. You can also choose where to store photos, adjust sound and gesture control.
If you look at your smartphone, some options may not be found. It all depends on the model. But exactly all of the above options are available in this submenu.
Manual settings
How to set up the camera on your phone? Of course, it all depends on individual needs. But most users recommend using manual settings.
BDepending on the version of the operating system, certain shooting modes and options will be available to you. Among the modes you can find "Manual".
A line appears at the bottom of the screen where you can adjust a number of parameters. For example, here you can adjust the ISO. This parameter is responsible for the light sensitivity. It has several indicators, as well as an automatic mode of operation. It is best to adjust the parameter in case of poor lighting conditions, in other situations it is suitable for automatic adjustment.

You can also choose the shutter speed here. This setting delays the opening of the aperture for the specified time. The longer this happens, the more light will fall on the matrix. Lighting needs to be monitored. Exposure is usually done during night or evening shooting.
Display exposure with plus and minus icon. The parameter helps to adjust the lightness or darkness of the frame. White balance allows you to adjust the cool or warm tone of the picture. Here you can adjust the saturation, contrast of the picture.
Some people think HDR is the best way to go about getting a good camera setup on your phone. On the one hand, this function can really take a beautiful picture, but on the other hand, it is not always applicable. HDR creates multiple shots with different exposures, and then combines everything into one photo that is devoid of dark or overexposed areas. The function is best suited for landscape photography.
Camera Modes
How to set up a camera in a Samsung phone? As in any othera model that runs on Android is easy to do. You just need to understand the above parameters and experiment.
You can also try using photo modes. One of the most popular is now considered "Make-up" or "Beauty-shooting". It's a mode that smoothes skin, enlarges eyes, applies makeup, and does everything to enhance a portrait shot. Many people call this feature "mobile photoshop".
There is also an option to use panorama for landscapes. The mode takes multiple shots by merging them into one wide frame. The slow motion speaks for itself. It is possible to create a Gif-animation or blur the background.

Setting up your smartphone camera
How to set up the camera on a ZTE phone? As mentioned earlier, in general, the setting on different models is practically the same. But the difference can be noticed if a camera phone fell into your hands. Usually in such models, in which the emphasis is on the camera module, the menu is extended, and a huge number of technologies allow you to create colorful pictures.
But the above parameters are also saved, which means they can be configured. The main thing is to understand the purpose of each, and then experiment to understand the principle of creating a photo on a smartphone.