Probably, every person at least once in his life dropped the phone into the water. In most cases, such an incident ends badly. You have to go to the store for a new device. But is everything as bad as it might seem at first glance? Professionals give practical advice that will help rehabilitate the device.
Tip 1
What should I do if I wet my touch phone? Disable it first. The less time he spends in the water, the more likely he is to work further. Do not turn on a wet phone - a short circuit may occur.
Tip 2
As soon as the phone is taken out of the water, it is advisable to disconnect all removable parts if possible. We are talking about the battery, port caps, slots (in smartphones), etc. If the case is easily disassembled, then you can remove it. This will prevent moisture from building up on the internal circuits.

Tip 3
Noforget about SIM and memory cards. Before putting the device to dry, they must be removed. It is important to wipe all parts with napkins or a soft cloth. Lay them out on a paper towel in a well-ventilated area.
Tip 4
What to do if you wet the speaker on your phone? Some users advise to dry it with a vacuum cleaner. It takes about 20 minutes to purge the part. This will help remove any remaining water if it has already seeped in. However, you must be prepared for the fact that the speaker will have to be replaced with a new one. Most often, after getting wet, he begins to hiss and wheeze.

Tip 5
In no case should you use a hair dryer to dry your gadget. Even cold air can be harmful. It will simply push the water drops deeper, so they can easily penetrate the microcircuit. And this will lead to failure of electronic parts. After that, the phone cannot be rehabilitated.
Tip 6
The he alth benefits of rice should not be underestimated. It is not only a nutritious product, but also a moisture-absorbing one. Wondering what to do if your phone gets wet? It is necessary to prepare a container of such dimensions that the apparatus can fit there. Pour rice into it. Immerse the device for at least 2-3 days. There is no need to hurry. Rice absorbs moisture slowly but effectively. The only thing to do is turn it over periodically.
If there is no rice or simply do not believe in its properties, then you can use silica gel. This absorbent material is placed inshoes to absorb moisture. This gel works better than rice. You will need to turn the phone over every hour, checking if water droplets have accumulated on its surface. If they are, then you will have to wipe the case again with a paper towel. After this procedure, the phone is re-immersed in silica gel.

Tip 7
What to do if your phone gets wet? First of all, follow the above instructions. After that, you can put the device on the windowsill, where the rays of the sun penetrate. This is necessary in order to dry deep holes. However, it is important to ensure that the phone does not overheat too much. It may damage some parts.
Tip 8
When disassembled, the phone should dry for at least a day. After that, you need to carefully inspect it, especially connectors, compartments and other recesses. After making sure that there is no moisture, you can install the battery in place and turn on the device. In this case, it is advisable to listen for extraneous sounds inside the case, such as crackling or hissing. This indicates that some parts are not functioning properly.

Tip 9
Wet your phone? Doesn't turn on? What to do? All the methods described above have already been tried, but it does not help? The main thing is not to lose your temper. The most common cause is a dead battery. Before connecting to the network, you should make sure that the phone is completely dry. It must be turned on again no sooner thanafter 5-10 minutes. If the device does not show signs of life, then only to the service center.
So, what to do if the phone gets wet has already been told. Now, in conclusion, a few recommendations:
- It is advisable to purchase a special "rescue" kit for devices that have got moisture inside.
- If the phone is "dipped" in s alt water, then be sure to wipe the contacts, for example, with alcohol. You can use clean fresh water for these purposes.
- In no case should the phone be connected to the charger after getting wet.
- The battery should not be exposed to prolonged heat.
- Undesirable without skills to disassemble the device. You ask what to do if the phone gets wet? Leave it to the professionals.